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"Come on, Y/N. If you want to be able to surpass me you have to get used to both of your quirks." All For One yelled.

You were on your knees coughing, bleeding, and crying because the power was just too much for you. Your ears were twitching and your tail was between your legs because of how tired you were. Your nose was bleeding from your Glitch quirk and you were so tired.

All For One has been training you since 7:00 am and it is now 8:47 pm. You barely had any breaks except when you had to use the bathroom and you were completely overexerting yourself.

"I- I can't... I'm so tired and hungry. Can we please stop for today, sir...?" Your 9 year old self asked.

"No! You have to surpass me so you can kill All Might!" He yelled.

All For One sighed. "Don't you want to make me proud?" He asked you and you hesitantly nodded.

"Good now you have get used to your quirk to do that..."


"Okay class. Today we're going to be doing a mini project." Aizawa stated.

"It'll be about the origin of heroes
and you will be assigned a partner for this project." He explained.

"Although, their will be one group of three because of the odd number in our class now." He added.

You silently groaned so no one could here you. You didn't want to work nor interact with them, but do you really have a choice right now?

You were partnered up with Denki Kaminari and Tsuyu Asui. While everyone was working on their projects, your group just sat in silence.

"We could start off by looking up the origin of quirks. That way we can understand why heroes became a thing in the first place." You explained.

"I think that's a great idea, L/N. ribbit." Asui responded.

"It's nothing really, Asui..." You whispered.

"Please. Just call me Tsu." Asui told you and you just gave her a small smile.

"Like you know anything about being a hero..." Kaminari said under his breath.

You heard everything he said so you turned to look at him. "What did you say?" You asked him.

"You know nothing about being a hero. After all, you are a villain." Kaminari mumbled but this time, the entire class heard it


"You better shut up if you wanna keep your mouth, spark plug..." You growled.

Kaminari scoffed. "I better all you do is ponder how you're gonna kill everyone in here because your nothing less than a pathetic villain that wants to try so hard to just fit in." He spat.

"Your face is beginning to become very punchable..." You growled.


"I get it. I'm a villain. But you have no right treat someone like that." You told him.

"Like you've done any better." He mumbled, and you balled up your fists and gritted your teeth.

You stood up. "You're right, I haven't. But you have no right to call yourself a hero when you treat people like because of their social status!" You yelled before walking out of the classroom.


You were in the teachers lounge, balled up in a chair.

"Tch. Who does he think he is?! He's no different from me if he thinks that's okay." You whispered as you felt something come down your cheek.

You tried to swipe it off your cheek but then you realized that it was a tear.

"Why the hell am I crying..?" You asked yourself as you wiped your tears.

But no matter how many times you wiped your tears, they just kept flowing. But at one point, your tears stopped and your eyes were just red.

The door to the teachers lounge opened, revealing Aizawa. He sighed before closing the door and walking towards you.

"You know you can't just walk out of class like that." Aizawa reminded you.

"I don't care about that..." You whispered.

Aizawa sighed. "Have you been crying?" He asked.

"Tch. No, I'm not weak." You responded.

"Y'know, it's okay to cry. Crying doesn't make you weak, it just means you been strong long enough." Aizawa explained.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." You whispered.

"Look. I'm sorry about how everyone is treating you. You don't deserve that." He told you.

"I hate how you guys just assume that you understand what's happening to me. You guys are on a totally different level from where I am.." You explained.

Aizawa sighed once more. "Y'know you remind me of my daughter." He mentioned, that made you look up.

"You have a daughter?" You asked and he nodded.

"Well, I had a daughter..." He whispered.

You rose an eyebrow. "What happened to her?" You asked.

He sighed. "I actually don't know... she went missing and a few months later, was pronounced dead." He responded.

"And unfortunately, shortly after, her mom passed away from all of the stress." He whispered, and right then and there you truly felt bad.

You couldn't possibly know how it feels to loose a child but you just felt so sad for him.

"She used to get bullied by these girls at her school because she was a late bloomer. And she'd come home from school crying because she was being bullied." Aizawa explained.

"And everytime I asked her what happened. She always told me that I'll never understand." He continued.

"And she was right. I'll never truly understand what you're going through. But no matter what I'll help you through it all." He stated.

You turned your head from him. "Why are you doing this for me? You don't know anything about me or-" You started.

"Because I see your potential." He responded.

"You might think I'm being foolish but it's true." Aizawa stated.

"You're a kid and you deserve a second chance. And I want to see you at your full potential and to see you use your power to help and protect people you care about." He said.

"Not to use it to hurt and scare people." He added.

"You have amazing powers and great potential. And as your teacher, I want to show you that there is more to life than being someone that hurts one another." Aizawa stated.

He really had you thinking for a minute. Did you really want to go down the evil path, or did you want to live your life helping and protecting people the best way that you can?

You sighed and he got up to leave. "Mr. Aizawa..." You called for him.


"... Thank you... for cheering me up.." You thanked him, giving him a small smile.

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