It's Cute You Think I Have Morals

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No one moves

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No one moves.

Fletcher's face is etched in permanent horror as he crumbles to the ground. His limbs are bent at odd angles on the cold, concrete floor. Blood is pooling around him and still no one moves. No one says a single word. No one betrays a single look of fear.

Aaron tucks his gun back into his jacket pocket. "Sector 45, you are dismissed."

Every soldier falls on one knee.

Warner slips the metal amplification device back into his suit. He turns to Julia, who seems to be in permanent shock and drags her back inside. I follow suit with Juliette, feeling the absence of my knife at my waist.

Warner is trying to get Julia through the door. "You really must eat more," he says to her.

I am about to intervene, but Julia just punches my brother in the jaw.

I am gaping with my eyes, gaping with my mouth, gaping wide open because Aaron just laughs.

I look down and see drops of blood on the pavement.

"You were going to kill him," Julia bellows. "Your sister just killed him—"

I feel Juliette stiffen beside me as though that fact is just now entering her head.

Aaron fixes his jaw. "You're very astute. Keep your eyes open. Now's not the time to fall asleep."

Julia's grabbed his shirt. She pushes him hard, slamming his back up against the door. "You disgust me. You disgust me—"

He twists her around, pinning her against the door. "Life is a bleak place," he whispers. "Sometimes you have to learn how to shoot first."

Aaron follows her into her room. Juliette and I do too.

"You should probably sleep," Aaron says to them. It's the first time he's spoken since we left the rooftop. "I'll have food sent up to your rooms, but other than that I'll make sure you're not disturbed."

Juliette speaks up. "Where is Adam? Is he safe? Is he healthy? Are you going to hurt him?"

I swear I can see Julia roll her eyes.

Aaron asks, "Why do you care?"

Juliette presses forward. "Isn't he supposed to be watching me? Because he's not here." She turns to me, eyes wide. "Does that mean you're going to kill him?"

My stoic expression is back on my face. "I only kill people if I need to."


"More than most."

I almost smile. Aaron stares at the two of us.


He shakes his head. "You can have the rest of the day to yourselves, together. Our real work will begin tomorrow. Adam will bring both of you to me."

"I think the fuck not!" Julia interrupts.

"Julia!" Juliette cries.

Aaron suppresses a smile. "In the meantime, try not to kill anyone."

"You and I," Julia tells him, "you and I are not the same—"

"You don't really believe that."

"You think you can compare our—our disease—with your insanity—"

"Disease?" He rushes forward. "You think you have a disease?" he shouts. "You have a gift! Both of you have an extraordinary ability that you don't care to understand! Your potential—"

"We have no potential!"

"You're wrong." He's glaring at her.

"Well you're the murderer," she tells him. "So you must be right."

His smile is laced with dynamite. "Go to sleep."

"Go to hell."

He works his jaw. Walks to the door. "I'm working on it."

I linger at the door after he's gone.

Julia shoots me another glance. "You can go to hell too. You're the one who actually killed him."

"It wouldn't do any good," I tell her. "Hell is empty and all the devils are here."

"Shakespere," Juliette says.

I smile, because that's not where I got it from. 


Blood In The Water Headcannons And Incorrect Quotes

AN: The big 3 zodiac of the characters 

Alexandra Warner

Sun: Aries

Moon: Aquarius

Rising: Taurus

Julia Ferrars

Sun: Cancer

Moon: Capricorn

Rising: Virgo

Aaron Warner

Sun: Taurus

Moon: Pisces

Rising: Aquarius

Kenji Kishimoto

Sun: Cancer

Moon: Cancer

Rising: Scorpio

Juliette Ferrars

Sun: Aquarius

Moon: Cancer

Rising: Libra

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