Her baby

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Everyone on the ducks including the Wags know how much Jamie and Amelia love each other. They also know how much Jamie loves being babied by her. Trevor constantly keeps the team updated on their favorite couple.

The sick day:
Trevor's POV

I'm sat on the couch relaxing when I hear my phone ding. It is the team asking on updates on the couple. Currently, Jamie is sick with a cold. It's really not that bad. He just gets clingy when he is sick. He also loves being babied. Him and Lia are napping on the couch next to me. Jamie is laying in her arms, no shirt on. I feel really bad that Jamie is sick. He is so hot he can't even wear a shirt. I snap a picture and send it to the group chat.

The message: They are so in love, it makes me want to puke.

The message: They are so in love, it makes me want to puke

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Amelia's POV:
I wake up to Jamie still in my arms. My poor baby is so sick. I try to make him feel better by babying him. He claims he doesn't care if I baby him or not, but I know he enjoys it. I smile knowing that he is my baby.

Sorry this is so short, I just kinda thought this would be cute to right. My next one should be much longer.

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