Interlude (Short Chapter): Union

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"So, why the ten fucks i am going to that shithole again?" Sirius asks, annoyed as chaldea sighs. "For fuck's sake Sirius! I literally told you!" Da Vinchi pinched her nose. "We detected a shard of a cursed grail from that world. Eventually, if it's power is allowed to grow, it could bleed into and infect our world as well after messing up that world. Get it?" "Ugh, ok." Sirius sighed. "Details" 

"So...that world has a place called Union Academy" Dr Romani begins. Sirius immediately deadpans. "Man, what an original name. Surely whoever made that name must be genius to rival even you." "Oh, haha." Doctor Romani sarcastically responds. "Anyway, you doing it solo or you would take your servants?" "Solo. I am not taking my servants near that gutter of a world." Sirius grumbled. "See ya." Saying so he just teleported away. "Meanwhile, i shall keep checking that world for further threats...provided Sirius leaves it in one piece." Da vinchi sighs. 


"WHAT HO YOU LO- oh, whatever." Sirius deadpanned as immediately upon arriving he was greeted by the body of someone landing near his feet. "What an amazing welcome, bro." He snorted, as he looked at the corpse.

He realized the corpse looked familiar.

"Ozpin?" Sirius thought as he observed the deceased body of the beacon headmaster. He had seen several iterations of this reincarnating wizard across various timelines, some iterations being noble and heroic while some being a selfish and greedy asshole. This one, from what Sirius detected, was in the asshole classification. 

And it seemed that he won't be reincarnating, either. His soul was destroyed. That means whatever, killed him had the ability to permanently destroy souls. Well, Sirius COULD bring him back if he wanted to, but.....nah. Hm, the power of the cursed grail could also destroy and corrupt souls as well. So, whoever killed the Ozpin of this world likely had the shard of the cursed grail in his or her possession. 

After all, [Cursed Grail] was a clump of high density celesti nether, a type of energy which was basically a manifestation of the power of chaos- that is, the power of the primordial void beyond the comprehension of the universe itself- an impossible and unimaginable power which humanity cannot hope to reach. Sirius shrugged and followed the trail of the primordial energy and saw a large, destroyed building- that was probably the so called union academy. A massive, draconic monster with 666 imprinted was rampaging, crushing all the individuals trying desperately to stop it. 

Sirius realized that he was familiar with some of these individuals. At least, he met their counterparts at some point in time. 

Rias Gremory and her peerage. Sona Sitri and her peerage. The four satans. Class 1-A, 1-B, 1-C and teachers of UA high. Various pro heroes. Huntsmen and huntresses, and students and professors of beacon academy, Atlas academy, some of whom he recognized as team RWBY. Then there where various shinobi, some of them from that...what was that called again? Hanzo academy? There where many more, but he did not give a fuck.  What he wanted to know, did multiple worlds ended up fusing for some reason? 

Any, that 666 beast, or Trihexa. This iteration of Trihexa seemed to be much more powerful then the others he faced before, due to it being fused with the shard of the cursed grail which was acting as it's core. No wonder the retards of union was getting murdered. 

Meh. None of his problem. Sirius comfortably sat on a throne he summoned on the sky as he watched Trihexa slaughtering everyone at union, and the despaired screams of the "heroes" while eating popcorn. Once Trihexa was done slaughtering everyone in union, Sirius casually extended his hand, and the grail shard acting as Trihexa's core ripped out of it's body and fell in Sirius's hand while Trihexa crumbled to dust. "Meh. Job done." Saying so, Sirius casually teleported away from the union world. 

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