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"Hello," Rose said, pulling down the hood of her cloak as she admired the curly-haired boy who stood in front of her

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"Hello," Rose said, pulling down the hood of her cloak as she admired the curly-haired boy who stood in front of her. The young queen needing to see the young boy who had been plaguing her dreams.

Her voice had taken the boy of guard as he stopped melding a piece of metal. "Your majesty,"

"Please...call me Rose," She pleaded, the title feeling like a wound when it left his lips.

He refrained eye contacted, "I don't know if that would be appropriate,"

"Well—I am a queen, so...I demand you to call me Rose," A small smile made its way to her lips as she attempted a joke, but Francis' face remained still.

"May I ask what you're doing here? Rose," The blonde finally met the Scottish girl's eye. His expressions softened as he couldn't help but lose himself in her eyes.

"It didn't feel right—leaving our last conversation how we did. I also wanted to apologize for not telling you who I was, you were just the only person who treated me like a normal person,"

"It's quite alright,"

The two stood in silence, neither of the two knowing how to continue the conversation, yet it was the only thing they both wanted most.

"No Stirling, I see," Francis continued.

Rose shook her head out of her trance, "Oh, yes. Afraid not," She chuckled. "I couldn't have him running off again, plus he isn't the best escape artist,"

"Now Rose, don't go and tell me that you have snuck out of your own palace just to see a peasant like me," He chuckled.

"It's not my palace," Rose's face dropped.

"Not yet," The blonde's features saddened from his own words.

"Everyone has been so kind since I've arrived here. But I don't think I will ever see this place as my home. The only reason I'm truly here is because—"

"Because of what?"

"Because it's what my parents wished for me,"

Francis turned his body to face Rose, placing a hand over her own in a comforting manner. "I'm so sorry Rose. I couldn't imagine being in your position...losing your parents,"

"Are you close with your family?" She asked.

"As close as you can get," He smiled. "My father died when I was young, so it's just my mother, my little sister and I,"

"You must miss him,"

"Everyday. But I know he would be proud of me, of the person I've become,"

Rose smiled up at the boy as her eyes softened, "I like talking to you Francis,"

"I like talking to you too," He cracked a smile of his own.

Rose couldn't help the feeling that she got when she was around the blacksmith. It was something she had never felt towards anyone. But any time she was even able to catch a glimpse of him, her heart started to swell as she craved the urge to be around him. All of a sudden a tickle made its way up Rose's throat while a small fit of crough's escaped her lips.

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