Chap#3~ Mall

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At the underground parking lot

Y/n: Sua unnie!! *You yelled as you ran towards her because she was just outside the van*
Sua: Hi teddy bear!! *She hugged you* Someone's excited!!
Y/n: She likes me too!! Can you believe it?! *You were squealing like a little kid*
Sua: Congrats teddy bear!! So are you official?!
Y/n: No!! I forgot to ask her!! But on the bright side she likes me back!!
Sua: *She giggled at how cute you were reacting* aigo!! I have a toddler infront of me! *She said as she cupped your cheeks while you smile like a little kid*
Siyeon: Yeah a toddler that almost left me without an ear earlier *you glare at her*
Y/n: you deserved it, That's what you get for trying to flirt with Sana sunbae.
Sua: Really?! You did it without me?!
Y/n: You two are weird, you guys are a couple but flirt with other women. *You got to your car* See ya at the dorm, I'm going to the mall before I go home.
Siyeon: See ya sis, be careful.
Y/n: will do! Oh and please don't make out in the living room I want to play on the tv with my switch.
Sua: I can't promise anything. *You roll your eyes and went to the mall*
*You parked and covered yourself up before you exited the car*
*You enter the mall and went to the art store* *You went to the paint and brush section* *You grabbed most of the stuff you wanted when you were about to grab the last paint that you needed when someone grabbed it at the same time*
Y/n: Sorry you can take it. *You bow a little and the person took it*
Hyunjin: no take it I think you need it more.
Y/n: no it's fine, I was going to grab it to have in case I run out but I rarely use this color. *You look at him and you eyes widen* anyeong haseyo sunbae. *You do another bow *
Hyunjin: oh Y/n I didn't recognize you. Here take the paint.
Y/n: no like I said don't use this color much so you can take it, I'll take my leave now. *You start going to the front desk to pay, as you were paying in the corner of your eye you saw someone taking pictures of you so you lower your hat* thank you have a good day. *You said as you were going out of the shop*
Suddenly you get surounded by paparazzi and you started to get an anxiety attack, you crouch down and covered your ears while you're whole body was shaking* *you suddenly feel someone hug you and the paparazzi wasn't too close to you* *you slowly look up still shaking to see who it was, it was Mina*
Mina: Don't worry, we're here. Let's get you to somewhere that you can sit down.
Y/n: I-I can't move. D-don't leave me here.
Mina: me and Chaeyoung will hold you as we walk let's go to that restaurant. *You nodded you're head with that Mina and Chaeyoung helped you all the way to the restaurant*
Jeongyeon: give us a private room for ten please. *The waiter guided all of you to the private room*
*As soon as the girls entered the room they pulled a chair for you*
Y/n: Thank you *you sat down still a little shaky*
Chaeyoung: Do you need anything? Water? Soda?
Y/n: W-water is fine. *You said trying to calm down*
Mina: do you have something to cope with your anxiety attacks?
Y/n: *you shake your head* Let me just sit here for a moment and I'll be fine. *Mina caresses your back trying to help you calm down since she sat next to you* I'm sorry if I interrupted any of you girl's plans.
Jihyo: You didn't, we were coming here before we saw you.
Y/n: but still-
Chaeyoung: Y/n it's fine, promise us that next time you will come accompanied by someone, so this doesn't happen again. *You nodded*

A few minutes later

Y/n: *you resived a call from Dami* Hello?
Dami: Teddy bear! Are you ok?! I saw a video on Instagram that you had a anxiety attack.
Y/n: I'm fine, thanks to twice sunbae that happened to be by the area when it happened.
Dami: Thank god, are you with them right now?
Y/n: Yeah, why?
Dami: put the phone on speaker.
Y/n: ok *you putted the phone on speaker* Done.
Dami: Thank you for taking care of Y/n, I don't know what she would've done if you didn't appear. She's like a little sister to me so please keep an eye on her for me. By the way I'm Lee Yubin or Dami, a member of dreamcatcher, I'm a really close friend of Y/n and her sister Siyeon.
Dahyun: The pleasure is ours and we will take good care of her while she's with us. So don't worry she's in good hands.
Dami: thank you, See ya at the dorm teddy bear!
Y/n: see ya later Yuyu unnie. *She hangs up*
Nayeon: Teddy bear?
Y/n: that's been my nickname since I met them, they say that when I hug them they feel like their hugging a teddy bear.
*The waiter brought the food that you and the girls ordered*

After everyone ate at the parking lot

Y/n: Thank you for helping me! I'll go now. *You said about to go to your car*
Jihyo: Y/n wait! *She came up to you with some money in her hand*
Y/n: hm? *You hummed as turned to her direction*
Jihyo: here, this is for paying for our food. *She said handing you the money that she had in her hand*
Y/n: No, no.*You give her the money back* it's was a thank you gift for helping me today at the company and earlier. Bye now! *You said as you ran to your car before Jihyo say anything*
*Chaeyoung come's up to your car and knocked on your window so you rolled it down*
Chaeyoung: Y/n, are we official?
Y/n: *You turned into a blushing mess* if you want to?
Chaeyoung: Who said I didn't?
Y/n: so it's official then *you said with a big smile*
Chaeyoung: yep! *She said before she pulled your and her masks down so she could give you a kiss* *You kissed her back* *she broke away when Tzuyu call her* See ya teddy bear *she said as she fixed her mask before going to the girls were*
Y/n: *you closed your window, buckled up, exited the parking lot smiling like a literal child* *you voice called Somi* Girl! Chaeyoung is my girlfriend now and she kissed me!!!
Somi: wait really?!!
Y/n: Yeah!! I owe you big time Somi, if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have had her as my girlfriend!!!!
Somi: you don't owe me anything, I'm glad that my bestie is happy but you have to buy me dinner at least once for that, Deal?
Y/n: deal!
Somi: ok I'll hag up now, I'm going to eat.
Y/n: ok hang up cause, I'm driving home.
Somi: k be safe, bye loser!
Y/n: will do, bye pado! *She hangs up*

Next chapter!!!!

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