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"Sir... What is this?" You asked All For One as your body was glitching out.

"It's your new quirk... all that testing really paid off." The doctor told you.


"Don't worry about that, Y/N." All For One told you.

You started to feel lightheaded and your nose began to bleed. "Umm... sir, I don't feel so good..." You mentioned.

"Don't worry, it's just the drawbacks of your tests, you'll be perfectly fine." The doctor assured you.

"I don't know... I feel a little dizzy... can I rest for a little bit?" You asked.

"No! We have to help you get stronger, and you won't get stronger by slacking." He responded.


It was the next day and it was lunch time. And of course, Mina, Kaminari, Sero, and Kirishima all practically begged you to sit and eat with them of course you agreed, especially since you didn't want to have to sit with Principal Nezu.

It was all going pretty well. Well, until...

"So the rumors are true. Class A really let her into the hero course." Neito Monoma from Class B.

"Monoma. Can you just go away?" Mina said.

"I'd rather not. Besides I want see how much Class A has down graded. You guys really are prone for attracting villains." Monoma deliberately whispered in your ear.

You got up from your seat and grabbed Monoma's shirt and balled your hand into a fist.


"Shut the hell up and leave us alonebefore you I rip every bone in your body-" You threatened him.
"Go ahead. And let everyone see how much of a monster you are." He smirked and your eyes widened.

"Monoma, it dude just stop..!"

"Just look around. One hit on me and you'll go straight back to a cage where you belong." Monoma whispered, continuing to smirk.

So go ahead, hit me. And show everyone how much of a monster you really are. Because people like you don't ever change." Monoma whispered.

You gripped his shirt tighter before letting and letting him fall to the ground.

"Fuck you!" You yelled before exiting the cafeteria.

You walked down the hallway until you found a hall where you curled up in a ball. You laid your head on you knees and closed your eyes.

"Oi! Fox girl." Someone called for you and you knew exactly who it was.

"Can you just go away, Bakugou?" You asked him.

"Tch. As if. I don't understand why you always listen to him. Obviously you're better than considering that you're in Class A." Bakugou explained.

"But he's right. I'm a monster that needs to be caged. I'm really surprised that they didn't do that already-"

"Fur ball! Stop letting people get to your head. Because they don't know anything about you and how much you've been through to get to this point." Bakugou told you.

"Especially copycat. It's obvious that he's weaker than all of us that's why he's in Class B. Even though you're different than us. That doesn't mean you should let people treat you differently." He continued.

"It's easy for you to say. You didn't grow being a villain like I was. It's hard for the world to accept me than it is for you-" You stated.

"You don't need the goddamn world's approval to try to change." Bakugou mentioned.

Vixen • K. Bakugou x Fem! Reader.Where stories live. Discover now