Seven - Davey's POV

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Best moment of my life.

I was so happy. She ran off to catch up with Jack and Boots and I stood there. With the biggest smile on my face. After a few seconds I ran after them and grabbed Steph's hand

I had to ask her to be my girlfriend officially soon. I can't just ask her in a non romantic area

Moments later we reached the rest of the newsies

"So where's Spot huh?" Race asks us

"He was concerned about us being serious. Can you imagine that?" Jack said in disbelief

"Well, you know, Jack, maybe we put to ease off a little, you know?" Race suggested

"Without Spot and the others, there's not enough of us, Jack, you know?" Kid Blink said

"Jack, maybe we're moving too soon. Maybe we ain't ready, you know?" Mush said and the boys agreed with him

"I definitely think we should forget about it for a little while" Skittery said

"Oh do ya?" Jack asked

"Yeah, I mean, we're not Brooklyn." Race added

"Hey, who are we kidding here?" Jack shouted "Spot was right. Is it just a game to you guys?"

The boys started to say things over each other and me and Steph just look at each other with worried glances. We walked about the statue, hand in hand, looking at the other boys who were just playing around

Davey: open the gates and seize the day

Steph: don't be afraid and don't delay

Davey: nothing can break us

Steph: no one can make us

Both: give our rights away. Arise and seize the day

The boys started dancing around

Davey: Now is the time to seize the day

Newsies: Now is the time to seize the day

Steph: send out the call and join the fray

Newsies: send out the call and join the fray

Both: wrongs with be righted, if we're united

All: let us seize the day

Davey: friends of the friendless seize the day

Newsies: friends of the friendless seize the day

Steph: raise up the torch and light the way

Newsies: raise up the torch and light the way

All: proud and defiant, we'll slay the giant

Let us seize the day

Neighbor to neighbor

Father to son

One for all and all for one

Race started playing the harmonica which he pulled out of nowhere

Group one: open the gates and seize the day

Group two: open the gates and seize the day

Group one: don't be afraid and don't delay

Group two: don't be afraid and don't delay

All: nothing can break us

No one can make us

Give our rights away

Neighbor to neighbor

Father to son

One for all and all for one

"Anybody hear that?" Jack asked

"No!" Everyone yelled

"So why are we gonna do about it?" Jack asked

"Soak em!" They all yelled, well everyone except for me and Steph

The gates opened and we all walked in and surrounded the place

A boy came down the stairs and stopped when he saw us. He threw his papers on the ground and came into our group

Others came down without papers in the hands and joined us

Someone had papers in the hand and wouldn't give them up. He tried to get away but they stopped him "fellas, fellas" I tried to gain their attention but they didn't listen

"Blink" Steph said

"Now Jack, just don't" I said

Jack slapped the papers out of the boy's hands. The boy went to pick them up and that's when a fight broke out

I grabbed Steph and brought her away from the fight. Well when I looked back it wasn't really a fight. They were all ripping up the papers so we joined them in the fun

We heard whistles and saw that the cops came "Cheese it! It's the bulls!" Jack yelled

We all got out of there.. well almost all of us

"Crutchie!" Steph yelled as she saw Crutchie get taken away by the Delancey brothers. She tried to go help him but I held her back, not wanting her to get taken too

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