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Rose inhaled deeply as she felt the air flood her lungs as she walked besides Arthur, his father and the knights of Camelot

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Rose inhaled deeply as she felt the air flood her lungs as she walked besides Arthur, his father and the knights of Camelot. A group of fiery red getting ready to merge with the royal blue of Mercia. The two kingdoms had never gotten along, but after years of rivalry the two were finally able to make amends. The brunette now being the queen, she was forced to join the group out of allegiance as well. Since Scotland was a friend of Camelot they were a victim of the two kingdom's feud.

It felt weird to the young queen, being put in a position of true power. Even though she was still trying to figure things out, it felt nice knowing that she could be a part of something bigger for her country.

"Camelot welcomes you, Lord Bayard of Mercia," Uther said, once the two groups met in the middle of the throne room. "The treaty we sign today marks an end to war and a beginning to a new friendship between our people,"

Rose slowly stepped forward, "And with this treaty you also agree to keep the peace with Scotland. We have been a friend towards Camelot and with everything that we have agreed upon we would love to extend that to Mercia,"

The older man bowed his head, "Of course your majesty,"

She gave him a small smile in return before joining Arthurs side just as Uther raised his arm for Bayard to shake. The two joined hands roughly, as applauze erupted throughout the throne room.

Later that night Rose couldn't help but try and hold in her chuckles as she admired the outfit Arthur had picked out for Merlin. Elspeth and her stood beside the boy as they waited for the two kings to sign the treaty.

"Merlin you truly look extraordinary," Rose joked, as she watched the boy shake his head at Arthur. The blonde raised his eyebrows at the boy with a smirk on his face.

"Your jokes are not appreciated," He retorted.

"I think the hat is what makes the entire outfit," Elspeth added.

The two quieted their chuckles as they watched the brown-eyed boy's eyes wander to the corner of the room. He held his gaze on a servant girl dressed in Mercia colors. Rose narrowed her eyes in a curious manner as Merlin removed the hat from his head.

"She's pretty, isn't she..." Elspeth said, hurt lying behind her words. "For a handmaiden?"

"She's pretty for a princess, let alone a handmaiden," He smiled, beguiled.

Even though she would never admit it, Rose could see the blonde's looming feelings for the boy. Any moment that she wasn't with Rose she was with Merlin and she couldn't help but feel bad for her friend. She grabbed Elspeth's hand and gave it a firm squeeze before leading her away from the scrawny boy, just as the rest of the room applauded, indicating the signing of the treaty was successful.

Rose took her seat next to Arthur as Elspeth joined Gaius and Gwyen's side.

"People of Camelot, for a great many years we have been mortal enemies," Lord Bayard exclaimed, making his way back to the middle of the room. "The blood of our men stains the ground from the walls of Camelot to the Gates of Mercia. And though we remember those who have died, we must not allow any more to join them," A servant joined his side with a box in hand. "As a symbol of our goodwill and of our newfound friendship, I present these ceremonial goblets to you, Uther, and to your son Arthur. In the hope that our friendship may last,"

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