Chapter 6

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🖤Crystal's POV🖤

A/N: Crystal in black and Laura in pink

"Laura, how long will this take?" I asked as she was applying makeup on me.

"Don't rush an artist. Plus I'm trying to destroy people by using your beauty" She says, continuing with my makeup. I rolled my eyes at her words.

"Hey don't move" She says

Nora's birthday came fast and we were getting ready. We already requested an uber and it was on its way.

"And... done" She said

"About time" I said as I opened my eyes.

"Who is this?!" I asked surprised that my appearance was completely different.

I never wore makeup. I found it quite annoying to have on, I only wore it on special occasions. So to see that I have become prettier with makeup, makes me think that I should hire Laura as my makeup artist.

"Laura has done it again" Laura said, as she wiped a fake tear from her eyes.

A few minutes later we heard the uber arrive and we made our way downstairs. I made sure to lock the door and walked quickly to join Laura in the car. We arrived at the party when it was still lit. And it was your typical party: drunk and horny teens, drinking, dancing, and making out. We found Nora dancing and she noticed us. She rushed towards us and hugged us.

"Thanks for coming!" Norasz< said, yelling through the loud blasting music.

"We wouldn't miss it for the world!" Laura yelled back. And I couldn't help but laugh.

We made our way to the kitchen and got ourselves some drinks and also because it was less noisy there.

"What do you think of the party?" Nora asked

"It's nice" I said, smiling.

"That's great! Edward and I have been planning for this for a while now" She said beaming.

"Speaking about Edward, where is he?" I said glancing at Laura and I noticed a blush form on her already rosy cheeks.

"Oh, he's outside with Ben" Nora said smirking.

Laura quickly got the point of what we were talking about and rolled her eyes. Nora and I giggled as she walked out. We already knew where she was heading.

Nora and I went straight to the dancing floor and started to dance. We were having fun and with all the drink I'd had by now the world decided to spin for me. I still wanted to dance and the alcohol hadn't completely overtaken my senses. Nora decided to take a breather and left me on the dance floor. I was still there for a while till I decided to take a break myself.

I went to one of the corners where no one was and tried to relax.

"Hey Crystal"

I looked up to see a beaming but also blushing Lucas standing in front of me

"Hi" I said returning the beaming smile.

"You look nice tonight"

"Thanks, you do too"

"Wanna dance?" Lucas asked, extending his hand

"Sure" I said and was about to take hold of his hand.

But suddenly the lights went out. Everyone was panicking and rushed around the place. Lucas and I couldn't see each other but I knew that by now we were all separated. I tried to slowly move around the rushing crowd and almost stumbled a couple of times. I didn't know where I was heading, but I felt someone grab me by the arm and drag me into a room. I was suddenly pushed against the wall and I tried to break free but was pinned harder.

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