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They left the room quietly and went their seperate ways after a quick kiss. He didnt really enjoy hookups like this but he was too high to say no at the point she'd shown interest in him. Walking back to the kitchen to find if anyone from the group was left, he felt a little empty. Not as if he didnt know why, he'd thought of Eric during that whole interaction, and in some sad way it made him feel almost good. If this was as close as he could get to being intimate with Eric than maybe he'd keep it up. He'd finally left his thoughts and found the kitchen to find someone pacing around angrily. No Tobi. He approched the counter and grabbed a beer when the man with a bun grabbed his shoulder. "Have you seen Melody?" Cameron's heart dropped into his stomach, brains spilling into his throat. "I- I wel- I-" he swallowed hard. "Brunette? Purple skirt, fishnets?" The man flashed with anger, gave Cameron a shove. "You dont know who she is, ey?" Cameron recovered and shook his head, getting angry himself. "I dont know where she fucken' is mate, Im trying to help." The man chuckled dryly, Which always slighty amused Cam, 'is he an anime protaganist now?' "Oh yea, so I guess youre not the guy she was rubbing all over on the couch?" Cam took a step back, his heart was flying now and he looked around but found no one sober enough to help him. He shook his head, "I wa- Look man she came onto me.. I had no idea she was here with someone.. I'm not into that shit.."  and truthfully he wasn't.. for this reason. Suddenly Melody herself rushed into the room, coming between them and grabbing the man's chest. She pleaded with him while his eyes stay locked to Cam's. Until, out of nowhere he was coming at Cam. He threw up his arms to block his face as the man drew back a fist. The blow knocked him back, His beer bottle shattering against the floor. His head hit the tile and his vision went blurry, hearing muffled, slowed. And then it was black and quiet.


His head was pounding. His eyes felt weighted, and he couldn't open them. He grumbled with his mouth closed, reaching around to try and get up. A hand pushed him back down gently at his chest, and shushed him quietly. This was when he realized his hearing was still muffled. A familiar voice shushed him quietly, and the hand was displaced to his hair, stroking gently. He felt warm and safe and suddenly drifted back to black.


He was awoken to something bright in his eyes, blinking and rubbing them he shifted his head with a loud groan. Rollimg over to the side he found a room lit with sunrise, he rubbed his eyes more aggresively with the back of his knuckle. Lifting his head was met with a pounding, and so he laid back down. 'where the fu-..' He was laid at the edge of a bed nearest the wall, not the room he'd been in with Melody he was sure. Almost sure. His vision was still a bit muddy, but his hearing had apparently cleared up, hearing Eric speak from next to him. "You ok?" He was almost pissed, he could be pissed, and decided to try to be. He flopped his arms out to either side of him, refusing to face Eric. "I'm fine.." Eric shuffled a bit in the bed but didn't touch him this time. "I was worried when I found you in the kitchen.." Cameron felt a little guilty and rolled over to the wall. "I'm really fine.."
He could die of embarassment. "Well I couldn't leave you out there.. and everyone else was asleep. What exactly happened?" Cameron winced internally realizing Eric had no idea, and he'd have to explain. "My head hurts.." he deflected. Eric sighed quietly and shuffled again, "do you want to go back to sleep?" his hand finding Cameron's shoulder gently, it was warm and just the impression of his hand made him feel so warm inside. He nodded, his head throbbing from it. "Do you wanna come over here?.." Eric said quiet and a bit timidly from behind him. Without responding Cam rolled over slowly finding Eric's arm outstretched, a cavity for Cam to rest at his chest. Clumsily he nested himself into it, apologizing at first touch. He thought it best Eric was wearing a night shirt, he was too tired to be horny from skin contact. "This doesn't mean anything.." He said from his chest, saying it to Eric but more to himself. Reminding himself that while this feels amazing, he'd never have it fully. Somehow this thought hadn't made him any less comfortable and when Eric began stroking his hair, every single thought dissapeared. 'doesnt.. mean.. any-..'


