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indigo :D is calling...


"hi, sorry i know its late"

"its okay, whats wrong?"

"another nightmare, i tried watching tv but lately the physical silence makes me feel so fucking insane"

"im sorry, do you want to talk about it ? we dont have to. we can just talk"

"no thank you, just needed someone to talk to. im kinda too ashamed to call my friends"

"well im here, whenever. like right now at 3 almost 4 am"

"im sorryyy, i really tried to go to bed again, i can hang up if youd like"

"im just messing with you love,
id happily wake up from my slumber for you"

"youre so british"

"...thanks? question mark"

"gasp did you just say question mark?"


"you want to be me so bad"


"whats so funny?"

"i can see what emojis you would use with each sentence its funny"

"you are so in love with me huh"


"youre not funny"

"i think i am"

"yeah yeah, oh my god im on the episode of shameless where ian and mickey get married i love them"

"mickey? like the mouse?"

"bruh, have you never watched shameless"

"no i dont think so"

"what the eff! i might have to break up with you for real for real"

"woah woah woah, lets just watch it together?"

"sighh i guess ill educate you"

"if its bad i might have to break up with you though"

"soo you hate me?"

"i could never, have you seen your face?"


" hello?"

"you got me kicking my feet and shit bae sorry"

"youre so dumb"

"youre the mickey to my ian"

"whatever that means"

"stopp youre being mean, youll get it soon. trust me youll be in love with them and if you arent then just lie to me"

"why cant you say im the ellie to your dina"

"honestly i dont want you to think im like a crazy fan girl, although i one hundred percent am your number one, youre more than your roles to me. i really enjoy talking to you or whatever. but yes you are the ellie to my dina"

"thank you indigo, i really appreciate that, really and dont worry i could never think that of you as i like knowing you're obsessed with me feeds the ego you know"

"whateverr, tommorrow is your last day before break"

"it is, im dreading tomorrow , grateful its the last day honestly. i dont know how people keep up with Los Angeles, everything moves so quickly"

"yeah its like its own little world its so bizzare, and draining"





"when can i see you"

"whenever you want shawty"


"mhm, what do you want to do"

"up to you"

"you cannot do that to me i am too indecisive"

"fine how about lunch slash dinner and see whatever leads from there?"

"im okay with that"


"why did pedro like my post today"

"he wanted to see whos been keeping me distracted"

"distracted? gasp, me?"

"its okay youre my favorite

"i better be your only distraction"

"of course my pretty girl"

"oh my god shut the fuck up"


"what? shut up you know what youre doing"

"no idea what youre talking about"


"whateverr, i think im getting sleepy, can you stay on the line till i fall asleep? its okay if thats too corny"

"of course, thank you for calling me indie"

"thank you for answering"

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