7.A very "Shemu" moment

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"Do you have ANY idea how much of a pain it was to set up that stage?" Ryoko yelled annoyed at Sirius, whose casual sitting posture while drinking his "syrup" of concentrated alcohol already spoke volumes of how much fucks he gave of her, which was in the negative indescribable cardinals.

"Who even drinks something like that!" Hibiki, Kiana and Ashido Mina yelled simultaneously. 

 "Geez, very emotional speeches you give surely. If i had a heart it really would make me want to believe in it's song...yeah right." Sirius snorted. 

Hibiki can't help but frown wondering what Sirius meant by that, and how the hell did he know that line. He seemed to know like, everything. 

Ryoko gave him an unreadable look but sighed. Who cares? She cannot make head or tail of Sirius. Might as well go with the flow unless she goes insane. "We still have to binge watch the eminence in shadows by the way." Kajiri kamui reminded Sirius. "Ah, time for the truly important shit. " Sirius decided as he got up.

"He is into isekai anime?" Genjuro thought. 

"We are going to be having a meeting a few hours from now." Ryoko sighed. "Oh well, at least Kanade didn't go "Lancer Ga Shinda".....although something tells me it would become a running gag after this." Kajiri Kamui snorted.

Tsubasa gave the screen an annoyed look at this. 

"ANYWAY!" Sirius coughed. "The plot is going at like a snail's phase. We should just get going. Kajiri, let's roll." With that, Sirius blasted away, leaving ANOTHER hole in section 2 headquarters wall, causing Ryoko to scream in frustration. 

This didn't even get a reaction from S.O.N.G, now somewhat used to his antics.

Timeskip- Tachibana residence. 

"I am telling you, Miku! Everyone was glaring at me in school today." Hibiki began nervously, while a worried Miku nodded. Indeed, it seemed like people where not really pleased at Hibiki surviving. It wasn't stopping at that, it seemed like everyone had turned hostile to her and her family.

Ah. IT was THOSE times. Hibiki still shuddered wondering if she would be reminded of those times. While her friends held her tightly. 

"Hibiki. Whatever happens, i will stick with you." Miku declared, resolutely. Hibiki couldn't help but be filled with happiness that her friend would be by her side when everyone would not. She-


Ah, only this was left to happen. 

This caused everyone to deadpan, waiting for the surprise. 


Both Hibiki and Miku screamed like little girls (Which they kinda where?) when Sirius himself blasted straight into their room through their wall with no regard for Hibiki's property or consent. 

"HE BLEW UP MY ROOM!" Hibiki screamed, blocking out Miku's cursing and angry Miku noises. 

"WE ARE BACK- wait, this shitty place is not our home." Sirius realized. "Jeez, i wonder who said it was a bad idea to randomly take off at any direction without giving a damn to where we are landing. Surely couldn't have been me." Kajiri noted sarcastically. "Meh" Sirius sighed. 

"That idiot! Doesn't he even know how to go home correctly?" Chris snarled. 

Hibiki and Miku where slowly coming back to their senses after whatever the fuck happened right now. Hibiki took one look at Sirius and realized who he was. "You! You are the one who fought the Noise in the concert and- YOU DESTROYED MY WALL!" Hibiki yelled comically with tears. 

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