What if?

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2 months later: Raelynn is in therapy as she is traumatised!
Sadi's POV:
"Azalea! Play nicely with Suki!" I tell her as I hear the front door open.
Kai walks in with an upset Rae. She just got back from therapy. She immediately runs to me and I let her jump up beside me. I cuddle her. Kai sits down beside us. I turn on the tv. The news flicks on.
"Breaking news, The Chicago police department recently raided a sex trafficking place, 9 unnamed girls ranging from the ages of around 3 to 7! If you recognise these girls, please contact the police department or go to district 21." The news reporter exclaims.
Pictures flash up. One looks familiar. I take a picture just before they disappear! I zoom in on the picture! It looks exactly like Azzy! Could it be Teagen? No, she died! But then I think. She was never on any monitors! She could still be a live, but Doctor Patchevsky!
"Kai, does this look like Azzy to you?" I ask him, showing him the picture
He nods, "why?"
"If we think, the twins' birth, Teagen was never hooked up to monitors, never shocked? What if she is alive? What if she was taken and given to these offenders!" I exclaim, "and Dr Patchevsky acted strange!"
"Let's go to 21!" He exclaims
I nod, "Rae hon, go get your tablet for momma."
She gets up. She heads into the main room to get it.
"Az, Su, get your shoes my babies!" I exclaim
They run and get them. I help them put them on. Rae comes back in.
"Alright kiddies!" Kai chuckles, "out to the car."
They all run out to the car. I follow them out with Kai. Rae buckled them in and we hop in the front. Kai drives to 21. We all get out and Kai carry's Suki. I hold Az's hand. We walk inside. Trudy looks up.
"What's up?" She asks, "Raelynn!"
"Auntie Trudy!" Rae runs over to the desk and goes through the side entrance to hug her.
We walk over slower, "hey Platt, we saw the thing on TV, one of the girls, we think she is Teagen! I know we thought she was dead but then we thought, it didn't go as it usually would!"
"Come, the girls are upstairs in the break room!" Trudy exclaims and walks us up, Rae beside her.
We get up. Voight looks up and walks over. He hugs Rae before we explain the situation. He nods. Rae takes Suki and Az before taking them over to burgess as per our instructions. We follow Hank into the room. I see the girl lying on the couch. Kai waits by the door with Hank. I bend down beside her.
"Hey sweetie, what's your name?" I ask her softly
"Fluffy!" She whispers
"That's a pretty name!" I smile, "I'm Sadi,"
"I know that name. Master said something like she's my mommy!" She exclaims
"Well, I have some friends at the hospital that can see if your my baby girl, if you are, then you have a big family, three sisters, your big sister Raelynn, your twin Azalea and your little sister Suki!" I smile, "and your daddy!"
She nods and latches onto my neck. I carry her. I explain it to Hank and he gives us the go ahead. We head out.
"Come on kids, Su, come up dada!" Kai exclaims
Suki runs over ti him, we go out to the car. I keep Fluffy on me. We don't know for sure if she Is Teagen. Kai pulls up at med.
"I'll stay in here with the kids!" Kai kisses the side of my head, "bye sweetie."
He runs his fingers through Fluffy's long straight dark hair. I carry her inside. Maggie walks over.
"Sades, what's up?" Maggie asks
"Could I get a maternity test between me and her." I gesture to Fluffy on my side before handing her note that I wrote in the car explaining the situation.
"Sure, Treatment 3, I'll send Nat in." Mags smiles
I nod and walk into the room. I sit on the bed and hold Fluffy on my lap. Nat walks in.
"Hey, maternity test huh? Mags told me." Nat smiles
I nod.
"Sweetie, this is one of my friends, her name is Nat, she's gonna take a little bit of your blood so we can see if your my baby girl." I explain to fluffy
She nods, "hi!"
"Hey sweetie!" Nat smiles before getting the needle and drawing the blood.
She does mine as well.
"All done! It should take about 20 minutes, our lab isn't held up or busy!" Nat smiles, "Fluffy, you want a lollipop?"
"Ok." Fluffy whispers
Nat gets her a purple one and she takes it. She looks up at me.
"Can I eat it?" She asks
"Of course baby." I kiss her head.
She sucks it. Soon Nat walks back in. She has a smile
"So Sadi, Fluffy here is your girl. Do we need certificates printed?" Nat asks
"Yeah, put down Teagan Azar Carson," I tell her
She nods and walks out,
"Fluffy! Your my daughter, but when you were born, we had a different name, Teagan, do you like that name?" I ask her
"Teagan! I like that name!" She gives a small smile
Nat walks in and gives me her certificate. We are good to go. I hold Teagan's hand.
"Ready to go home Teagan?" I ask her
"Yes Mommy." She exclaims
I walk with her out to the car. I stop by the back door.
"Teagan honey, do you want to sit in the back-back next to Rae?" I ask
"Yes mommy." She replies
I open the boot and pull down the back seat. I help Teagan climb in. I pull it up.
"Rae, help your sister buckle in!" I exclaim, "I'll explain at home!"
"Ok mom!" Rae replies
I hop it the front.
"You all good back there Teagan!" I question
"Yes mommy!" She responds
"Alright, we need shops first!" I smile
"Alright, family shopping trip!" Kai calls out in the car
"Yayyyy!" Everyone, including Teagan, smiles.
Kai drives us to the mall. We find a parking space. As we pull into an empty row, a familiar car parks beside us. Mom's. It looks like Layla and Chris are with her and their adopted daughter, Lacey! Our group gets out. As mom, Layla and Chris get out and get Lacey, I do a headcount!
"Raelynn, Suki, Azalea, Teagan! Yep we are good to go!" I smile as Teagan immediately grabbed my hand, still a little shy
"Hold on, Teagan?" Mom asks
"Yeah, uh, 21 raided a sex trafficking place and it turns out teags never died! She was taken!" I explain
"Mommy, who's this?" Teagan asks
"This is your Grandma, Auntie Layla, Auntie Chrissie and Cousin Lacey!" I tell her
"I want uspsies!" She reaches up.
I sigh "I'm holding Suki honey, go to daddy!"
"No I want mommy!" She cries
Kai comes and takes Suki off me and I lift her up. I hold her on my hip.
"Why you guys here?" I ask them
"Shopping?" Mom exclaims
"Us too, gotta get stuff for this princess, ya know, bed, dresser! Clothes! Toiletries." I laugh
Mom smiles, "catch up later!"
I nod. They walk off. We walk inside the mall. We get two trolleys. One with a double kiddie seats and one with just one and a tray for the boxes. I sit Teagan in one seat and put Azzy in the other one. Kai puts Suki in the tray cart. We split up and Kai goes to get her bed, dresser and some other things. I take the twins and Rae to some shops to get clothes and toys for Teagan. I stop at one store. I get Azzy out of the trolley.
"R, hon, take Azzy to the play place in the hall please!" I ask
"Ok, come on Azzybear!" Rae leads her out of the shop.
"Let's get you some clothes princess." I smile
We take about 20 minutes to buy her plenty of clothes! I pay and push the trolley out.
"Raelynn, Azalea! Come on girls!" I call from the edge.
They run out and I lift Azzy back into the trolley. About an hour later we have everything we need for teagan! We meet Kai at the exit.
"Daddy!" Teagan smiles
"Hey baby!" Kai smiles
We head out to the car, load everything in and head home. Rae takes the kids outside and we set everything up in Azalea's room as they will share it. Soon we are done. We have dinner before getting the kids in bed. We then head to bed ourselves

A/N: sorry it's so long there were so many ideas. Thx Y'all -H💗

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