The new roomie

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Jamie Drysdale x Fem!Hughes reader.

Originally, Stella Hughes moved in with Trevor to pursue photography for the ducks. What happens when the new rookie moves in with them?

Stella's POV

It was media day for the ducks. I was there taking pictures and videos of the team. I had only seen a few players so far. I ended up having to follow Trevor on his little car and the ducks mascot. It was soo entertaining. We had to take full team photos, so I started to get set up.

As I was doing so, I noticed one player who caught my eye. His jersey said #34 Drysdale. That must be who Trevor said was moving in with us. He was really cute. He had his black ducks jersey on, a black backwards hat, and some shorts on.

I started taking photos, and in between shots, I kept making eye contact with one player. Jamie Drysdale. We looked away, both blushing slightly. I went back to taking pictures, following Trevor and Jamie around while they goofed off. They are literal children. Trevor is lucky that he has me to keep him out of trouble.

It was now the end of the day, and I was ready to go home and eat. Trevor met me outside the arena, Jamie next to him. Turns out Jamie's stuff is still being transported here. We got in Trevor's car, me in the passenger and Jamie the back. Jamie tried to get in the front, before I cut him off and sat down. " I'm the passenger princess, so I get the front. You didn't earn the front yet" I said trying to be serious. All of a sudden, we all hurts out laughing. We eventually got home and we're trying to figure out dinner.

No one felt like cooking, so we all decided to DoorDash. We got chipotle, and crumble cookies for dessert. We were all eating dinner in the kitchen, talking about the media day, amongst other things.

Since Jamie didn't have his bed yet, we had to figure out where he would sleep. Fair enough, he couldn't share with Trevor, as Trevor slept on a full size bed. That left either the couch, or my bed. I would feel bad if he had to sleep on the couch, especially because he has practice tomorrow. " you can sleep in my bed with me. I have a king bed, and if it would make you more comfortable, we could put a pillow barrier." I offered. " really, that would be amazing. Thank you. Although we don't need a pillow barrier." He replied, laughing softly. " ok lovebirds, I'm going to bed" Trevor teased. " we aren't love birds" Jamie stated. " then why are you sharing a bed then?" Trevor retorts. I threw my pillow at him, him walking away laughing. " Let's go to my room" I said turning to Jamie" he nodded his head, getting up to follow me. " you can change in here, I'll change in the bathroom" I told him.

I walked to the bathroom, putting on shirts and one of jacks old shirts. I texted Jack about Jamie staying in my room, and he teased me saying I would fall for him after sleeping together. I turned my phone off and walked back into my room. When I walked in, Jamie was still getting changed, now pulling a shirt over his head. I looked him up and down, noticing his abs. I stared for a few seconds before I said " want to watch something?" I said, feeling rather flustered. I noticed Jamie looking me over, biting his lip slightly. " sure, maybe stranger things? I haven't seen the new season yet" he responded. " I love stranger things" we got comfy on my bed, me snuggled under the blankets, Jamie still sitting up. I took my chance, and moved over to rest my head on his thigh. He looked down at me and said " you're a cuddled, I take it?" He questioned. I blushed slightly. " yea, I hope you don't mind. It's just a comfort thing. I guess I'm just used to doing it with Trevor and Alex." He smiled brightly. " I don't mind, I actually like cuddling too. Mind if we cuddle with me laying down aswell though?" He questioned, rather shyly. " yea, I would like that"

And with that, it led us to where we are now. My head placed on his shoulder, arms around his torso, his arms loosely draped around me. His hand is up my shirt, rubbing my back, and I'm tracing patterns on his arms.

I don't remember falling asleep, but I heard someone yell from the doorway " I called it! See Jack, I was right" I shot up at my brothers name, seeing Trevor was on FaceTime with him. I groaned, and snuggled into Jamie again, hoping to fall asleep again. " go away Trevor" I mumbled. " I take it as your not a morning person, huh babe" I heard Jamie laugh. 

"And that is how I met my current fiancé" I told the rest of the Wags. We all laughed at the story, none of them having heard it before.

Who would have though a new roommate would work out so well.

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