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This chapter will start in Sadi's POV then will change to someone else's, either 3rd or someone else.

Sadi's POV:
"Is everyone buckled in?" I ask as I buckle myself in.
"Yes!" Everyone, except the triplets exclaims, cause Kai and I buckled them in.
"Alright, let's go!" Kai smiles
We pull out. We are heading on a road trip. We start driving and get onto the I-90. We are passing an exit when a car smashes into the driver's side of us, rolling us sideways. We land right ways up. Next thing I know, I see blood, hear cries. I fade into blackness.

Kidd's POV:
We are waiting around at 51 for a call.
{alarm buzzes} truck 81, squad 3, ambulance 61, battalion 25, car accident, 1-90, mile marker 52.
"Let's go 81!" I call
We run out to the truck and Gallo, who has become our driver, drives us out. We pull up at the scene.
"Squad, take the truck, 81, take the van!" Casey calls, exiting his buggy.
I nod, "81! We're on the van!"
They all run over and I follow. Carver peers in a window. He sighs and turn
"Captain! It's Sadi!" Carver calls
"Oh god!" I exclaim and run over.
I pull open the door. I pull Kai out first after putting on a c collar. I pass him to Carver and he carry's him to an ambulance. I climb in. I lean over Sadi. I check her for a pulse. Strong. I put on a c collar. She stirs.
"Mom?" She groans
"Hey baby, we're gonna get you all out." I smile and cut her seatbelt.
I gently pull her out and she is laid on a backboard. She is taken to 61. I get out and pry open the back sliding door. I see everyone in their seats. The triplets are crying. I smile. I give them a once over. They have some injuries. I place on small c collars that are given to me and I unbuckle them. I get them out. I pass one to Gallo and two to our other firefighter, Millers. They carry them over to another ambulance. I get in and walk over to Suki. She has a cut on her head and what looks like a broken wrist.
"Suki bear, hon, I'm gonna get you out ok?" I smile softly
"Ok," the six year old replies as I put on the c collar.
I cut her seatbelt and I lift her up before passing her to Carver who is behind me.
"Uncle Sam!" She smiles
"Hey Suki!" Carver carry's her out.
I move to the back row. They are all alert and look unhurt.
"Are you guys alright?" I ask them
"Just scared. We were fine, the truck came to the front of the van. We didn't get hurt at all." Rae exclaims.
"Ok, I'll cut open your seatbelts and then follow me out." I explain, cutting them.
"Cap, it's flaming, get down!" Gallo calls.
I throw myself over the girls and cover them and I feel heat blow over. I hear the extinguishers. The fire goes out. I get off the girls. They sigh in relief. I guide them out.
"Jump in 81! We'll take you to med!" I smile
They head over and we head to med.

Natalie's Pov:
"All ED staff on deck, car crash coming in. 6 vics from one car and 1 from another." Maggie calls, "Nat, get the first one."
I run over.
"36 year old Makai Carson! Laceration to the head and left arm. Intubated on the ride. Crashed twice, used two rounds of Epi each time. GCS 6, heart rate 123, Bp 170 over 96. Sats 97%." The EMT explains
"Trauma 2!" I point, "Mags, the 6 are from Sadi and Kai's lot. I've got Kai!"
"K," Maggie replies.
I stand at the head of the gurney and lift the sheets
"Transfer on 3...2...1!" I guide and we lift Kai onto the bed.
I rub his chest, "Makai, can you hear me?" I ask
He opens his eyes and grunts. I smile softly.
"Alright, he is over breathing the tube, I'm gonna remove it!" I exclaim
Kai nods. I remove it.
"Sadi? Kids?" He rasps
"They are on their way here!" I reassure, "any pain?"
"Chest, hip, arm!" He sighs.
I press on the side of his chest. He grunts. I cut open his shirt and see a large yellowing and purple bruise.
"Let's get a full body x ray and Chest CT!" I exclaims
Kai is taken away. I see Suki brought in. I run over.
"Hey SuSu!" I smile
"Auntie Nat!" She replies
"Laceration to head and possible broken wrist!" The Paramedic explains
"I've got her!" I lift Suki up, careful of her c collar!
They nod and leave. I carry Suki into another room.
"Okay, Maggie, assist? Everyone is on deck!" I call
She comes in
"Auntie Maggie!" Suki smiles as I place her on the bed
"Hey Princess!" Maggie replies
I check the head laceration. Minor. Just needs a Band-Aid. I place one on.
"We're gonna get you up for an x ray ok hon?" I smile
"Stay!" She grabs my hand
"I can get the portable!" Maggie quickly walks out!
She walks back in with the technician. I help Suki lie down and move her arm onto the board. The x ray is taken. It is just sprained. Maggie goes to get a brace. She comes back with one that has unicorns on it.
"Hey Sukibear, this is gonna go on your wrist to help it get better ok?" I smile as I put it on.
"Owie!" She cries
I get it strapped on and I lift her up. I sit her on my hip as she has been discharged now. I carry her around and see Kai brought down and Will treating him. I see Sadi taken upstairs. I see Maggie.
"Where is Sadi goin?" I ask
"Up to a room, she's gonna stay for 2 weeks." Maggie replies "402."
"Nat!" I turn and see Stella with Rae, Teagan and Azalea.
"Gamma!" Suki wiggles her way down and runs over to Stella.
"Hey baby girl." Stella lifts her up, before turning to me, "where is Sades?"
"Room 402! I'll check on Kai." I smile
Stella nods and leads the girls away. I go into Kai's room. He is resting.
"How are you Makai?" I ask
"Good." He sighs, "3 bruised ribs, dislocated hip, sprained my wrist."
"Okay, let me check with will, he can take you up to Sadi and the kids, and I'll check in the triplets." I smile
He nods. I walk out and see will.
"Will, could you take Kai up to Sadi?" I ask him, "402?"
He nods. I go to where the triplets are. They have a couple bruises and a few cuts. Jasmine has a braced leg. I walk in.
"Nat!" They smile
"Hey girlies! Want to go see Mommy and Daddy?" I ask them
They nod. I get Jasmine in my hip and hold Myah's hand, she holds Lila's. We walk to the lift and I keep them close to me. We get off and I take them to room 402. I let the other two run ahead. Sadi is lying in a bed. I walk in with Jas.
"Mommy!" The triplets smile, "Daddy!"
"Hey girls." They both smile
"I want Mama!" Jas cries
I walk over as Sadi moves slightly sideways. I lay Jas down beside her mom. She cuddles into Sadi's side. I smile gently and leave them.

A/n: sorry it's so lonnnnnnggggggg! The next ones won't be as long. Next chapter will be an update on what everyone looks like, the following will be some instagram posts! Thx -H

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