He woke again with a start before feeling, almost frantically, for Eric beside him. Finding noone. He sighed, lying flat on his back and covering his face in his elbows. He felt tears welling and cursed himself for being so gullible. 'what the fuck was I thinking.. he'd wake up with me..' The room was quiet save the soothing whir of Eric's PC. After crying for an, unditermined, indisclosed, amount of time Cam sat up cautiously. His head now felt full, like there was blood under the skull and he moaned a bit as he stood up. Grabbing his forehead and catching his balance. Eric's room felt so right, the air was warm and of course it smelled of the shorter. 'that's a bit creepy.. really..' He opened the door into the hall and realized he didnt have his shoes. Continuing on, he heard familiar chatter from the dining room. He slinked past all this to the Living room, looking for his shoes in the pile at the front door. Without warning there was a sharp slap on his ass and he whipped around quickly to find Mason dog laughing him. "Tha fuck's wrong with ya cunt?" Mason laughed louder before catching his breath, "Sorry mate.. heard ya found a nice girl last night.." Cameron rolled his eyes and turned his attention to the shoes, moving aside a yellow converse. "Well, she wasnt very nice.." Mason laughed again, "nice enough to need my shirt though, ey?" Cameron groaned, "Aw fuck Mas.. Im sorry." Mason slapped his back before patting it roughly, "S'alright cunt, I'll get ya back." Cameron finally found his white hightop nike's and stood up, looking down at Mas. "I'll be looking foward to it." He put them on one at a time and looked back toward the dining room. "Is erm.. Is Swag in there?" He asked 'nonchalently.' Mas shook his head, "He left around nine this morning.. not sure where he went. Why?" Cameron shrugged, "Jus'wonderin'.. I guess I'll head out." He gestured toward the door with his head. "Oi, at least come say bye.." Cameron hesitated before nodding and joining Mas to the table. Matt and Jay looked rough, hungover, that is. Dark circles, hair messy and noses rosy. Tobi shot up and quickly hugged Cam's frame, "I was so worried.. how are you feeling?" She messed with his head gently, feeling for a lump or cut. "I'm fine.." She looked up at him with an eyebrow raised. "You got knocked unconscious by some idiot." She whispered now, looking up at him. "Yea, I remember what happened Tobi." He snapped a bit. "Hey, Im just trying to help, we were really worried.." He flashed her a look, "We?" She hesitated before nodding. "I gotta go.." He said quickly. She studied him for a minute, what she was looking for Cam had no clue. She sighed and nodded, sitting back down. "See you later Cam.."
He waved a bye to everyone and left the house quickly. Finding Eric's car wasn't where they'd park last night. He pulled his phone from his back pocket, "fuck.." The screen was shattered, and even worse, his battery was dead. He searched the rest of his pockets finding his credit card, ligter, keys and what was left of his eight ball from last night. The walk back was a little far and he was honestly regretting not getting an uber. Counting his steps he continued on down the sidewalk.


Forty six hundred steps. Luckily he'd worn his comfortable shoes. He'd also indulged in his bag and stopped at a gas station for a drink and pack of ciggarettes. His first in months. He smoked half the pack on the way home and vowed not to get another. He toed off his shoes at the door and threw the contents of his pockets onto the coffee table. Grabbing his phone and walking to the kitchen. He plugged it in and prayed for a sign of life, answered as the screen lit up and he powered it on. Impatient, he sat the phone down and started to the bathroom for a shower. He turned the knobs with a squeak and waited for the heat, pulling his shirt over his head and undoing his belt. He faced his reflection as he unbuttoned his pants. Melody had left a few light marks on his collarbone. But his attention was pulled to his face, almost boney looking in the mirror. 'I havent lost that much weight..' He poked at cheek gently. Dark circles matched with his bloodshot eyes made him look as if he hadnt slept in a week. Not that he felt it, sleep was the furthest thing from his mind. Breaking from his thoughts he got in the shower. Watching as a bit of dried blood washed from his head down the drain.

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