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day of the date

Indigo looked into the mirror for what felt like the millionth time, every article of clothing looked or felt wrong. what is one supposed to wear to a non confirmed possible date with their long time celebrity crush?

she let out a huff of frustration, "jesus fucking christ i need to hurry up," she muttered pulling yet another shirt over her head, "this will have to do."

she scurried from one end of the room to the other gathering all needed belongings into her side bag before heading down stairs to the uber who graciously waited 10 extra minutes. she had thought of driving instead but she honestly hated driving.

they had agreed to meet at the restaurant at 5pm, it was currently 4:32 and the restaurant was 10 minutes from indigo's condo but ofcourse she needed to get there some time in advance to get her nerves under control.

indigo felt the anxiety grow as the minutes went by, the knot in her stomach kept growing attempting to claw its way up her throat. A hundred thoughts ran through the young girls head, she felt like she was in a dream, like it was all a prank.

"thank you so much," the colored eyes girl flashed a smile at the man behind the wheel.

with a deep inhale and lots of mental notes indigo made her way to the restaurant realzing they never set up a way to meet up. she felt the panic start to settle.

"indigo!" a voice with an accent half yells, she could hear her heart in her ears.

"bella!" indigo exclaimed approaching the patio table, they had chosen some seat kinda secluded from the rest but close enough to see the beautiful day outside, sitting down "its so nice to finally see your face in person"

"thanks?" the british brunette chuckles. indigo feels the heat rising to her ears and cheeks, looking down to avoid being seen.

"you look beautiful by the way" bella stood to give the  girl a short hug.

this took the indigo by surprise, but she was not complaining. bella's scent was faint but enough to put her nerves at bay. it was comforting and delicate, earthy but kinda sweet, also kind of like tea?

"your already flirting with me stop" the colored eyed girl chuckled, taking a seat across from the other, "you smell like tea youre so british"

"sorry?" it came out more of a question making the two laugh, "i saw these and they reminded me of you by the way"

indigo hadnt noticed the bouquet of lavender tulips sitting on seat by the brunette british. she felt her tummy do a summersault or five.

"oh my gosh stop it are you for real," she inhaled the sweet sweet smell, "thank you so much i feel bad i didnt get you anything"

bella shakes their head laughing, "you didnt need to, i just happened to see someone selling pretty flowers and i thought pretty flowers for a pretty girl. plus they're purple, your favorite"

the colored eyed girl tried holding back her smile, "you want me sooo bad huh"

"something like that" the brown eyes challenged her.

it had been so long since indigo had the euphoric adrenaline of being around someone who makes you feel good, she forgot what constant butterflies felt like. of course she got them from time to time when the two texted prior but being physically around bella put a permanent smile on indigo's face a magic eraser couldn't wipe off.

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