
517 26 12

BELLA - bella :)
INDIGO- indigo :D

unknown number

unknown numberlook its me and you 😝

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unknown number
look its me and you 😝

bella :)
you are so cute

bella :)
wait this is indigo right ?

unknown number
no this is patrick

unknown number
LMFAO yeah its me pookie

bella :) has saved number as indigo :D

bella :)
helloo how is your day going?

indigo :D
its going, i have to go shoot some last minute night scenes for hellraiser 

and then dinner with some friends i think

bella :)
sounds fun

indigo :D
mhm what abt u?

indigo :D
any fun plans?

bella :)
just work, and i believe dinner with pedge

indigo :D
two more day and u get a break!!

indigo :D
proud of you, you better than me fr🫶🏼

bella :)
thank you, i am exhausted!

indigo :D
a nap would absolutely SMACK rn

bella :)
you are so american

indigo :D
we're breaking up.

bella :)
no ?

indigo :D
okay :D

bella :)
i definitely can go for a nap tho

bella :)
its quite cold in LA at nights

indigo :D
what do u meannn

indigo :D
i get so stuffy

bella :)
😭😭 youre so interesting

indigo :D
uhhh okay🧍🏻‍♀️

indigo :D

indigo :D

bella :)
no complaints!!!

indigo :D
fr bae u want to see me 🤭

bella :)

indigo :D

bella :)
jk 😋

indigo :D
ha ha ha ha.

indigo :D
im laughing so hard

bella :)
pedge says hi

indigo :D

bella :)
he says you should ditch your plans and come to dinner with us

bella :)
you should, it would be fun :)

indigo :D
omg me and pedro on a date 😩

bella :)
ill be there too?

indigo :D
shhh  its pedro

indigo :D
i wish i could so bad

indigo :D
but i would feel so bad to bail

bella :)
that's understandable, dont worry about it

indigo :D
alrightyy im sorry

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