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'Why did i drink that fucking much..' Cameron had almost vomited four times on the ride to the misfit's house, making Eric pull to the side of road before settling himself. There were cars in each side of the driveway and a few down the curbs of the mansion. "I dont know where the fuck to park.." Eric grumbled as he circled the block again. "itdusntevenmattermate.." Eric only grumbling again, "It does matter, I dont want my car fucking scratched or dented." He finally pulled into the opposite side of the street, "let me help you out," He redirected, unbuckiling his seat belt and opening the door. "idon need help cund" Cameron unbuckled himself as Eric walked around the front of the car. Opened his door and stood up, swaying slightly. He grabbed the roof of the car, 'i cant fucking do this..' His head pounded, legs wobbly and feeling disconnected. He knew what he needed, 'just one bump..' With sudden determination he closed the door and started off toward the house, leaving Eric to tag along. "Slow down Cameron." The shorter near jogging to keep up, grabbing his hoodie sleeve. Cam only shook him off, "need to go do sumthin." Eric grabbed him once again, more firmly, "Dont do that Cam.." His tone begging the taller to look back at him. Who refused, shaking him off once again and entering the gate at the side of the house, headed for the pool shed. At the door he turned around to find Eric had left him be, with a tinge of shame, or excitement, or anxiety he opened the door. It was the usual crew, plus a few others and he was admittedly beyond relieved when they welcomed him in, flashing the bag of the white substance he'd grown to love. 'Fought so hard to quit..' The thought was a fleeting breeze as he brought the card to his nose, the sting and numbness coating his face, his head. The warmth creeping into his arms and legs, and finally he felt they were his again. He thanked them all quickly, pocketing an eigth for the long night to come.


He was greeted at the door by Matt and Jay, the latter holding a pomegranite white claw and Matt with an un-ashed joint. "Hey! Been waiting for ya!" Matt, yelled a little over the music and various chatter. "Yea I was just round back!" Matt smiled cheekily and shook his head, chuckling. "I thought you kicked that shit?!" Jay chimed in, bringing his can to his lips. Cameron shrugged, "Special occasion!" He was feeling fully himself now, despite the buzzing in his ears and teeth. "I'm gonna go find Tobes!" He gestured his head toward the kitchen, where she was often found at these bigger parties. They nodded and he walked between the two of them before Jay grabbed his arm, "Promise you'll be careful with that stuff, yea?" Cameron only shook his head, chuckling after a light scoff. But when he didnt release his arm Cam submitted and nodded, "Don't worry," He reassured. He slipped by the two of them feeling slightly annoyed, 'that was a fucken year ago..' Of course he knew why Jay was worried, Eric probably told everyone in the group what had happened. 'fucking unbelievable..' He avoided the other Streamers and E-celebs, not so easily as he was taller than most of them. Most everyone there. Luckily he reached the kitchen and found Tobi in her usual spot, leaned against the inner corner of a counter, holding some cocktail she'd made for the friends around her. "Heyo!" He said happily from the other side of the breakfast bar. She met his eyes and immediately dropped her conversation, excusing herself and coming over to Cam. "You didnt do what I think you did.." She said hushed at his side. "Whatdyou think I did?" He said in a playful tone. She shook her head and pursed her lips, looking at him like a mother who's just found her child smoking a ciggarette. "I wish you hadn't Kiwi.. I didnt wanna believe Swa-" Cameron scoffed interrupting her, "Eric fucking snitched on me?.. Again?" He rolled his eyes and turned away from her, scanning the room quickly. "I think he was just worried about you.." Cam reached over the counter to grab a beer, grabbing the cap through his shirt and twisting it off. "I dont need anyone to worry, okay?" he took a sip, his hand jittering a bit, "I'm perfectly fine. This isnt like before.." Tobi searched his face, clearly trying to convince herself to believe him. She nodded before taking a sip of her drink. "What is that by the way?" She smiled a bit, "a cosmopolatien.. it's fuckin' gross." He chuckled before toasting her with his bottle.


