A new friend

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*based on CF 7x01 for reference, this doesn't actually follow the right timeline it's just because this is when foster begins. Sadi is 5 at the start*
Kidd's P.O.V:
I wake up to my alarm at 730am and roll over. I realise it is Saturday and I have shift. I sigh. I get up, change into my uniform and head out. I go down the hall to Sadi's room. I go inside slowly and see my daughter sleeping. I smile. I go over and bend down beside her. I rock her gently.
"Sadi, baby, wake up for mama!" I murmur.
"But I wanna sleep," she mumbles.
"I know baby," I sigh, "but your coming to shift with me today. Aunty Cindy is sick. Come on sweet pea. Up we get. And we get to see daddy!"
"Dada!" Sadi sits up, "Otay I get up!"
"Thanks baby girl!" I kiss her forehead, "wanna wear comfy stuff?"
"Yeah Momma!" Said smiles
I get her tracksuit pants, long sleeve top and a hoodie. I get her dressed. It is winter right now and Christmas is right around the corner. Only a month away. Tomorrow, Sadi and Kelly are gonna help me decorate for it. Sadi has known Kelly as daddy all her life. Well since she was two more like. But I take her out to the kitchen and get her some cereal.
"Want fruity rings or cheerio's sweetie?" I ask her.
"Cheerios!" Said smiles
"Ok." I pour them in a bowl and add some milk.
I put them on the table and Sadi ate them hungrily. I go and pack her an overnight bag, knowing she will be staying the night, most likely in Kelly's office. I get both bags then take Sadi out to the car. I buckle her up. I chuck the bags on the floor. I kiss her head.
"Ready princess?" I ask
"Yeah!" She giggles.
I hop in the driver's seat and drive us to 51. Sadi falls asleep. I put the car in park, turn off the engine, stuff the keys in my pocket and hop out. I open Sadi's door. I sling both bags over my shoulder then unbuckle Sadi and lift her out of the car seat. I go up the apron. I see Kelly.
"Kel," I quietly call.
He turns, "hey stell! She out?"
"Yeah," I smile, "can I put her in your bunk?"
He nods. I go in and beeline straight to his office. I lay Sadi down and put the bags on the floor.  I close the door softly and head to the briefing room. I stand at a wall. Boden comes in followed by another woman.
"Morning everyone!" Chief bellows.
"Mornin' chief!" Everyone replies
"To begin with, in departure of our paramedic in charge, Gabriela Dawson," Boden looks at Casey, "Brett will become PIC and we have a new paramedic, Emily Foster!"
"Hey y'all!" The woman, who i now know as Foster, smiled.
"Hey foster," Casey smiles, "first of all welcome!"
"Thanks!" Foster nods,
Casey jumps up and turns to everyone, "you've got 3 trucks, engine 51, truck 81 and squad 3!" He points out a finger, "on squad, you got Capp, Toni, Cruz and Lieutenant Severide, on truck you got, Kidd, Mouch, Otis, Hermann, and I, captain Casey, and you got engine over there, Appleby, Dougherty, Jasten and lieutenant spellman."
"Nice to meet you guys!" Foster responds.
Suddenly, Connie comes in.
"Sorry to interrupt chief but Kidd," Connie turns to me, "sadi is awake in Severide's office and crying, she won't calm down."
I look at Boden. He nods. I run out and see Sadi in Kelly's office, I go in and sit beside her. I lift her onto my lap. She lays her head on my chest.
"Sade, what's wrong baby sweets." I ask her
"I had a dweem and you and daddy weft me." Said cries.
"Oh sweet, I'll never leave," I murmur reassuringly, "nor will daddy!"
"Can I stay wif you?" Sadi looks up at me with tear stained eyes.
"Of course!" I lift her up and we go into the briefing room.
I stand next to Kelly and Sadi reaches over.
"Daddy!" Sadi cries
"Ok baby!" Kelly takes her into his arms.
The bells go off
{Alarm Buzzes} squad 3, ambo 61, person on roof, 884 South Washington.
Kelly hands Sadi to me and runs out. I take her into the common room and set up some toys. I let her play. Kelly comes back a little while later, ambo must still be out. Sadi jumps up.
"Dadddddddyyyyyyy!" She squeals and runs over.
"Hi princess." He picks her up and throws her in the air.
He catches her and she laughs.
"Chow's Up!" Casey yells from the kitchen, "Casey's famous Corned Beef!"
"You want some of uncle Matt's food?" I ask her
"Yeah!" She gets down and runs over to the bench, "can I have some uncle Matt?" She asks
"Of course you can little lady." He smiles and gives her a plate.
She goes over to the table and I grab myself a plate. I sit down beside her. I eat and, of course, the bells go off.
{Alarm Buzzes} truck 81, ambo 61, Squad 3, Engine 51, Battalion 25, building fire, 167 west macintosh.
"Baby girl," I stand up and look at Sadi, "finish your food than go find Aunty coco for mommy, I've got to go help people."
"Otay mommy." She smiles
I kiss her forehead and run out to the truck. I put on my gear and we drive to the scene.

Sadi's P.O.V:
As mommy and daddy run off to help people, I finish my food. I hop up and put my plate on the bench. I go out and head down the hallway. I see a man in a doorway.
"Hello." I smile, "are you looking for someone?"
"Hi little one," the man smiles back, "I'm looking for a firefighter named Stella Kidd?"
"Oh, Mommy is out right now with daddy. There helping peoples." I tell him, "I can go get auntie coco and she can take a message."
"Oh so your Stella's kid huh?" The man asks
"Yes." I smile, "and Kelly Severide is my daddy."
"Umm not quite," he tells me, "I'm am your father you just grew up with Kelly around so you know him as daddy. But now your coming with me."
"Noooo!" I scream as he grabs me, "auntie COCO!"
I see her run in.
"Put her down!" Auntie coco orders
"No she's my daughter!" The man runs out with me and chucks me in a car and it goes black.

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