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liked by nikirobsu, oliviarodrigo and others

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liked by nikirobsu, oliviarodrigo and others

indiegoes, finally worked up the courage to watch my last bit of bella ramsey content😪😪
tagged oliviarodrigo, nikirobsu, jacebailey

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username, always blows my mind seeing liv and indigo tbh its like worlds colliding
  -indiegoes, whats this supposed to mean?!?!
-oliviarodrigo, means ur lame

username, indie tell jace i wont him
-indiegoes, i promise you that you dont...
-jacebailey, excuse me?!?!?
-indiegoes, ur excused....

username, i want to be part of this group so bad 😣

oliviarodrigo, im not ready for joel in one 😭
-indiegoes, BITCJ

username, does anybody know what's going on with jayden and indigo
  -indiegoes, i think its pretty clear whats going on 💀

• real life •

Indigo switches her phone off with a sigh, not really wanting to deal with the reoccurring questions she cant seem to escape in her comment section. everywhere she turned there was a memory connected to the blonde boy.

her friends left a few hours ago from her little "last of us" season finale watch party, leaving indigo alone to her thoughts.

she stands from her place on the couch, stacking the plates on the center coffee table ontop of eachother. balancing them all in her hands she walks towards the kitchen to place them in the sink, leaving the task for her future self to worry about.

her head was pounding, as it has been for the last couple of days, truthfully indigo had been crying more than shed like to admit. she felt so embarrassed, and so defeated.

"oh my god, are you fucking serious," she mumbled as she felt the small tears trickle down her face, she let out an annoyed grunt and opened the fridge to grab a water bottle as if she didnt have several other ones littering her room.

she turned off all the lights in her small condo and made sure to lock all doors several times before heading into her room.

The girl hated being in her room, she felt as if she needed to burn everything. so many memories made between the four walls, she wondered if he felt the same. probably not, they always spent days at her place rather than his.

indigo laid in her bed under her cover with her led lights set on a dim purple setting, she hated these nights. the lonely nights. when her thoughts overpowered the facts.

her friends insisted on staying, she could see the worry on their faces, but all she wanted to do was be alone. although she didn't understand why if it was just continuous torture of stillness, tears and cigarettes, maybe she just wanted to be alone with him.

she refused to believe those moments were only special to her, every shared cigarette, every guitar melody, every dinner date where they would attempt to cook but always ended with pasta. she couldnt wrap her head around him faking all that.

all she could do was lay and look up to the tapestries on her ceilings, hoping her body would soon shut down.

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