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BELLA - bella :)
INDIGO- indigo :D

bella :)
im at my hotel!

indigo :D

bella :)
i had a really nice time

indigo :D
me too genuinely thank you

bella :)
thank you

indigo :D
for whatt

bella :)
letting me get to know you, youre amazing honestly

indigo :D
oh stop it before i kiss u

bella :)
no complaints here

indigo :D
u swearr

bella :)
i do :D

indigo :D
ur so djdnfj

indigo :D
thank you for giving me a chance

indigo :D
no idea how my digital footprint didnt scare you but hallelujah fr

bella :)
you had me spooked for a bit 🫣

bella :)
really glad im a curious cat loll

indigo :D
LMFAO thats kinda funny

indigo :D
well now ur kinda stuck with me 💯

bella :)
one can only hope

indigo :D

indigo :D
not to be #weird

indigo :D
u smell really good

bella :)

not to be #weird

bella :)
you're gorgeous in real life like woah

bella :)
honestly anyone would be lucky to have you

bella :)
will never understand how that dumbass let you go

indigo :D
thank you! kinda just trusting the universe has its plan

bella :)
thats amazing

bella :)
youre amazing

bella :)
sorry am i being weird?

indigo :D
i mean a whole lot better than being ghosted💯

bella :)

indigo :D
so thoughts on shameless?

chaotic but i like it

indigo :D
yayyy you have sm to see im so excited

indigo :D
cant wait for ian and mickey i love them sm

bella :)
youre so cute

indigo :D

bella :)
shut up you just are

indigo :D
yes sir :p

ur  leaving tomorrow?

bella :)
unfortunately ;(

bella :)
my flight is at 8:30pm

indigo :D

indigo :D
what ever shall i do without my bella

bella :)
you always have me indigo

indigo :D

bella :)
we can always call or facetime you knoww

indigo :D
yeah 😪

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