Twelve - Stephany's POV

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I was with Davey and Snyder since I wasn't a newsie and Davey held my hand all the way to the court room

We heard that they were fined five dollars and that's when we decided to walk in "Your honor, I'll pay the fines. All of them" Denton said

"Hey fellas, you alright?" Davey asked them

"Where Jack?" I asked them

"Look, we gotta meet at the restaurant. Everybody. We have to talk" Denton said

The judge hit his gavel to the table "Pay the clerk. Move it along"

Jack was brought into the room and Race decided to make a joke "Hey cowboy, nice shiner"

Davey, Denton and I walked over to Jack

"Hey Denton, I guess we made all the papes this time" Jack said "So how'd my picture look?"

"None of the papers covered the rally. Not even The Sun" Denton said

"Case of Jack Kelly" a dude said "inciting to riot, assault, resisting arrest"

"Judge Monahan, I'll speak for this young man" Snyder said

I glared at Snyder but calm down when I felt Davey squeeze my hand

"This boy's real name is Francis Sullivan" Snyder started "His mother's deceased. His father's a convict in the State penitentiary. He's an escapee from the House of Refuge where his original sentence for three months was extended to six months for disruptive behavior."

I glared at both of them now as Jack spoke up "Like demanding we eat the food you steal from us"

"Followed by an additional six months for attempted escape." Snyder said

"Attempted?" Jack asked "Last time wasn't an attempted escape. Remember Snyder? Remember me and Teddy Roosevelt and the carriage? Remember Roosevelt and the carriage?"

Snyder continued "Therefore I ask that he be returned to the House of Refuge"

"Away for my own good, right, move along? For my own food and for what he kicks back to you" Jack said

"And that the court order his incarceration until the age of 21 in the hope that we may yet guide him to a useful and productive life" Snyder said

"So ordered" The judge hit his gavel on the table

"No!" Les yelled

I looked at Davey and we had the same expression. Anger, guilt, fear, sadness

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