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BELLA - bella :)
INDIGO- indigo :D

bella :)
goodmorning love, today nico pedro and i are going to explore

bella :)
soo im all yours tomorrow

indigo :D

indigo :D

índigo :D
do you guys have anything planned?

bella :)
mm not that ik of?

bella :)
i dont know im kinda just following pedro around to be honest

bella :)
trying to rest as much as i can

indigo :D

bella :)

bella :)
rn we are heading to an ice cream place, i guess they make it from scratch

indigo :D
omg 😩

indigo :D
sounds yummyyy i hope u enjoy urself

indigo :D
u deserve it bae

bella :)
thank you :)

bella :)
im excited for tomorrow

indigo :D
whats tomorrow 🤔

bella :)
i get to meet my celebrity crush 🥹

indigo :D

indigo :D
but fr bae😜😏

bella :)
no 😋

indigo :D
ur not even funny fr

bella :)
i think i am

indigo :D
ur delulu just like me fr

bella :)
you are so california

indigo :D
:( what is that supposed to mean

bella :)
i dont know how to explain but its not bad i promise love

indigo :D
mmm better

bella :)
youre so cute

indigo :D

indigo :Dur not gonna like ghost me after we meet right🧍🏻‍♀️

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indigo :D
ur not gonna like ghost me after we meet right🧍🏻‍♀️

bella :)
🧍🏻‍♀️ um no thats fucked up

indigo :D

indigo :D

indigo :D
excited to see ur face

bella :)

indigo :D
nvm staying home

bella :)
no :D

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