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"Y/N. I think it's time for a new stage of your training." All For One told you.

"Huh? But I have even gotten used to my fox quirk-" You started.

"Do you want to become strong like me?" He asked you.

"... Yes, sir!" You responded.

"Good... come with me then. I'll teach you everything you need to know so you can surpass me and kill All Might." All For One told you.


You and Midnight got to school early. She told you that she didn't want those kids to continuously talk about you right in front of you so she decided to get here before anyone else.

That also meant that you were one of the first people to get to class. When you opened the door, you saw that the class was completely empty. But you didn't mind, instead you just headed to your seat in the back and put your head down. Soon, the class began to fill with students.

"Umm... L/N..." A males voice called for you.

You lifted your head up, and saw Izuku Midoriya, Uraraka, and Tsu.

"Oh... hi..." You greeted.

Midoriya smiled. "Good morning. I'm glad you showed up today." He greeted you.

"I've been showing up everyday-"

"It was so cool how you stood up for yourself. Kaminari was no right for saying those mean things to you." Uraraka mentioned and Tsu agreed.


"You might have a bad past but not everyone deserve to be treated so badly." Midoriya stated.

"I- Thank you..." You stated.

"Anywho~ I'm Ochaco Uraraka!" Uraraka introduced herself.

"I'm Izuku Midoriya! And it's a pleasure to meet you!" Midoriya also said.

"As you know I'm Tsuyu Asui but you can call me Tsu." She smiled.

"...I'm Y/N L/N. But please just call me Y/N." You stated.

"I hope we all can be great friends!" Uraraka beamed.


Midoriya nodded in agreement.

Some of your other classmates began to circle around you guys. "Good morning, guys." Kirishima greeted, and right next to him was Kaminari.

His head hung low, unable to look you in the eyes.

"... Y/N... I'm so sorry for how I treated you!" Kaminari bowed, begging for your forgiveness.

"Nothing I say can explain my actions towards you but I just want let you know that I deeply apologize for my actions-" Kaminari told you.

"All is forgiven. I can't say I know what was going through your head but I can say that everyone deserves a second chance..." You explained.

"You're words are so wise! By the way I'm Mina Ashido but you can just call me Mina." Mina introduced herself.

Soon, class started and everyone went straight to their seat.

"Mr. Aizawa you don't have your bandages anymore. That's good news." Tsu mentioned.

"The old lady went a little overboard in her treatment." Aizawa replied.

"Anyway. We have a big class today on Hero Informatics." He informed them.

The class began to completely panic and you just chuckled. It was silent before he spoke once more.

"You need code names. Time to pick your hero identities." He finally said and the class felt so relieved and excited.

"This is related to the pro hero draft picks that I mentioned before the sports festival. Normally, students don't have to worry about the draft yet. Not until their second or third year actually, but your class is different." Aizawa explained.

"In fact, by extending offers to first-years like you, pro are essentially investing in your potential. Any offers can be rescinded if their interest in you dies down before graduation though." He continued.

"So, what you're saying is, we'll still have to prove ourselves after we've gotten recruited." Hagakure stated.

"Correct. Now. Here are the totals for those of you who got offers." Aizawa stated before pulling up all of the people who got offers.

"In past years, it's a little spread out. But there's a pretty big gap this time." He told you guys.

"Todoroki got the most, ahead of Bakugou?" Kyoka Jirou asked.

"Yeah it's the opposite of how they placed in the festival.." Kirishima added.

"They probably weren't excited to be working either the guys who had to be chained up at the end." Hanta Sero whispered.

"If I scared a pro, they're just weak!" Bakugou yelled.

"Or they just don't want to deal with that behavior..." You whispered.

"Shut the hell up, Foxy Chick!" Bakugou yelled back to you.

"Foxy Chick..." You thought to yourself.

"Despite these results, you'll all be interning with pros. Minus Y/N for other reasons." Aizawa told you guys.

Even those of you who didn't get any offers." He said.

But these hero names will likely be temporary but take them seriously or..." Aizawa started.

"...You'll have hell to pay later!" Midnight stated, entering the classroom.

"Midnight is going to have final approval over your names. It's not my forte." Aizawa stated before entering his sleeping bag.

As boards we handed back to you guys, you were shocked to hear that you were participating as well. You didn't exactly think they'd let you pick your hero name and you never even thought about one until now.

When you were a little kid, you've always tried to watch hero shows, but All For One would never allow you to. You've always thought of the concept of being a hero but never actually thought you'd be one, considering that All For One was a villain.

One by one, every went up and presented their hero names, while you still couldn't figure out what you want led yours to be. You wanted to be something that expressed who you are and nothing to do with the villains. After that talk with Aizawa, you wanted to put your past behind you and focus on the future, because anything could just happen.

You wanted a hero name that would suit both of your quirks but nothing that came into your mind really stood out. You just finally decided on a hero name and wrote it down.

It came to the point where it was your turn. You sighed before getting from your seat and going up to the podium.

"I never truly thought about this before now but... I feel like this would make a good start for me to forget what I have done to a lot of people, including you guys." You mentioned before finally showing them your hero name.

"My hero name is Vixen." You announced.

"You're completely right, Y/N. This is an amazing beginning to start over your life become better. Excellent job!" Midnight stated as you went back to your seat.

With that, Aizawa woke up from his nap shortly after and continued to talk about the internships.

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