Chapter 4: Saying howdy to every future victim- i mean friends.

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"What i really, really , really want is you to shut the fuck up" Sirius grumbled as he smashed his auto self repairing alarm clock into pieces for the nth time upon waking up. 

"yeah, figures." Maria sighed. "Nice song though.." Hibiki pouted. 

"Have you finally woken up?" A voice called out to him as he saw a beautiful blonde haired girl with crimson red eyes and hair tied to twintails, looking as beautiful as a goddess.

The symphogears and most other people at the cinema could not help but blush at the sheer beauty of the person. Miku would had pouted at hibiki blushing at another girl had she not been blushing herself. 

"Oh Eresh, what's up?" Sirius casually asked as he looked at his personal secretary. 


"Wait, she is ereshkigal? As in the Mesopotamian goddess?" Genjuro's eyes widened. "He has a goddess as his secretary?" Shinji blinked. "She does not feel like a custodian though..."

"The fan. And also this letter." Eresh signed as she handled him the letter. "Sounds like the plot. It cannot make things-"

"Apparently you are getting transferred to Lydian Private Music academy as an exchange student program."


"Oh my god...." Aoi could already feel the headache of having to deal with HIM in Lydian. So did the Rest of S.O.N.G. 

"What the fuck? I did not even step foot into my own academy and i find out that i am already a part of an exchange student  program? And that too straight to hell?" "Think it is the plot?" Kajiri Kamui finally decided to speak after being too lazy to speak for the last few chapters. 

Hey, dealing with Sirius's bullshit takes a toll. "And how did i get there anyway? Let's see..." Sirius grumbled as he kept reading. "GENJURO THAT MOTHERFUCKER! I fucking swear i am going to punch that fucker in the face hard when i get him! Fucking hero reject!"

Genjuro gulped at hearing Sirius's rants.

"Finished Ranting?" Ereshkigal deadpanned with her "absolutely done with your shit" looks. She really loved her master, but the sheer amount of headache dealing with him was enough for her to want to tear her hair off in frustration. 

.....Not to mention the other heroic spirits in chaldea and the sheer smugness in their face- ESPECIALLY her sister when she was elected to be his personal secretary. She really wanted to punch those jerks in the face.

"Wait. Heroic spirits? Chaldea?" Hibiki looked confused. "Spoilers" Banana dude waved off. 

"Fuck it. If we are going to hell, we are going in style." Sirius declared. "...I am worried about what your style is supposed to be." Ereshkigal sighed. "Something as awesome as me, don't worry. Bob Butt has already delivered a fitting car for our ride." Sirius explained. 


"WHAT KIND OF FUCKING CAR IS THIS?" Ereshkigal screamed in horror seeing the car. Why?

Because it looked like a giant Penis. 

"Wh...wh...WHAT THE HELL IS THISSSS?" Chris screamed to the heavens in horror. Genjuro and shinji did a spit take, questioning their sanity. The other adaptors looked too shocked to speak by the sheer awesomeness- i mean ridiculousness of the car. 

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