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"Remember you can be a hero-" The TV said as it was shut off.

"Wha- Tomura I was watching that!" You whined.

"Oh come on, Y/N. You really think that being a hero is cool?" Tomura asked.

"Yeah! I mean... look at All Might. He's so cool and I want to be just like him!" You beamed and Tomura just shook his head.

"No. Being a hero is so lame. All they do is just hold you back from your true potential. Besides I bet All Might only saves people for fame and fortune." Tomura explained, which made you question some things.


"But don't worry. We'll make sure that you'll be able to do anything you want whenever you want." Tomura beamed.

"Oh... okay then, Tomura." You whispered.


"Y/N. Unfortunately, you won't be able to participate in the sport festival this year." Principal Nezu told you.

"But instead what you'll be in the announcers booth alongside Eraserhead and Present Mic. So you'll still be able to watch the sports festival." He explained and you just nodded

"I thought so. But it doesn't matter since half of the people here hate me." You responded.

Nezu sighed. "I'm really sorry this is happening to you. I thought people here would be more accepting but I guess not." He apologized.

"It's alright I guess. But to be completely honest I would probably do the exact same if I were in their shoes." You stated.

"Would you like for me to get something for you from Lunch rush?" Nezu asked

"No thank you sir, I'm not that hungry." You responded.

"Are you sure?" He asked a you nodded.

You just sat there in silence as you looked out the window. Unfortunately, every place that you went, a pro hero had to be there with you. So you were just waiting until one of the teachers came to get you.

But this was how it was all week. You'd walk into the classroom with Aizawa. And when the bell rank for lunch, Midnight would get you and take you to Nezu's office. Then after lunch Midnight would take you back to class. Finally, After school, she'll take you back to her place. It was like a little cycle.

But unfortunately that next week, Midnight was stuck in a meeting during lunch so she Principal Nezu allowed you to walk down to his office by yourself.

It was okay the first 2 days of it with the occasional little comments but day 3 was different. While you were on your way back to class, three third years started to pick with you.

It started off as little comments like before but then they started to come up to you.

"Y/N, right?" Third year 1 asked.

You just scoffed and shoved past them, because you knew they didn't matter and they were just wasting your time.

But one of the third years suddenly pulled on your tail. And you yelped in pain as you escaped their hold.

"I bet you have our attention now-" Third year 3 started before getting punched in his nose.

"Just because I don't have my quirk, doesn't mean I won't beat you to a pulp." You threatened.

"You villain! You'll pay for that!" Third year 2 yelled charging after you but you just punched in the stomach.

"That's enough you 4!" A teacher yelled.

And that teacher was All Might.


"Y/N come with me." He demanded.

You tried to protest but you knew it wouldn't do anything so you just complied. As you were walk though, you turned around to see that the 3 third years were smirking but then started to silently cheer.

You gritted your teeth knowing that they were going to get away for what they did to you.

But it wasn't before long before you entered the teachers lounge with All Might.


"Look All Might I didn't do anything do anything wrong. I was trying to defend myself." You explained but something in you felt as if he wasn't believing you.

"You... you don't believe me...?" You asked and he didn't say a word.

"If I asked them, would they say the exact same thi-" All Might started.

"Why don't you believe me?! Those stupid wannabe heroes attack me! All I was trying to do is protect myself!" You yelled but eventually, you just stopped.

You scoffed. "Of course you believe the third years. I mean they've not only been here longer than me but I'm just a villain your eyes so it doesn't even matter does it?" You asked.

"Tch. And to think I ever looked up to you." You whispered before you exited the room.

You heard All Might calling after you but you just went back to class. Tomura was so right about heroes. And you just couldn't wait until he came to get you from this hellhole.

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