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He sat at the back of the van, twiddling his thumbs with a dumb smile on his face. His mouth was a bit dry but there was a calm quiet buzzing in his ears and it made a nice replacement to streaming thoughts. He didn't smoke that often anymore, now he wondered why. "Cam?" Tobi repeated, waving a hand in front of his face, his red eyes. "mm?" He faced her, smiling toothily. "my god.." she laughed, "you are so fucking high" to which he only gave a dorky chuckle.

He was the last to enter the building, Matt holding the door open for him while Eric held the camera at the front of the group. Tobi was rushing over to a gasoline cooked for camping and Mason and Mcreamy were headed for the hunting section. Eric pointed the camera at Matt and Cam. "So, whats on the list for this epic camping trip?" Matt hesitated and pondered aloud, "ehhh, we'll need some tents I reckon.." making his way for them. Cameron followed but joked, "I thought we were gonna sleep in the element like real fortnite gamers." Matt laughed looking back at him as he walked down a narrow aisle, "True, or we could just punch trees for shelter.." Eric laughed from behind the camera. Finally Matt pulls out a bundled orange tent, Cam picking a neon blue one, "Get one for Eric," Matt jokes, "unless he's sleeping in your tent." Cameron lets an excruciatingly loud, awkward laugh/squeal before clearing his throat and looking at the camera. "Not gonna happen lads.." he chuckles more confidently. Eric grips his shirt sleeve at the elbow. "But Cammy..." Cameron flushes, before dropping his tent completely, it knocking over a folded camping chair and small barbecue grill. He clears his throat yet again and picks up the tent swiftly, facing the camera and pointing into the lens, "No butts." He said sternly, to which Eric mock whimpers. Causing Cameron to be near adjusting his jeans, stopping himself in the thought. Matt darts to the camping chair and grill, "yoo Im getting these," Eric pams the camera to him, "Im going to be camping like a fucking misfit king." He sits down in it as Cam takes the opportunity to adjust himself. 'what the fuck is wrong with me??' he questions himself franticly. With the tent under one arm he brushes through his hair with the other before grabbing a tent. "This one good?" He asks Eric as he holds it up for him to see. Eric nods and gives a thumbs up in frame.

They meet back up with the rest of the gang at the food court of the mall, Mcreamy and Eric shutting off their cameras for the short lunch break. "Do yous even know where we're going?" Mason asks as he pops a french fry into his mouth. Most the group shake their head, "Nah, Ryan was super secret about, said it was a surprise or something." Tobi chimed in, her elbow resting on the table as she sipped her soda. Cameron shrugged,
"Im sure it'll be cool," he added. "Or it'll be a complete shitshow.. but funny." To which the group laughed and nodded in agreement. Most of the buzz had now worn off and Cameron was mostly just hungry, including maybe a bit of residual embarrassment. He couldn't believe his reaction to simple teasing from Eric. That was a running joke for the whole group and before quarantine he never even stuttered over an interaction like that. 'Its just been a while since Ive heard that kind of stuff' he thought, attempting to convince himself. 'Im sensitive, thats all.' He thought defiantly, 'touch starved.' With a little nod he decided it was nothing to concern himself with. As he zoned back in the conversation has obviously taken a turn.. "If he can actually manage to find a raccoon and then hold it for more than ten seconds, Id say he deserves to have it!" Eric shouted, gesturing to a happily nodding Zuckles. "Eric youre going to get poor Macy torn to shreds." Tobi held both his shoulders in a joking protective hug. Mccreamy had pulled his camera back out and was now filming the ridiculous conversation. Mason shook her off a bit sitting up straight again, "Cam tell 'em I can keep a raccoon if i find one." Cameron smirked and nodded. "I reckon them's the wilderness rules."

