School concert - Ethan Edwards

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Ethan Edwards x Reader

Lexi goes to her brothers concert that her friends are in with her boyfriend Ethan. However, no one knows your dating him. ( pretend Ethan is a senior in highschool, with his float hair. Like this)

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Lexi's POV

Me and Ethan were in my bedroom getting ready. Well I was at least. Ethan was already dressed. I was just finishing picking out my outfit. "What sweater should I wear?" "What are the options?" He asked needing more detail. I thought for a moment before replying "either my Bar Harbor sweatshirt or my grey Brooklyn one" I said. He stood from my bed, before walking a few steps over to me. He grabbed the Bar Harbor one, me putting it over my sports bra and leggings. Ethan came up behind my, arms wrapping Around my waist while he placed his head on my shoulder, peppering kisses on my neck. "Stop, that tickles" I spoke while laughing. He stopped, sitting on my chair.

We left my house about 20 minutes later. It was a short 5 minute drive to the school. Ethan was driving, me in the passenger seat. We were playing some Taylor swift from my phone. Ethan had his right hand on my thigh, the other driving. When we got to the school, Ethan parked and we went inside. We went to the gym to wait for the auditorium to be let in. We were talking with my parents, just laughing at some story about Ethan's practice earlier.

When the auditorium opened to everyone to sit, I walked in, Ethan behind me. My parents were just in front of us. He had his arm around my shoulder, my hand holding his. We began walking to find seats, looking over the auditorium. I saw my friends waving at me, giving me a confused look when they saw Ethan.

Here is the thing. Me and Ethan are complete opposites. He is a popular hockey player, drafted for the New Jersey devils, with lots of friends. I'm not so popular, and a theater and art kid. Oh, and another thing. No one knows we are dating. We chose to keep to ourselves for the first two months of our relationship. Which explains my friends shock.

We sat down, me holding his hand in my lap. He smiled, rubbing his thumb over my knuckle. I began playing with his rings, before my phone went off. It was a text from my friend, asking why I was so close with Ethan. I told her I would tell her in the morning. After the concert, I went home and went to bed.

The next morning, I woke up and FaceTimed Ethan while getting ready. I wore some black leggings with some white high top converse and one of Ethan's hockey jerseys. I also threw on my basic jewelry.

It wasn't much though. Just my Apple watch, some Pura Vida bracelets, and my shark tooth necklace.

I waited for Ethan to pick me up, him always driving me in the morning. I got in, us headed for school. When I got there, Ethan walked me to Mrs.D's room. We walked in, us being the first ones there. Ethan set my backpack down at a desk, before standing in between my legs. I was sat on a table near the front of her room. Eventually my friend walked in saying "Lexi, what is Ethan doing here?" She asked, recognizing how close we were at the concert yesterday. "He is my boyfriend, and drove me here again" I responded, giggling slightly. She congratulated us, before talking with me like any other morning.

I know this isn't Jamie, but I wanted to do an Ethan one. I might incorporate some more Ethan stories. Or I might make a new one-shot book.

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