Chapter 18

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🚘Crystal's POV🚘

The next few weeks were both awkward and challenging for me. I had lashed out at Ben for doing his side of the assignment on many occasions but he just seemed not to care. FOR CRYING OUT LOUD This is supposed to be a huge part of our grade but when I thought I'd faint when the teacher called us to do our presentation he did his part perfectly well it was almost as if he had actually worked. The relief that came over me made me want to tackle him down and kiss him... Wait no, not kiss him. I meant to kill him for not telling me sooner that he had done his part and for making me worry my lovely ass off.

As for Laura and Edward, they got together sooner than expected. You could say that Nora and I peeped a little when they eventually confessed to each other after avoiding each other for a long time.

While Amber is still being the rich mean brat she hasn't bothered me in a while and I have a feeling that Lucas had something to do with it. Speaking of Lucas, my parents were good with me being his secretary, and since summer vacation is close by he decided to give me a tour of the company so I could be a little familiar with it.

But as of now, Principal Smith called me to have a chat with them so that's where I am now. In her office, she looms over me with a smile as she sits on her desk and some documents in hand.

"Thank you for coming Crystal"

"It's no problem, Principal Smith"

She nods "Well the reason I called was because I have had teachers come here and tell me about how good your grades have been and it makes me happy to know that you're doing well and that you were accepted into this school"

"Thank you for your praises ma'am"

She nods again " But the reason I called you to my office was not only to praise you but because I need your assistance"

"What may that be?"

"I would like you to tutor"


"Yes, I would like for you to tutor a specific student who needs some help in their subject. Although you two are not in the same class you still have some subjects that aligned."

"Ok, who's the student?"

"Her name is Anna and here is her number so you two can call and make up a schedule for when you wanna meet."

"Alright ma'am"

"That is all. You can now go and enjoy your weekend"

"Thank you, ma'am. You too" I say as I get up from my seat and proceed to the door.

I leave and start to make my to the school parking lot where I see Lucas standing near his 2018 Jeep Grand Cherokee, typing on his phone.

He raises his head and sees me coming towards him. He puts his phone in his pocket and smiles.

"Hey, is everything done?" He says, getting his car keys out from his other pocket.

"Yeah, thanks for waiting"

"Of course, I have to wait I'm the one that has to take you to the company."

"You could have done me the favor and not have had to point that out" I say, crossing my arm and leaning my weight on my other foot, causing him to chuckle.

"Sorry" he says and I chuckle and make my way to the passenger seat.

The inside of the car smelled like watermelon.

"You like it?" He asks and I furrow my eyebrows


"Do you like the watermelon scent, you seem to light up when you breathe it in?"

"Oh, yeah I do. Was it that obvious?" I say feeling a little embarrassed.

He chuckles "Yeah, it kinda was. But don't worry you still looked cute"

I feel my cheeks heat up at his words and quickly turn my to my window and pretend to be looking around. "Just drive." I tell him.

"Your wish is my command madam" he says, and in the next few minutes the jeep roars to life and we're on our way.

The entire way I didn't dare to look at him or even utter a word and he really didn't mind, in fact, the silence that was between us was actually comfortable. I know he was just complimenting me but a caring, nice guy with a handsome face telling you you're cute will make you weak unless your some npc. At some point, he put on the radio and we just enjoyed music all the way to the company.

"Here we are" he says, making me snap out of my thoughts. I look around and see that we're in an underground parking lot. We both come out of the car and Lucas locks it. He leads me to an elevator and clicks floor twelve. I had to take a minute and process what I've just seen. Why are there twelve floors in the company, maybe it's because it's the first time I

ve stepped into a famous company but I've never thought I'd experience such a thing before.

"The office where my dad works is on the top floor, I know you may be thinking why the top? But trust me the view is amazing"

"Is there anyone right now cause it's almost five?" I say checking the time on my phone.

"Everyone should be finishing up for the day"

"And what about your secretary and our dad?"

"My dad and secretary should already be home by now. My dad's preparing for a vacation that's why he isn't here right now, otherwise, he usually works late" He says and I nod.

We reach floor twelve and we step out we walk a little and make our way to a black door that says CEO. Lucas takes out his keys and opens the door he steps inside first and turns on the light. The office is quite big, hardwood floor and white walls. There is a bookshelf covering the side of the wall and a TV in the middle of it. Couches are placed around a medium-sized black coffee table and a black office desk is in front of a floor-to-ceiling window with the best view of the city that I have ever seen. It makes everything in the office brighter and the image of staying here and watching the sunset makes me wish I could stay here longer.

"So what do you think?" Lucas asks leading me to the spectacular view.

"It's beautiful" I say a big smile forming on my face as I look at the skyscrapers nearby

"It definitely is"

"Hey, how abou-" I say turning to face him but my words stop mid-way as I see the way he's gazing at me. I can see the want in his eyes and I become frozen as I feel like he's trying to lean towards me.

Then my saving grace/phone rings and we step away from each other. Lucas clears his throat and I check my phone and see that mom is calling. I pick up the phone.

"Hey sweetie, when are you coming back?"

"Um, I don't know let me check if there is anything else I need to know before leaving"

"Hey, um... Lucas?"


"Is there anything else I need to know"

"I don't think so, but I was hoping that we would be able to have dinner together"

"Uh... let me check with my mom"

I put the phone back on my ear "Hello M-"

"Don't even bother asking, you have our approval to have a date with the nice young man"

"Mom it's not a date!"

"Whatever you say dear. Tata~"

I groan as she hangs up and I make the mistake of looking directly into Lucas's' where I a smirk waiting to grace me with its presence.

"A date huh?" He says crossing his arms.

"Just forget about it and let's go" I say and start to speed walk my way out of there.

He chuckles "Sure". But I never looked back at him for fear that my cheeks would give me away.

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