After a few more trips from stores and then back to the van to store their goods and more stores they all finally met up with Ryan at the bus. This one was a bit bigger, small bunks toward the back leading to a big queen bed at the end. Which Cameron had claimed, and now lay plucking lazily at his ukulele as the bus bounced and rocked slightly. He played a small tune before laying it beside him and pulling out his phone. Admittedly he'd really been enjoying scrolling his own Reddit thread, but would never openly admit it. "Oi cunt, take one." A cold can was chucked into his chest and he caught it as rolled down. "We're all pregaming." Mason explained with his head stuck in the curtain of Cam's little cabin. "But.. we wont be there until tomorrow morning.." Cam laughed. Mason only shrugged tipping his can back, "Welp.. Im ahead by four so.." He finished it and chuckled before heading back to the lounge area where they were filming. Cameron in turn shrugged and cracked his can, taking a long sip. He looked back to his phone to find a new text. 'when you coming out?' Tobi
nearly worried about him more than his own mother he thought to himself. Especially during quarantine, constantly sending care packages and doing random check in's or calls. 'soon' He locked his phone and let it fall to the bed as he sat back and took another sip, crossing his legs with one ankle resting on his knee.
Someone knocked at the hallway door, "Yea?" he responded quickly. A red faced swag opened the curtain and stuck his head in. "smoke?" he asked with a goofy grin holding up a cone. Cameron nodded and moved his ukulele from beside him, letting Eric crawl up and sit beside him. "Are you not gonna have any drinks?" Cam asked as he watched him light the joint and puff it. Eric smiled dorkily and coughed, "I've had plenty." He laughed, causing Fitz to raise an eyebrow, "But Mason's ahead?" Eric nodded, taking another hit and passing it over. "By four.. Ive had five." He held up five fingers and laughed even harder. Cameron joining in just at how hammered he was. Suddenly Tobi had pulled back the curtain, "Oh I see.. smoke with him but wont come out for me.." Cameron mock pouted and raised up crawling over on his knees. "Please sugarplum come smoke with us.." Eric chuckled loudly in the background. He pulled at her hand, "forgive me.." She rolled her eyes but sat at the edge of the bed and crossed her legs. "Im not smoking.." She protested as she bounced her foot in the air. "Thats fine baby." He took another drag before sitting back in his place and handing it back to Swag. She looked at Eric and then Cameron accusingly, raising an eyebrow. He shook his head as he turned a bit red and took a drink from his can. But she quickly pressed further seeing that it worried him. "So.. Eric.. You and Cam have been real buds working on this video, huh?" Eric grinned and shrugged. "Yea sure, he's my best mate I guess.. or something.." He giggled and hiccupped. Taking a bit hit from the joint. Cameron blushed and shook his head again at Tobi a bit more panicked. "Do you think you'll spend alot of time together when you're.. y'know alone in the woods." Eric furrows his brow a bit but smiles goofily and shrugs again. "I meannn.. yeah probably." He takes an even bigger hit, completely forgetting Fitz and nearly finishing the cone himself. He looked at both of them briefly, "Is this like an interview..?" he pointed to both of them with arms crossed over another, ash from the joint falling to the sheets. Cameron laughed loudly before slapping the bed. "Noo, No man Tobi's just curious and weird when shes drunk." Eric a little startled, stares off at her. "Right? You're just curious. Right Tobi?" She stands up and nods with a satisfied smirk. "Just curious.." Swagger stares off at the spot she was before furrowing his brows at Cameron. "Y- You didnt..?" Cameron qucikly interjects with a resounding, "Noo.." He shakes his head, his heart racing, "I didnt say anything.." Swagger only seems more confused and annoyed, "Say anything about what?" He asks defiantly in an almost 'try me' tone. Cam gulps hard, his palms sweating violently. 'he knows what he's doing, why is h-' "Say anything about what." He meets Eric's glazed gaze, "yknow.." Eric smiles the slightest, crullest smile Cam had seen from him. He slipped his hand to the taller's thigh, squeezing roughly. A small squeal slips from Cam's lips, "when I gave you a taste of what you'll never have?" Eric's hot breath on his ear, he wanted to fight back. "E- Eric" If only to lose. He drops his grip altogether and scoots to the edge of the bed before looking back to him. "I dont want shit to do with you. Understand?" Before getting up and hastily moving from the room.

Nothing to You (a switz fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now