Ten - Stephany's POV

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I was sitting with Davey in Tibby's with my head rested on his shoulder

Denton walked in randomly "Hey fellas, Steph"

He placed the paper in front of Jack. Since me and Davey were at the end of the table we had to walk around

I saw how bad me and Davey looked and I laughed at it

"Hah, look at you Jack. You look like a general" Mush said touching Jack's face on the paper

"Get your fingers off my face" Jack said, pushing away Mush's finger

Me and Davey were standing by Denton "You got us on the front page" Davey said, smiling and putting his arm around my shoulder

"You got yourselves on the front page. I just gotta make sure you stay there" Denton said

"So what, you get your picture in the papes? So, what's that get you huh?" Skittery asked

"What are you talking about" I asked him

"You've been glum and dumb. What's the matter with you?" Race slapped Skittery "You're in the papes, you're famous. You're famous, you get anything you want. And that's what's so great about New York"

Mush: a pair of new shoes with matching laces

Race: a permanent box at the Sheepshead races

Spot: a porcelain tub with boiling water

Kid Blink: a Saturday night with miss Medda's daughter

Davey glared at Kid Blink and I just laughed at it

Race grabbed the paper

Race: Look at me, I'm the king of New York

Suddenly I'm respectable

Starin right at you

Lousy with stature

Jack stole the paper back

Jack: Nobbing with all the muckety-mucks

I'm blowing my dough and going deluxe

This time it was my turn to steal the paper

Steph: and there I be

Ain't I pretty

Davey nodded and winked at me. I laughed at him

All three: It's my city, I'm the king (queen) of New York

Boots: a corduroy suit with fitted knickers

Les: a mezzanine seat to see the flickers

Snipeshooter: Havana cigars that cost a quarter

Davey: an editors desk for the star reporter

Newsies: tip your hat, he's the king of New York

Denton: how bout that? I'm the king of New York

Newsies: in nothing flat

He'll be covering Brooklyn to Trenton

Our man Denton

Kid Blink: Making the head king out of a hunch

Denton: Protecting the week

Race: and paying for lunch

Denton: when I'm at bat

Strong men crumble

Race: proud yet humble

Both: I'm (he's) the king of New York

Newsies: gotta be either dead or dreaming

Cause look at that pape with my face beaming

Tomorrow they may wrap fishes in it

But I was a star for one whole minute

The boys started dancing on tables and I was sitting on one and laughing

Newsies: starting now, I'm the king of New York

Denton: Ain't ya heard? I'm the king of New York

All: Holy cow, it's a miracle

Pulitzer's crying

Weasel, he's dying

Flashpots are shooting bright as the sun

I'm one highfalutin son of a gun

Don't ask me how fortune found me

Fate just crowned me

Now I'm king of New York

Look and see, once a poker

Now a striker, I'm the king of New York


Front page story

Guts and glory

I'm the king of New York

Davey smiled and wrapped one arm around my waist and pulled me into a kiss. He pulled away when he heard whistles and 'yeah Davey!'

We both flushed red and Jack got the attention away from us "so let's have some ideas"

"Well we gotta show people where we stand" Davey said, his hand still on my waist

"Yeah so we gotta stay in the papes" Jack nodded

"My papers the only one printing any strike news so far" Denton said

"So we should do something that's so big, the other papers are gonna feel stupid if they try and ignore us." Jack explained

"Like a rally" I said

"Yeah. A newsie rally with all the kids from all over New York. We'll make it the biggest, loudest, noisiest blowout this towns ever seen" Jack agreed

"We'll send a message to the big boys" Davey said, grabbing a drink for me and one for himself

"Yeah, there's a lot of us and we ain't going away. We'll fight until Damn doomsday if it means we get a fair shake" Jack said

"To our man Denton" Me and Davey said together, raising our glasses

"Our man Denton" everyone toasted

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