At some point he'd went to the bathroom to 'freshen up' but he couldnt remember how long that'd been. Somewhere between 4 beers or 3 whiskey sours from now, and he somehow ended up on the couch. Talking to a very beautiful streamer on kik, who was telling him now about her podcast based on DnD. There was a strange itch underneath the fingernail of his left thumb and he really felt he needed to pee although he could swear he'd just been. 'Or did I forget and just do coke..' Melody, the girl from Kik, had placed her hand on his thigh, scooting even closer into his side. He pulled his arm around her a bit tighter, rubbing her skin with his thumb. Unsure of how he'd ended up here, and whether he wanted out he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, studying the perfect fractals of auburn in her sage green eyes. He almost felt butterflies, if he didnt think it was possibly vomit and admittedly he'd compared hers to Eric's. Thoughts still buzzing in his head he closed the gap between their lips, speeding up to match her greedy pace. Her tongue had already slipped in his mouth and she was certainly moving her hand up his thigh. Quickly, in a sudden rush of panic, he gripped her hand. Separating their lips he apologized and looked around, feeling his issue growing each second. "I erm.. I haven't.. in a while.. Im sorry, Im really sensitive." She only grinned slyly and kissed him again, getting up quickly and taking his hand. She gestured with her head toward the hallway, Cam rubbed his crotch as if his hardon were crumbs and would fall to the floor when he stood. The party was significantly quieter, only a few small circles of conversations and hookups still lingering or progressing in the main room. He followed her blindly, nearly braindead from this new sensation thrown into a pool of them from the course of the night. Her hand was warm, and when she'd finally shut a bedroom door behind the pair it found its way to Cam's stiff crotch. Undoing his button and zipper, pulling them down to his thighs. He moaned instantly, guiltily at the slightest touches. Kissing, lapping and sucking at her neck as she rubbed him through his boxers, "Thats really good," he breathed into her ear. As if on command she got to her knees, taking him from his shorts and laying it on her tongue, kissing the tip gently. He leaned against the door and put a hand in her hair, holding lightly. "Mmm fuck.. Melody.." She sped up even more, making Cam wince and moan loudly. He gripped her hair harder, "Get on the bed, Im fucking close." He guided her to it by her roots, letting her climb up it hastily. He lifted up her thighs forcing her face down into the bed with a muffled moan. Slapped her ass lightly, rubbing her clit through her panties with two fingers. Her moans and squirming making him somehow even harder than he was. He pushed himself against her warm slit desperate to use it. "You want this, Melody?" A muffled voice from the bed, he picked her head up by the hair, pushing himself closer to her over the panties. "Yes, I want it!" He rubbed her ass, squeezing it "What do you want?" "I want you to fuck me!! Please Fitz!" Slightly turned off by the use of his username, he dropped her head and rubbed against the wet panties a little more, slapping her ass again. He pulled them over and bent down to bite her cheek, and then kiss the soaked slit, licking over her clit once. Raising back, he pushed himself into her harshly. Holding himself there as she was tighter than he'd anticipated, and his head was buzzing again. Her moans grew louder as he thrust in and out, his length reaching her cervix each time. He gripped her hips as he drew close already, speeding up and slamming into her. He dug his fingers into her ass leaning down and biting up her spine as he came into her. Holding the back of her neck into the bed. His head was really spinning now, and the numbness in his face had spread to his crotch, a tingly sensation in his chest. "fuck..." He felt as if something was catching up to him all at once. He let go of her and pulled himself out, holding her ass for balance. She turned her head to look at him. "You ok love?" He only nodded and stumbled to the closet, finding a shirt in the dark and coming back to her. He cleaned her gently, kissing her cheeks and slit a few times before sliding her panties back over. She rolled over and sat up on the edge of the bed. She was gorgeous, he thought before cupping her face in his hands and kissing her lips. So why had he thought of Eric as he finished?

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