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3 months later. Layla has been struggling with her fathers death.
Sadi's POV:
I am sitting at home when my phone buzzes. Layla. I answer
"Hey Lay, what's up?" I ask
"Um Sadi, it's Chris, ummm, I'm worried about LayLay. I've found her bag, and all her items for school, phone and everything but not her, and I found a note saying goodbye," Christine answers, crying.
"Where are you?" I ask, immediately alert.
"On the Oval at school, by the bleachers." She replies
"Ok, don't move, I'll be there in 5." I grab my coat, "bye."
I put my phone in my pocket as Rae walks in.
"Momma?" Rae asks
"Rae, I'm going to find Layla. She's in trouble. Give this note to Janey next door." I head out the front door after giving her the note., "I love you."
"Love you too." She calls.
I get in my car and drive to the school and see Chris. I run over.
"Give me the note." I ask gently.
She passes it to me, I see random capitals. R. I. V. E. R. River. I look up.
"Come on, I think I know where she is." I help Christine up.
"Ok," she exclaims and we walk to my car.
We get in and I Bluetooth call Mom. She answers.
"Hey hon," she answers.
"Mom, get down to the spot on the river. Where we let go of Dad's ashes. It's Layla. I think she's trying to commit suicide." I tell her.
"Ok, 81, let's take a ride!" Mom calls and ends the call.
I park at the river and see Layla standing on the edge. I get out of the car and run over.
"LJ!" I call
"Sadi?" She asks
"Yeah Layla, it's me, Chris is here too!" I murmur, "please come over here."
"I can't." She whispers
"Yes you can." Mom appears beside me.
"Mommy?" She asks
"Yeah baby?" Mom answers
"Why did daddy die?" She asks
"Because it was his time, but not yours." She replies
"I'm pretty sure it is." Layla exclaims and jumps into the river.
I take off my coat and run and jump in after her. I see a figure sinking. I swim after it and grab her wrist. I pull it up and grab her under her arms. I pull her up to the surface. I get up and realise I'm downstream pretty far. I pull her out of the water and mom runs down, followed by Sylvie and Violet, with a gurney. I lift her up and lay her on the gurney. I cough up water. It gets a little hard to breathe. Violet gives me an oxygen mask. I am taken to 61 with Layla. Mom takes my car with Christine and 81 drives to Med following us. I have a blanket wrapped around me. We get to med and Kai and Will run forward.
"Sadi?" Kai rushes over to me
"K. K. Kai." I cough.
"Layla Severide, 16, attempted suicide. Jumped into the Chicago river. Sadi jumped in after to get her. Swept downstream." Sylvie exclaims.
"I'll take Layla." Will leads the bed in.
"Come to T4." Kai gently leads me in.
I sit up on the bed. He gets his stethoscope and listens to my chest.
"All good baby." He tells me, "I'm clocking off. End of shift. Ready to go?"
"And what about the baby? And can we check on Lay first?" I ask
"Yeah." He smiles and wheels in an ultrasound.
He runs the scan and I see our babies are ok. He wipes the gel off me and helps me up. We go out and I find mom with chris.
"She's in a 72 hour psych hold. No visitors." Mom tells me.
"Well, let's get you home Chris." Kai wraps an arm around Chris who is upset.
We head out to the car and Kai turns up the heaters so I can stay warm. We stop at Chris' house. We get out and walk Chris up to her door. Leslie opens the door.
"Chrissie, where have you been?" Leslie asks
Christine runs up to her room in tears. Leslie turns to us.
"What happened?" She asks
"Layla tried to commit suicide by jumping into the Chicago river. Hence the reason I am wet." I exclaim, "She's on a 72 hour psych hold at Med. Christine is upset about it. Worried bout Lay."
"Oh no, is she ok?" Leslie asks
"She'll be ok." I sigh
"Alright, thanks." She replies and closes the door.
We get back in the car and drive home. I quickly head next door and knock. Rae opens it.
"Mommy!" She smiles
"Hey Rae," I smile as Janey appears, "hey, is Your sister ok?" I ask
"Yes, come one Rae." I hold out my hand for hers.
She grabs it and we walk the couple metres home.
"Mommy, why are you clothes wet?" She asks
"Mommy had to jump into the river to help Auntie Lay. She fell into the river," I explain in words to help her understand.
"Ok." She skips ahead and runs to Kai, "Daddy!" She smiles
"Hey Munchkin." He smiles
We head inside and I head upstairs to shower. I get into some comfortable clothes and join the others on the couch. Raelynn had changed out of her school soothes and we watched a movie.

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