Chapter 24

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📘Crystal's POV📕

"Sure thing mom, I'll make sure to get the things you need." I say into the phone as I watch the bus pass more buildings.

"Don't forget to tell me if the money I sent you wasn't enough. If you end up spending your money let me know, alright?" she says and I internally groan. I don't really care if the money in my account is spent if it means I'm helping out a little.

"Alright, mom." I say and see that I'm about to arrive at my destination. "I'm getting off the bus now, I'll call you soon." I say "Alright dear, be careful. Love you." she says "Love you too" I reply before I hang up.

I ascend the bus and look around, across the street, I see the Central Library. I cross the road and find myself staring at an example of art deco. I love its transitional modernist style, in fact, I love it so much that I can't help but take out my phone and take a picture of the structure. I've gotten into the habit of taking pictures of beautiful landscapes and structures. I feel that keeping them will be like keeping the history of this town even if everything in the future changes.

Once I've taken the photo I see that I'm almost late and as I am the tutor I have to be the one to make it there before the tutee and prepare for the lesson.

I rush inside and call her "Hey, Anna. Are you here already?"I ask and I hear a chair moving and some jostling around. "Hey and yeah, just got here." she says and I close my eyes chastising myself for not listening to mom and dad and still drinking that energy before going to bed.

"Alright, where are you?" I ask "I'm on the second floor, beside the shelf that contains books with other languages." she says and I start making my way up the second floor. I search around for the shelves that contain the book in other languages and keep Anna on the line "So... Anna. What subjects do you need help with?" I hear jostling on the other side "Well, math for starters." she says and I nod even though I know she can't see me. "Alright, anything else?" I ask and I hear a pause before she speaks "Oh, yeah social studies and history are a pain in the ass." she says and I internally chuckle.

I find the place that she was talking about and see a girl's back. I can see that she has books sprawled on the table as if we were about to strategize for a war and notice her bag beside the table on the ground. I can't make out her face as I'm behind her but she has auburn hair. "I'm sure we can work somethin-'' the words meet an early grave as she turns to me and our expressions mirror: my blue and her grey eyes widen and our jaws drop. I was not expecting to meet her and by my guess what a small world.

Anna turns out to be one of Amber's minions. I'm one nanosecond ready to turn around and go back home, hopefully, principal Smith can find someone else to do the job cause hell to the no do I want to associate myself with someone who seems fit to treat people the way they do. When I take a step back she seems to snap out of her stupor and I'm shocked to see regret, sadness, and pleading in her eyes. She stands up and takes a step towards me making me take a step back "I'm sorry." she says and I stare at her in both shock and suspicion. What exactly is she up to?

"Look, I know that the way we treated you wasn't acceptable." You got that right but don't say anything and let her continue. "I don't agree with Amber's action and have no excuse for taking part in it but please find it in your heart to forgive me" Then she looks down and whispers "Even if you decide not to help me". I take a deep breath and use that moment to think. I don't really know what's going on and it's true what she said about what they did was not acceptable but no one knows the true story. I get a better look at her and notice that she's wearing a black turtleneck with long sleeves that reach her palms, which is strange and a terrible idea cause it's way too hot for that. She notices my staring and hugs herself, looking down as if she was trying to shield herself from something.

I walk towards her, making her take a step back and she pales a notch. She closes her eyes as if I'm about to hit her when I slightly raise my hand to her. When she opens an eye I smile and she visibly relaxes, then looks at my outstretched hand. She looks at me in disbelief as she has never seen such a gesture before. She slowly takes my hand "Hi, Anna I'm Crystal" I say and she gives me a watery smile and she sniffles before using her sleeves to wipe the tears away "Hey Crystal, I'm Anna". When she lets go of my hand I notice that she has little cuts on her face and her turtle neck covers most of her but what seems to be a bandage covers half of her neck. At the sight, my heart constricts but I hide the fact that I noticed before she can grasp on where I looked.

We head to the table and she starts asking questions about the subjects she couldn't understand I answer all her questions but we avoid the topic about what accord just now. Although we ended it positively, I know that deep down there's a lot that she wants to keep away from prying eyes or even eyes that don't notice anything. Besides we barely have any info on each other it will take some time before she might warm up to me and want to tell me if anything is happening to her, I'll just wait for the day we might become closer friends but seeing her do her best and try to tackle down her studies makes me think of her statement. Is she really sorry? And if she has a good heart then why is she hanging around Amber? I decided to put those thoughts away when I hear Anna asking me another question "What are derivatives, I still can't understand?" she asks and I take her book pointing at some numbers and examples "Derivatives means change" I say, and continue the lecture on derivatives and everything that comes along with it.

Soon we don't notice that it's late I can see the sun slowly setting and decide to call it a day. "Thanks again Crystal" Anna says and smiles at her, she was fun having around. She took her studies seriously but when we took a break she smiled and I believe I witnessed a true smile that hadn't been there in a while. "No problem, it was fun for me to be a tutor." I say as I pack up my stuff and she does the same then she turns to me and does a little curtsy "Well... M'lady this tutee is very grateful for your help" she says in a British accent making me laugh, then I cover my mouth I hope I wasn't too loud. "I didn't know you were British," I say and her smile broadens "I do have some English blood in me but that was from my grandparents" Her smile falters a little "My dad speaks in an American accent but you know... it's in the blood" she says shrugging. I didn't miss the falter and quickly changed the subject "That's cool, so when do we meet again?" I ask "How about next weekend? I need to start packing." she says "Ok sur- Wait? What? Pack for what?" I ask and she takes a moment to think. "Oh... Maybe your homeroom teacher hasn't told your class yet?" she says and that makes me all the more confused "What are you talking about?" I ask and she just smiles "Eh... It wouldn't hurt to tell you." she says and I wait for her to elaborate "The school is taking us on a surprise trip for the week." she says and starts to do a mini small dance. "A surprise trip." I say my voice edging in disbelief. I know that school trips are true but I don't trust schools giving very nice surprises. Anna ends her mini dance and grabs her bag strapping it over her shoulder. "Yeah... I know what you're thinking" she says and walks up to me, and together we make our way downstairs. "Trust me, Royal Sky High is known for giving the best surprise trips for the students that always end with a bang!" she says with a mischievous smirk on her lips while rubbing her hands together as if she were a mad scientist ready to create Frankenstein 2. "I don't doubt you." I say as we walk out of the library.

Once we reach the outdoors I notice Anna fidgeting from the corner of my eye. "What's wrong?" I ask and she seems startled by my question. "I... uh... wanted to hug you goodbye?" she says, wincing. "I know, it sounds weird just this is the first time we've ever actually interacted but-" I shut her up with a hug and I feel her go stiff. I inwardly chuckled, she was the one who asked for a hug. She slowly hugs me back as if to see if it wasn't an illusion hugging her. "Thanks" I hear her whisper and we break the hug. "See you around?" she asks and I nod "See you around." I say, smiling and waving her goodbye before I cross the road and see that the bus has arrived.

I enter and find a seat by the window. As I put my bag on my lap I noticed from the corner of my eye Anna was still waving at me with a smile that screamed that I had just made her day a whole lot better. I smile back and wave her goodbye and the bus starts moving and soon Anna fades from view with the rest of the building that passes. I send my mom a quick text letting her know that my tutoring session with Anna is over and that I'm heading over to the grocery store now. I put on my earbuds and let Ariana sing all the way to the next stop.

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