
472 22 0

BELLA - bella :)
INDIGO- indigo :D

bella :)
goodmorning love:)

bella :)
i get to see your face soon!

indigo :D
ooo yeah actually i cant make it

indigo :D
jk jk

indigo :D
im so excited oh yeahhh

bella :)
youre not funny🙁

bella :)
did you want to meet at the restaurant or head there tg?

indigo :D

indigo :D
up to you

bella :)
we can meet at the restaurant?

indigo :D

bella :)
the address is 2342 w del rio dr

indigo :D
thank youu

bella :)
you okay?

indigo :D
yeah ofc why

bella :)
your not using any obnoxious emojis

indigo :D

indigo :D
just sleepy bae dw

indigo :D
reserving all my energy for u💯

bella :)
as you should💯

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