Prologue: Gathering the Watchers

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"Boy, i am so fucking bored." Said a random dude wearing a banana costume as he was reading some hentai he found in some equally as random corner of internet. He wondered what his idiot friend was doing right now. "Hey, won't it be funny if i dragged random people here and made them watch his journey and screw with their minds in the process? Yeah good idea, let's do it."

Deciding on his amazing plan, he made up a list on which world's people to kidnap- i mean invite. 

1.Senki fuckoff symphogear, aka an anime that could have a LOT of reaction fics but has basically none. 

2.Honkai impact 3

3.Hyperdimension Neptunia

4.Senran Kagura

5.Undefeated Bahamut Chronicle

6.Dog Days

7.Lord Marksman and Vanadis



"Hm...a unique bunch, with commonly used and less commonly used series. Oh well, as a true host i am gonna drag everyone's asses her without giving a fuck to their privacy and remove their powers." He shrugged, as he casually snapped his fingers. 


Symphogear Cast

"Ugh...." A certain chestnut haired girl groaned as she crashed on top of the hard ground. She was just going to her house for lunch, and now she ended up here. She groggily woke up and looked around, wondering where she was. Was she kidnapped? Already that unexplained phenomenon few days back caused by a power beyond even Shem-ha that destroyed countless GALAXIES unnerved S.O.N.G - formerly known as section 2 and her friends. 

"Hibiki..." The chestnut haired girl, whose name is revealed to be tachibana hibiki, looked up to see her girlfriend Miku Kohinata. "Miku, you are here!" She cheered. At least, she was not alone. "Dummy, we are here as well!" A voice yelled, revealing her friend, Chris on top of Maria, as well as Tsubasa with Kiraka and Shirabe waking up slowly. 

No, not just them. She could see Master Genjuro , Elfnein and Shinji Ogawa as well. "Everyone!" Hibiki yelled as they turned their attention to her. "Hibiki? And..the others? Where are we?" Genjuro spoke, looking uncertain. "I..have no idea.." Elfnein spoke, looking disturbed. 


A loud , rude voice greeted them, causing everyone to jump. They immediately took a fighting stance and looked behind to see....a dude in banana costume and a sunglass waving as he approached them. 

"........what." Chris spoke. They where prepare to fight anyone who abducted them, but did not expect their abductor to look so...ridiculous. "Man, ya all look like i picked you guys from the garbage dump or something. Look a bit excited, will you?" He spoke casually. 

"Who are you and why did you bring us here?" Maria demanded, holding her pendent...only to realize that she does not have it. "Our symphogears!" Kiraka yelled, causing the other adaptors to realize in horror that they indeed did not have their pendants. "You...what have you done with your gears?" Hibiki spoke nervously. This is the first time someone straight up removed their gears. 

"This place is expensive. I can't have you idiots attacking and blowing up this place." The man simply spoke. "And why can't i attack you?" Genjuro spoke, nervously. He and shinji intended to jump at the man to take him down, but no matter what whenever he tried to attack him his body won't move an inch. 

"Simple, i created a law that you cannot attack me or each other." The man simply spoke. "Bullshit!" Chris yelled at him. Not even the custodians had such a ridiculous ability.  " you intend to do with us...?" Maria spoke, nervously. Her instincts screamed at her not to piss off the person in front of her. Same with Tsubasa. Never before did this happen , even against their enemies like Shem ha. They where like sitting ducks here. Only a few days before  did a incomprehensible phenomenon occured where countless galaxies where destroyed. Now they ended up in this place defenseless. 

"Ah, listening, are we? Good. So, that cataclysm that happened a few days ago where your earth was miraculously intact. Ain't you curious to know how that happened? So, you are basically gonna watch how that happened, and then i kick you all out" The man explained. 

"That's it? We just watch the cause of that phenomenon and then you will let us go? " Miku asked cautiously, to which she received a nod. "Why?" "Well....." The man began. "I just wanted to see you guys reacting to other worlds, that's all. I needed some entertainment, and you wanted answers to how that happened. It's a win win!" The man spoke. 

"Uh..ok?" Hibiki was confused. Entertainment from watching others watching something? That is weird. But she could tell this person did not mean them any harm. She and her associates decide to obey what he is saying and where guided to a cinema hall, all wary of this man who suddenly captured all of them effortlessly. 

"I am back, retards!" He announced, showing there already where people in the cinema hall before them. "Is this the last or you will be kidnapping more people?" A girl with short hair asked, the other girls next to her nodding. "Nah , they are the last." The man declared, as the adaptors and the staff of S.O.N.G sat in rather a luxurious sofa prepared for them. Hibiki sat with the six other adaptors and genjuro , Elfnein and Shinji sat in another Sofa. 

As he sat down, Genjuro realized that the cinema hall was very, very luxurious. The sofas could be turned into beds at will. Man, he would love to watch an Action Movie in a place like this. "You guys look surprised . Where you not informed?" A voice suddenly spoke out as Maria turned her head to see a curious girl with long dark purple hair. "Forgive me for not introducing myself. I am Raiden Mei. I am a valkyrie training at Saint Freya's academy." "Valkyrie?" S.O.N.G looked confused. The girl, Raiden Mei was definitely not a symphogear user. Maybe a different type of valkyrie then the symphogear adaptors? If so, was she from another world? 

"What she means is that all of us here received a letter warning us that we will be summoned in a few days to know the cause of a certain disaster in our world." A young man with dirty blonde hair explained. Wait what...? They where supposed to receive a letter??

"Oh shit, did i forget to send you guys the letter?" The man slapped this palm to his face. "Meh, no problem." He ignored their protests. "Now you all, let us begin!" He spoke dramatically "The most chaotic adventure you lame guys would ever see!"


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