Chapter 22

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📱Crystal's POV📱

"Why do you look so flustered, are you sick?" Nora asks and I put my hand on my forehead.

She's cycling g us back right now and all that keeps replaying in my head is that kiss. Oh, why did he have to do that?

Then Ada's words replay in my head like a record player "Cali says that if two people kiss when the Ferris wheel reaches the top, they will be lovers forever". I shake my head at that nonsense superstition. What do kids know about love and romance? Disney isn't quite the best example of how romance exists. There is no such thing as knights in shining armor or princes that slay dragons. Laura's past was a caution sign for me and although I'm glad she's putting herself back out there I have no interest whatsoever in taking a dip in that side of the pool.

"Don't worry, I'm not sick" I answer. "You sure?" she asks, and I just nod, reconfirming my statement. "Ok, if you say so," she says before stopping at my door and I take off my helmet.

"Thanks for the ride" I say. "No problem and just for the record my brother really likes Laura" she says and I smile. "Oh... and I'm not sugarcoating. He really likes her" she says and I laugh. "Calm down, you don't have to cut off his balls" I say patting her on the shoulder. "I know, but that doesn't mean I won't do it eventually, he can be so annoying most times that it seems like a good idea" she says and I chuckle. "Well don't do that for the sake of our Laura, she might get upset" I say and she snickers then sighs dramatically. "Alright," she says and hugs me. "We'll be getting a review from Laura in the group chat soon," she says then waves and rides off.

I go inside and find my parents cuddling on the couch watching some reality TV show."I'm back" I call out and they turn to me with a smile. "Welcome back, dear," my mom says "How was your day?" dad asks. "It was fi-" I cut myself when I remembered the kiss but immediately pushed out my head "Fine" I quickly say and they turn to each other, gazing at each other with a knowing look in their eyes before they turn to me with a smirk. Annnnd that's my cue to get out of there, I pretend to yawn "Well, It's late and I'm tired so nighty night" and dove out of there, up the stairs, to my room, and ensured I locked it. Was my excuse lame? Probably, but in my defense whenever my parents smirk like that with a knowing look in their eyes then it's time to peace out before one gets grilled for answers for the next hour or two.

I drop my phone onto my bed and plop down right next to it. I sigh as I look up at the ceiling and grab my hood only to freeze when the kiss bounces back into my memory with a vengeance and my finger slowly graze my lips. Realization soon pushed back guns blazing and I shook my head out of that stupor. I sigh and go to the bathroom to take care of business after a nice hot shower, brushing my teeth, and tying my hair into a messy bun I sort of felt better. I went back to my room and put on gray sweatpants and a white tank top.

Soon the notification on my phone rang out and without looking I could already guess that it was Laura. I picked up my phone and opened the group chat.



Laura: Alright girls it's time for a review!📝

Me: You're giving food critic vibes

Laura: Whatever🙄🙄🙄

Nora: Alright ladies, settle down no need to go into a

catfight with each other

Me: 1. We are not fighting over a man🙄

2. Yes Mom🙄

Laura: Anyways, back to the review I was talking about📝

Nora: Oh yes, do you need me to sharpen some knives?🔪🔪🔪

Me: M'lady, please calm down

Laura: I love you Nora for looking out for me but don't

worry, we can make use of your knives another day

Nora: Aww. Too bad😕

Me: See it as vacation, Miss Assassin

Nora: Fine😒

Laura: Anywho Ed was quite the gentleman and I feel

comfortable around him.

Me: 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Nora: 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Me: Don't think we overlooked the fact that

you've given him a nickname.😏

Nora: Yeah😏

Laura: So what?

Me: So cuuuuuute🤭🤭🤭

Nora: Omg I know I'm supposed to gagging

cause, you know, my brother and everything

but I can't help but gush over how cute you

two are🤭🤭🤭

Laura: It's not a big deal

Nora: The guy turns red whenever dad

brings you up hahahaha😆😆😆

Me: Lmao hahahahaahaha🤣🤣🤣

Laura: Ok, that's kind of funny😆😆😆

Nora: You should see the look on his

face ✨hilarious✨

Laura: Alright ladies, it's been nice talking to

y'all but my eyes are shutting themselves

and I have no power over them

so... nighty night

Nora: Bonne nuit

Crystal: Buona notte


As I'm about to put my phone back down on my nightstand I see the paper slip that has Anna's number on it and remember that we haven't spoken of our location on where we should have our session.

I call her phone and she picks up on the third ring. "Hello?" she says and I hear noise in the background. I sit up straighter "Hey Anna. It's me, Crystal".

"Right, is there anything you need?" she says her voice a little on edge. Ok... "Well, I just remembered that we haven't discussed a location for our session," I say and I think I hear a sigh at the other end of the line.

"Do you want me to come over?" I ask "N-no," she says a tad bit too fast, and the uneasiness I felt returned but I quickly shook it off. "What about the library?" I ask, maybe she would feel safer in a public environment with cameras. "Um... sure," she says and an awkward pause passes between us. "Uh... Goodnight" I say "Goodnight" she whispers before she hangs up.

I take the phone away from my ear and stare at it. The way Anna sounded was odd, not like she did the last I called her. But then again I barely know her and have yet to see her.

I lie on my bed for a while but I just can't shake this unknown feeling out of me. I grab a hoodie from the closet, quietly open the door, and make my way down the stairs. Mom and dad are no longer in the living room so it means they're in their room and I have no intention of disturbing them. I open the door and make my way to the porch to breathe in the fresh night air. The stars seem to dance with every swaying of the porch swing. The tree ruffling in the breeze adds to the performance. As I start to feel a little sleepy, I get up and walk back to the door when I notice from the corner of my eye a familiar spec of midnight hair black hair but when I turn to see if my speculation was true, he's... gone.

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