Fifteen - Stephany's POV

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I was hanging out with Davey in his house along with his sister, Sarah, and Les. I grabbed onto his hand "Davey. It's okay" he gave me a tight lipped smile and looked back out the window

"David" Sarah said "it's Denton's article. 'The dark truth: why our city really fears the newsies strike. By Bryan Denton. Last night I saw naked force exercises against mere boys and a girl

Davey walked through the window and pulled me along with him. He turned around and slammed the window shut and looked over the railing

A few seconds later he grabbed my hand again and pulled me down the stairs with him

"Davey...." I said and he turned around to face me. I couldn't think of words so I just gave him a living kiss. It wasn't passionate but it wasn't short. We stayed like that for a bit before going on a walk

It was there that we saw the Delancey's hurting Sarah and Les. We ran over to help them

Well Sarah ran a different direction but we saw Les "What happened? Are you hurt?" Davey asked

"No I'm alright. I'm alright. Help Sarah." Les said

"Run Davey, Steph!" Sarah yelled

"Oh yeah run Davey, Steph" Oscar mocked "We got the best part of your family right here"

Davey ran and fought Oscar. I ran and punched Morris in the face but I got thrown down next to Sarah. I saw Morris put his brass knuckle on

"STOP! Leave him alone! Your hurting him!" Me and Sarah yelled

Les ran over and hugged Sarah. I just watched Davey get beat up and I knew I couldn't beat Oscar

I watched Jack run to the alley and help beat the Delancey brothers

I walked over to Davey and helped him up. He held an arm around my shoulder and one on his stomach for a bit of balance

He kissed my cheek then looked at Jack "What you couldn't stay away?"

"Well I guess I can't be something I ain't" Jack said

"A scab?" I asked

"No, smart" Jack answered

We walked over to Denton's place and knocked on the door

"Did you mean what you wrote here?" Jack asked with the paper in his hand "about all these sweatshop kids listening to me?"

"I don't write anything I don't mean" Denton smiled at us "Well come on in. I was just packing a few things"

We walked in and Denton spoke again "So yes I meant it. The city thrives on child labor. A lot of people make money that way. They're terrified that the newsies strike will spread."

"Well there's really not much chance of that as long as they got the power" Jack said

"Sometimes all it takes is a voice. One voice that becomes a hundred and then a thousand, unless it's silenced" Denton explained

"Why can't we spread the strike?" Jack asked "have another big rally and get the word out to all the sweatshop kids? Why not?"

"What are we gonna do? Put an ad in the newspaper?" Davey asked sarcastically

"No, we'll do better than that. We'll make our own paper. We tell them they gotta join us, isn't that a good idea?" Jack explained

"Yeah it is" Davey agreed "But what do we know about printing a newspaper?"

"Nothing, but our man Denton..." Jack said

"Yeah but I think our man Denton has something more important to do. I mean, he's going to be an ace war correspondent. Right, Denton?" Davey tried to guilt trip Denton

"Alright" Denton said "where do we start?"

We all sat down at a table, Davey put his arm around my shoulders as Jack started talking "Alright, we gotta move fast. Now we're gonna need the newsies to circulate."

"There's something else we need. We need a printing press" Denton said

"So it happens I know a guy with a printing press" Jack said and smiled at us

"Sing for me" David JacobsWhere stories live. Discover now