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{ my heart <3 }

my heart <3 - jayden
indigo ❤️ - indigo

my heart <3
Why do you enjoy making me look stupid Indigo


hello to you too

my heart <3
Dont act dumb bro

babe i have no idea what ur talking about

my heart <3
Ur little instagram post

my heart <3
Do you know how embarrassing it is to have ur girl post other dudes?

my heart <3
Theyre literally all up on u

are u serious rn??

my heart <3
Does it sound like im joking

my heart <3
How many more times do we gotta have this conversation bro i dont want u talking to them

my heart <3
Idc if u guys did a show together, that shit was canceled leave it in the past

and i told u theyre my friends

my heart <3

my heart <3
Indigo im not gonna have this conversation again

its literally an old ass pic you act like we were even tg when it was taken

my heart <3
Makes it worse, u think I like looking at those pictures knowing u probably fucked them

my heart <3
Ur fr heartless Indigo

are u so fr rn??

Indigo ❤️
i've already told you it makes me uncomfortable when you tell me ive slept with my older guy friends, im not that type of person babe

my heart <3
And the comment from one of them? I thought u blocked them after last time 

im sorry i lied to you, i shouldnt have

but babe you cant expect me to just cut off my friends

dont you trust me?

ive never given u a reason to not trust me and i continue to trust you even after those times youve messed up

my heart <3
Dude let that shit go its in the past it has nothing to do with this

my heart <3
Im not trying to argue but im just warning you this is gonna be my last warning

okay baby im sorry

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