Thriteen - Stephany's POV

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Everyone was at Tibby's. Davey was pacing back and forth, slowly, with a paper in his hand

Denton walked in but me and Davey weren't smiling at it

"Why didn't the sun print the story?" Davey asked

"Because it never happened" Denton said in a 'duh' tone

"What the hell do you mean it never happened? You were there!" I yelled at Denton

"I tell you, if it's not in the papers, it never happened" Denton said "the owners decreed that it not be in the papers, therefore... anyway I came to tell you fellas goodbye."

"What happened? Did you get fired?" Davey asked

"No, I got reassigned back to my old job as The Sun's ace war correspondent. They want me to leave right away. The owner thinks that I should only cover the really important stories so..." Denton explained "Well wish me luck fellas. At least half of what I wish for you"

"So that's it?" I asked, now pissed "You help up to this, Jack's gone, Crutchie's gone, boys getting hurt, and now you're just gonna leave us. What kind of fucked up shit is that?!"

Davey came over and grabbed my hand, looking at me. I let go of his hand and hugged him. I couldn't look at Denton right now. Tears threatened to fall from my face

Denton sighed and changed the subject "They don't always fire you David. I would be blackballed from every paper in the country. Hey"

Davey was looking down at the floor but then he looked at Denton. I was to his side now and his arm was around my shoulders

Denton continued "I'm a newspaperman. I have to have a paper to write for. This is the story I wrote about the rally. And... I want you to read it at least."

Denton gave Davey the paper as Davey just kept a glare on Denton. Nobody spoke as Denton walked out

Davey crumpled the paper and started talking "We get Jack out of the refuge tonight. And from now on we trust no one but the newsies and Steph"

We all left the restaurant and I went back to my house, telling all sorts of negative emotions

Steph: it's been a couple months

That's just about enough time

For me to stop crying when I look at all the pictures

Now I kinda smile

I haven't felt that in a while

It's late

I hear the door

Bell ringing

And it's pouring

I open up that door

See your brown eyes at the entrance

You just wanna talked

And I cant turn away a wet dog

But please doubt ruin this for me

Please don't make it harder that it already is

I'm trying to get over this

I wish that you would stay in my memories

But you show up today just to ruin things

I wanna put you in the the past cause I'm traumatized

But you're not letting me do that

Cause tonight you're all drunk in my kitchen

Curled up I the fetal position

Too busy playing victim to be listening to me when I say

'I wish that you would stay in my memories'

In my memories stay in my memories

Now I can't say goodbye

If you'll stay here the whole night

You see it's hard to find an end to something that you keep beginning

Over and over again

I promise that the ending always starts the same

So there's no good reason in make believing

That we could ever exist again

I can't be your friend

Can't be your lover

I tested up a little and went back to bed... not ready for whatever is going to hit us tomorrow

"Sing for me" David JacobsWhere stories live. Discover now