Chapter 3: Did you really think i cannot kill Noise without karaoke armor?

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"....He can even kill Noise without a symphogear?" Chris deadpanned, as she along with the rest of S.O.N.G stopped trying to make sense of his power long back.

".....How is that even possible, though?" Elfnein wondered. 

"So look dude, there is this place called second division-" The young Genjuro explained to Sirius

"Second division?" Mei wondered. "Is that a government organization in your world?" S.O.N.G kept quiet at this, as it was a secret organization. As Tsubasa was about to give an excuse, banana guy interrupted her. "Nah, it is something really cringe and useless. Nothing worth giving a damn about." 


"Ah, ok then, nothing important was missed." Kiana nodded, much to the members of S.O.N.G's chagrin. 

"Section 2? Is that a new sort of trash bin you all invented?" Sirius asked. "NO! It is secret a governmental organization!" "Jeez, so what do i do on your lame ass organization? Is it secret as it is so cringe no one wants to give a damn about it?" "NO! So we are supposed to fight -"

Many people in the theatre where snickering at the sheer level of disrespect Sirius was giving to S.O.N.G. The banana dude himself was laughing his ass off. Oh, the payback...

"And we protect humanity from these monsters called Noise." Genjuro explained. "If you guys are the ones that humanity needs to turn to for protection from noise i am willing to resort to praying for the future of mankind." Sirius deadpanned back.

The snickers turned into full blown laughter while hibiki awkwardly looked at her friends. "Meanie" Miku muttered, the symphogears agreeing with her. 

"We use special armor called the symphogear to fight noise." Genjuro continued, ignoring his remarks. "Symphogear? Is that some new BDSM equipment?" Sirius rose an eyebrow.

Chris immediately spat her drink (Which she got out of nowhere) everywhere. "WHERE DID HE EVEN GET SUCH AN IDEA?" Maria, Tsubasa, Hibiki and Miku, AND Kiraka and Shirabe yelled with their faces red. 

"Actually, you are kinda right- no, where did you even get that idea?" Genjuro asked , weirded out. "I don't know, i just heard the name and i feel disappointed." Sirius shrugged. 

"I DO NOT THINK LIKE THAT!" Genjuro shouted out, fearful for the girls's opinion of him changing. 

"Anyway i am telling you this because-"  BAM!

That was the sound of 1.Numerous monsters coming out of nowhere. 2.Sirius slamming his fist on genjuro's face to shut him up.  3.A random gay dude slamming his face on a wall trying to get away.

KARMA NOISE! S.O.N.G's eyes widened as they noted the more dangerous black counterpart of the noise appearing. And by countless, no less! Merely one or two was enough of a problem needing swan songs to kill. Now numerous of them appeared?

"Shit!" Genjuro noted. "There are too many of them! Tsubasa is still too far to reach in time. We must-" 

"Hey, don't some of them have an odd shape?" Sirius noted, seeing a karma noise the shape of a....a penis shooting white sticky substance at them. Genjuro jumped away, while Sirius casually stepped back. 

Hibiki realized suddenly. Isn't that the same noise chris chan used to trap me in when me first met? She pouted how easily Sirius and the parallel world version of her commander avoided the substance, but she knew both of them are abnormal. 

"....Are these are the Noise symphogears fight?..." Sirius began. "....yes?" Genjuro answered. "And those things look like a damn penis..."

"Holy shit, i did not notice it before.." Genjuro realized. That, combined with the fact it shoots white, sticky substance to trap their enemies...wait...

"...This is an eroge world right? You section 2 are hentai characters, and now you want me to get involved into the kinky ass shit you all do?" Sirius came to his brilliant conclusion. 

S.O.N.G: ..........................

Everyone else:......................

"WHAT-NO!" Genjuro protested. "Hey hey, tell me, have simphogears fought a tentacled monster before? I need to know the name of science, of course." "WHAT DID I SAY?"

Genjuro really wanted to pull his hair out in frustration. "And it is symphogear! Not simpogear!"

So did the rest of S.O.N.G watching them, including the adaptors. 

"Oh, so you all are so lame that you cannot even take care of fodders without the help of some shitty bdsm equipment. Truly, humans are evolving. Backwards. " Sirius deadpanned. "It is impossible to hurt noise without the symphogear armor!" Genjuro argued. "Oh really? Well, you know what they say: Fist is above reason." With a BAM! Sirius casually teleported to the biggest Karma Noise and casually punched it's head off without any effort, despite not wearing a symphogear or a relic. 

"HOW?" Everyone in S.O.N.G internally screaming at what the hell did they just witness. 

".....alright, i need to get my eyes checked." Genjuro concluded, wondering if the young man was actually making him go insane. 

 "Did you really think just because i did not have a symphogear means i cannot kill Noise?" Sirius responded wit a bored gaze, as the remaining Karma noise where obliterated and blown away conveniently via the power of bullshit. 

"Yeah, that makes sense. Ehe." Elfnein noted with empty, dead eyes with the rest of the adaptors. "Is that an Anos Voldigoad reference?" Kiana voiced her thoughts.

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