Chapter 3

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💙Crystal's POV💙

"Well, this is awkward" Laura whispered in my ear

"I know, right" I whispered back

We all decided to go to the restaurant where Edward works to clear up some questions.

Our other classes were canceled due to the teachers being sick and other substitutes busy.

"Okay" Nora said, clapping her hands to get our attention.

"How about we introduce each other first so we can clear up any questions that we may have." Nora suggested, while we nodded and Ben didn't seem very interested in our conversation and kept using his phone.

"I'll go first, My name is Nora. I'm 16 and I'm about to turn 17 in 2 weeks. I'm half American and half Italian and I was born and raised in LA." She said, smiling

"I'm Edward, Nora's older brother. I'm 17 and as Nora said before I'm also half American and half Italian." He said, but I noticed he kept glancing at Laura.

"I'm Lucas, as many of you already know. I'm 17 and I'm full American and I was born in Florida but then moved here with my family at the age of 6." He said, taking a sip out of his soda.

"I'm Laura, 17 years old, born and raised in San Diego before newly moving here with Crystal"

"I'm Crystal, 17 years old, also born and raised in san Diego before newly moving to LA with Laura." I said and I noticed Ben's eye flicker to me before it went back to his phone.

"Are you guys sisters?" Nora asked, pointing between Laura and I.

"No, we're just childhood friends who grew up together since birth" Laura explained, while I nodded

"Oh, cool" Edward exclaimed.

We all looked at Ben who wasn't even giving us the time of day. He kept scrolling until he couldn't handle the stares we were giving him and groaned

"Ugh, fine. I'm Ben, 17 years old, their cousin." He said, pointing between Nora and Edward.

"WHAT?!" Laura, Lucas, and I yelled.

"Never thought I'd see the day, you'd tell anyone that we're family" Edward smirked at Ben.

"Shut up, Edward" Ben said, glaring at him

Nora and Edward laughed at him, while the rest of us still couldn't believe what we heard.

"Didn't you know this, Lucas?" Laura asked him

"I almost never relate to them so I didn't even know" Lucas said.

"No one in school knows we're related" Edward says, while Ben rolls his eyes and focuses back on his phone.

"Does he know that Amber staked a claim on him?" Lucas asked

"Hmmm, and it's annoying as hell" Ben says, groaning.

"But I pretty much don't care since I'm not even interested. It keeps all the girls away anyways"

I rolled my eyes and didn't care to mind him any longer but I did notice him smirking at me.


"Laura, when's the pizza coming?" I asked, getting even more, hungrier than before.

"Chill girl, It's only been 5 minutes since we ordered it" Nora said, making herself comfortable on my queen-size bed as we watched Netflix.

"She has a point" Laura agreed with her

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