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"AHHHH!" You yelled.

"Master, what's going on with Y/N?" Tomura asked.

"She's doing testing to be transferred a new quirk. And if this test is successful, she'll be given multiple quirks." All For One responded.

"But why does she look like she's in pain?" Tomura asked.

"She's not, don't worry." He responded, signaling the doctor to stop it and let her out.

The doctor freed you from the braces and immediately, you fell on the ground, weak. You were crying and shaking from fear.

The doctor sighed. "Sir. I believe it didn't work." He told him.

"Just do again until it works." All For One demanded.

The doctor sighed once more before putting you back in the braces and restarting all of the tests.



It was 5:30 am, a little too early for everyone in Class A. All you wanted to do was just go back to sleep. And I guess your classmates were feeling the same way.

Today was the day that you would all start your intense training. Aizawa told you guys that you'd be focusing on improving your quirks and that it'll feel like your dying.

And he was not kidding. Aizawa had you use your glitch to glitch to one side of the training ground to the other to improve the distance of you teleportation and increase the amount of time you can use your quirk before you get a nose bleed or feel as if your going to throwing up or pass out.

Eventually Class B joined you guys and did the exact same thing you guys were doing. And you guys did this all day. It took everything in you to not pass out. But it was time for you guys to make food for yourselves.

Bakugou tried to light the wood of the grill(?) but failed. But Todoroki basically did all the work when it came to that. And in the end you guys made your food and when you say it was the worst thing you ever ate, it really was. But you guys were so hungry that at that point, you guys didn't even care.

But then the next day, it was back to training but this time, the pros told you that after dinner, you guys would be doing a test of courage so all of you tried your best and couldn't wait until later that night.

So then you all had to cook for each other... again.

"Whoa... Bakugou you're really good with that knife! It's weird..." Ochaco mentioned.


"Look at that. He isn't blowing stuff up." Kaminari implied.

Kirishima groaned. "I'm too tired for this..." He grumbled.

"Hey Bakugou. Instead of yelling at everyone how about you just finish cutting up all of these carrots." You suggested.

"Shut the hell up, fur ball!" Bakugou gritted his teeth.

"I have a name y'know." You stated.

"Duhh! It's fox girl!" He said.

"No it isn't!" You gritted your teeth.

"Fine then, I'll call princess." Bakugou suggested and your face got really warm and red.


"You can't do that before you start dating him..." Ochaco whispered in your ear, smirking.

"Ochaco... I'm gonna kill you too..." You grumbled, hiding your face from everyone.


""Perfect! We've filled out bellies and cleaned the dishes. It's time for..." Pixie Bob started.

"A totally awesome test of courage!" Mina squealed.

"Not so fast. It pains me to say it but the e remedial class will be having lessons with me tonight instead." Aizawa told them.


"Sorry... your training during the day didn't impress me, so I'll be using this time, too." Aizawa told them.

"Oh, give me a break! Kaminari and Sero yelled out.

"I just wanna prove my courage!" Sato and Kirishima added as Aizawa began to drag them away.

Pixie Bob began to explain how the test of courage would work. She explained how Class B are the 'scarers' and that their hiding and so once they're in place our class will leave in pairs.

Unfortunately, since the pussycats didn't know about the 5 students being in the remedial group, there was 1 team that had an extra person. So in the end, you were paired up with Tsu and Ochaco.

You guys were the 5th team to go and before you guys knew it, it was your turn.

"I'm getting scared, guys. And those screams aren't helping." Ochaco whispered.

"That's Kyoka and Toru, I think." Tsu stated.

"It's okay. You don't have to be afraid!" You told her.

"Yeah. We'll look out for each other. One step at a time." Tsu stated.

Suddenly, you started to smell something funny...

"Guys... do you guys smell that..?" You asked Ochaco and Tsu as you guys continued to walk.

"Hm? Smell what?" Ochaco asked.

"I think I smell it now... it smells like something's burning." Tsu implied.

"Maybe she should start to head back to the camp-" You started but then you attacked but a girl with blond hair.

You guys began tumbling into the deeper part of the woods with that girl. And in the end when you guys finally stopped, she was on top of you and pulled out a knife.

"Omg... you look so cute! But you'll even cuter if you bled a little more!" The girl yelled before trying to stab you.

Before she could, your nail retracted into your claws and you eyes turned yellow.

You scratched her on her cheek with your claws and pushed her off of you.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! Who are you and why the hell are you even here?!" You asked the girl as she was hold the cheek that you scratched her on.

"I'm Toga! And you're pretty strong. No wonder why Tomura wants you back." She responded and your eyes widened.

"T-Tomura..." You commented as she began charging after you but then you saw blue flames come between the two of you which separated you guys.

"Crazy hair! Go deal with those two other girls. I've got this chick." A guy with black hair stated.

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