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BELLA - bella :)
INDIGO- indigo :D

indigo :D

indigo :D is this an acceptable outfit for an album release party ?

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indigo :D
is this an acceptable outfit for an album release party ?

bella :)
you look like a little boy

bella :)
so yes :p

indigo :D
i love liv but im so anxiouss kdnd im losing my mind

indigo :D
shes so famous idk whos gonna be there or what the vibes are

bella :)
you look amazing in everything love dont overthink it

bella :)
wear whatever makes you comfortable, what you have on wont change the support you're giving your friend

indigo :D
thank you 😣

indigo :D
i wish i could just stay home
and watch shameless

bella :)
we can watch it after?

indigo :D
we? 😏

bella :)
yess we can facetime and play the episode at the same time ?

bella :)
of course only if you want

indigo :D
dkfnfb i would love to

bella :)
good ive been wanting to watch it but wasnt sure if i was allowed to watch it by myself or if it was a thing for when we're together

bella :)
like hanging out and stuff

indigo :D
u r so cute

indigo :D
i dont mind if u watch it on ur own

indigo :D
just dont watch it with ur other hoes 😒

bella :)
youre silly

bella :)
theyre more into films

indigo :D
GASP ur not funny

indigo :D
i'll literally kill them then myself

bella :)
LOLL go get dressed

indigo :D
why so u can talk to ur side😒

bella :)

bella :)
you sound dumb

indigo :D
hmmmmmm let me find out isabella 😒

bella :)

bella :)
i literally miss your scent shut up there could be no side piece only my indie

indigo :D
ur literally so gay

indigo :D

indigo :D
i miss ur smell :(

indigo :D
ur so comfy dndhd

indigo :D
in a non weird way i wish i had
u in plushie form so i can nap at any time

bella :)
honestly i was fighting the urge to fall asleep loll

bella :)
what time is the event at?


bella :)
isnt it like 6 there already?

indigo :D
no one ever actually shows up on time especially me

indigo :D
time is simply an illusion

bella :)
ur so special

indigo :D
yeah i am

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