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You woke up to white tiles on the ceiling. Your entire body ached and you barely even wanted to breathe.

You looked around and all you saw was white. There was window to outside and a door.

You sat up and tried to get out of bed but not only did your body ache, but you were hand cuffed to the bed. You tried to use your quirk but you couldn't. It was as if your quirk was erased.

You tried struggling but every move you made, hurt like a bitch.

"I wouldn't struggle if I were you." Detective Naomasa Tsukauchi told you from the chair near the door.

You scoffed. "Where the hell am I?" You asked.

"You're the hospital. You were injured by Snipe's bullets but you'll make a good recovery." Tsukauchi responded walking up towards you.

"Should've known. Heroes are always trying to use violence to try to get their stupid point across." You whispered and Tsukauchi sighed.

"Well it seems as if your little League of Villains aren't coming back for you-"

"No! You're wrong! Tomura will come back! He like a brother to me, he'd never leave me with you pathetic hero wannabes!" You yelled.


"Look Y/N. This isn't the reason I'm here. I'm here to tell you what is going to happen to you in the next few days." Tsukauchi told you.

"No need. Just take me to jail." You told him.

"Just listen."

"You have two options. 1, you'll be arrested and sent to Tartarus." Tsukauchi stated.

"Or 2, you will go through a program U.A high has prepared for this moment for the next 3 years." Tsukauchi suggested.

"What?!- No!-"

"Look, U.A believes that you still have a future and so do I. Besides you're on the watch list for majority of the police force of Japan. And if they see you anywhere, they'll arrest you no questions asked." Tsukauchi explained.

"Tch. I don't care if anyone believes I still have a future because this is my future and it isn't going to change over night." You said, looking away from Tsukauchi.

Tsukauchi sighed before turning around and walking towards the door.


"Fine! But only because I don't want to go to jail. Especially Tartarus." You grumbled.

Tsukauchi turned around and smiled. "I'm glad you decided to take the right path." Tsukauchi stated before exiting the room.


"I'm so glad you decided to join our program, Miss Y/N L/N." Principal Nezu said.


"It might not be much right now but I promise we'll make it worth your while." Midnight stated.

You were currently at U.A high. This meeting was during after school hours, which meant student were not present.

"But of course for precaution, we have to quirk canceling braces on your wrists so you can't attack any students and hurt them seriously or teleport away." Principal Nezu explained and your eyes widened.

"Wha- How do you know about my other quirk?!" You asked, genuinely confused.

"When you passed out in the USJ, your body began to glitch out. We all thought you would naturally glitch away so we hurried and put on quirk canceling cuffs so you wouldn't get away." Midnight explained.

"So it would be great if you could explain how your quirks work so we can help you." Midnight suggested.

You turned you head and scoffed before beginning. "One of my quirks is called 'Fox'. I have ears, tail, and claws like a fox. I can do anything a fox can and along with my quirk, my IQ is enhanced and I can be very sneaky and tricky when my quirk is activated and I can be very focused." You explained.

"My second quirk is called Glitch. My quirk allows me to glitch and teleport around the place. But unfortunately I can only glitch to a certain distance. And the more I use my quirk, the more my body glitches out which can cause me to be lightheaded and nauseous and sometimes even pass out." You continued.

"You are a very talented young woman and we promise we'll make your stay here worth your while." Nezu stated, smiling.

You would be in a 3 year program for U.A. They told you that you will be in the Class 1A, Eraserhead's class. You wouldn't be doing exactly what they're doing until you gain the U.A staffs trust but they'll do the best they can for you.

You didn't exactly care though. You'd rather be here then be in white walls and silence. Although you hated the thought of being around heroes, you couldn't stand being in a room with absolutely nothing for the rest of your life, so you just complied.

They told that unfortunately, you woke up Friday so you'd have to wait until Monday morning to be introduced to your class. You didn't really care, especially since they would think of you as a monster for what you did to them.

Principal Nezu decided to allow you to stay at Midnight's place until U.A could find files about you, since you've been out of the system for a very long time. You didn't exactly like the idea of you being in the same house as a hero but you weren't exactly complaining.

She was very welcoming and you hated that. She made you feel comfortable in her home and let you do anything as long as you didn't leave without her knowledge, or break anything. She was so kind and you despised that.

You just thought that she was just putting up an act to gain your trust. And even if she is, it wasn't working at all. You weren't going to trust a hero overnight, you aren't that naive. After all, you grew to hate heroes and no matter how comfortable they made you feel, you would never grow to trust them.

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