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"Y/N... I would like you to meet Tomura Shigaraki." Your father told you.

Your younger self looked forward to see a boy in his teens standing in front of you. You waved but unfortunately he didn't wave back which kinda made you sad.

Don't be so mean Tomura. Y/N is going to be your new sister..." He stated and Tomura just growled.

"She looks weak and pathetic. I already don't like her." Tomura spat.

"You aren't looking to great yourself, you crusty bitch..." You growled.

"That's enough you two." All For One demanded.

"The 2 of you will have to get along otherwise you won't be able to make me happy." All For One told you.

"...I'm sorry sir..." You apologized.

"Sorry... master."

All For One sighed before going down to you guys level. "It's fine. But you guys will have to get along to be able to work alongside me." He stated.

"Yes, sir." You mumbled.

All For One grinned. "Now let's work on your quirk Y/N."

That was the first memory and only memory your young self. Everything else is just so blurry and fuzzy. No matter how hard you try to remember your past, it won't come to you.

All For One has always told you that you were in a orphanage and he saved you since the heroes couldn't. And you believed every word. You were just a little kid, and you didn't know better. But when All For One told you all of that, hatred and resentment filled your mind. You wanted them to pay for everything these heroes have ever done to you. When you need them the most, they weren't there and you hated them.

But here you were, 15 years old and still loyal to All For One. He taught you everything you need to know about life and taught you to hate all heroes, including All Might.

He trained you and helped you with maintaining your power. And you just always admired him for all he has done for you.

"Tomura please! Just let me attack with you. I'll just sit back and watch. I promise I won't do anything to screw anything up this time." You begged him.

Tomura gave you a stern look before sighing. "Fine! But only because you won't leave me alone." He stated.

"Omg! Thank you!" You squealed.

"I don't think that's very wise. Tomura Shigaraki-" Kurogiri started.

"It's fine, Kurogiri. As long as she sticks near us, she'll be fine." Tomura stated and you grinned.

Today was the day that Tomura would finally allow you to go with him to cause some trouble. You guys were planning to attack U.A today in search of All Might. And this would be your first attack. You were quite excited but you knew Tomura wasn't since he hated dragging you around.

Kurogiri reluctantly opened a warp gate to a U.A facility. Tomura went in and you followed  after, putting on the hood of your costume to hide your identity.

When you walked in, you saw about 50 or so villains scattered around the entire facility. Then a total of 22 people were at the top near the entrance. But You just assume that the people up there were U.A students and their teachers.

"I thought All Might was supposed to be here?" You questioned.

"He is... but I have no clue on where he is." Tomura told you.

"That's strange.." You whispered.

"But no matter what happens, I want you to stay right beside me." Tomura told you.

"What?! But-"

"No! You promised to not get in the middle." Tomura reminded you.

You sighed, hating how he was right. And you just stood beside Tomura angry out of your mind.

Kurogiri scattered the U.A around the facility and Pro Hero Eraserhead went down to fight the villains. You just sat there and watched and you were pretty mad about that because you wanted to get into the action but you couldn't.

"Those idiots are weak as ever." You told Tomura and he agreed.

"And those U.A kids are pretty good." You stated.

"Well if All Might doesn't come then we'll just kill them." Tomura told you.

Suddenly, you saw Eraserhead taking down your allies one by one until they're all knocked out. And then came charging after you guys. But before you could even say anything about that, the Nomu charged after him. And within seconds, the Nomu was basically crushing him.

"You can erase peoples powers. That's irritating but it's nothing impressive." Tomura stated.

"When faced with true, devastibg power, you might as well be a quirkless child." Tomura commented.

Eraserhead tried erasing you guys quirks but the Nomu crushed his arm.

You started to hear voices. It was a little hard to hear due to the fact that you had your hood on but you could hear it.

Before you could even turn to look, you saw Kurogiri appear.

"Kurogiri, did you manage to kill Thirteen?" Tomura asked.

"The rescue hero is out of commission. But there were students I was unable to disperse and one of them got outside the facility." Kurogiri explained.

"Come on! This mission is already over. I didn't even get to do anything." You pouted

"There's no way we can win if dozens of pros show up to stop us. And I was looking forward to finishing this today. Damn it! Let's go home." Tomura growled.

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