Chapter 5: 1 Sword vs zero fucks

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After very casually ditching class, Sirius left to take a walk around the campus as if he freaking owned the academy. "You missed your class, you know." Eresh sighed. "Ikr bro, the sheer immensity of the fuck i don't give about that class is so extreme that even god cannot comprehend it. " Sirius responded casually, while eresh sighed again. 

"If only i could do that as well..." Hibiki and Kiana muttered together. 

"By the way, Genjuro had invited us to section 2" Ereshkigal reminded. "Eh, i will check out that hentai group when i feel like it." Sirius snorted. "WHO are you calling an hentai group?" Sirius and Ereshkigal turned around to see Tsubasa and Kanade looking at him with pissed off expression. "Why, your lovely pet butterflies after all, i - of course i am calling you two a hentai group. Who else wears some kinky ass exhibitionist getup while fighting tentacled monsters?" Sirius shot back. 

"OOOOOOHHHH!" Some of the people in the cinema whose names the author doesn't care about collectively appreciated the burn.

"AGGHHH you..!" Tsubasa glared. "Master, you are really making her mad.." Eresh trailed off. "Of course i am trying to piss her off." Sirius spoke, confused as if that was not obvious. "ENOUGH! You are to come with us immediately." Tsubasa gave her ultimatum while holding her pendent.

"Uh oh..." Genjuro slowly begun. 

"Tsubasa, are you a sword?" Sirius suddenly asked. "...yes?" Tsubasa answered, confused. "Then do you know what similarities you have with a sword? A Sword does not have a brain, the same as you. But swords do not speak either, so why don't you shut your mouth and be a little more similar to a sword? After all your ass must be getting jealous of the shit you sprew from your mouth." Sirius gave a full lecture to a fuming Tsubasa and jaw dropped Kanade who was desperately trying not to giggle or laugh at Sirius's roast.

"DAMMN!" Kiana laughed while S.O.N.G was just...too shocked to say anything. 

"That's it! Imyuteus Ame no Habakiri tron!" Tsubasa sung her holy chant as she unleashed a flash of light as she activated her symphogear. "Tsubasa!" Kanade yelped as she decided to transform into her symphogear form as well . "Croitzal ronzell Gungnir zizzl" She sung her holy chant and activated her symphogear.

Sirius just looks.....disappointed at them. "Seriously? I thought as magical girls hyped to sailor moon level you fuckers would have some power to yourself. Pfft, imagine being such losers that you need equipment to deal with level 1 fodders and said equipment is some kinky ass bdsm suit. It is as if whenever you guys reach a rock bottom you pick up a shovel and dig to further new lows. I did not expect anything but i am still disappointed. "

"Well, not everyone are cosmic reality manipulators." Maria grumbled.

Tsubasa blushed. But frowned. "That doesn't matter! You WILL come with us. I-"


"Hm, i thought i heard someone talking shit. Must be the wind." Sirius wondered as if he just did not punch Tsubasa and Kanade in the face too fast for them to even see and promptly knocked them out, likely breaking a nose or teeth. But neither he did give a fuck, nor did the author give a fuck. The only one who did give a damn was ereshkigal, but she was relieved that Sirius did not kill them or something. 

"As much as i am pissed off, i agree with Ereshkigal." Maria noted, with the symphogears agreeing with her.

"Oh well, leave it. " Sirius spoke and then left, Ereshkigal following him after casting one last glance to the KO'ed Tsubasa and Kanade as they lay face planted on the ground. 


After roaming a while with ereshkigal, Sirius finally decided to visit Section 2's headquarters. But...there was a problem. 

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