Big sister

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Seven months later.
Kidds pov
I am lying in a hospital bed holding my baby girl. I hear tiny feet.
"Mommy!" Sadi runs in and bounces up on the seat beside me, "is dat sissy?"
"Yes, this is Layla Jye Severide." I smile
"Me hold her?" Sadi asks
"Ok, come up here." I smile
Kelly lifts her onto the bed and I show her how to sit. I lay Layla into her arms and Kelly snaps a pic or two, for our scrapbook. I take Layla back and Sadi talks with me about her day.

~~~two years later~~~ kidds pov
"Layla Jye, Sadi Rose!" I yell from downstairs
I hear tiny feet running down the stairs and see the two year old and eight year old run in.
"Yeah Momma?" Sadi asks
"Wanna go to the park?" I ask them
"Yeah!" Layla smiles
"Ok, Sades help Lay get her shoes on." I smile
Sadi nods and lifts her sister up onto the couch before helping her put her shoes on. She then puts her own shoes on. I take them out to the car and I buckle Layla in. Sadi buckles herself in and I drive to the playground. I get Layla out and Sadi runs off to the equipment. I take Layla to the younger kids area. I lift her into the swing.
"High Mommy!" She laughs
"Ok LJ," I push her.
We call her LJ as it's her initials. I push her higher and higher. She starts laughing before kicking her legs signalling she wants down. I stop the swing and she jumps off. She runs over to the climbing frame and goes up the steps. She sits at the top of the slide and waits for me. I walk around the equipment to the slide. I start to run when I hear her cries. I see her on the sand at the bottom.
"Layla." I bend down beside her and stand her up, brushing off sand, "what happened?"
"He pushed me!" She points at a little boy at the top of the slide, "with his foot."
I lift up her shirt and see a clear red mark, the shape of a shoe. I lift her up and place her on my hip. I see a woman come over.
"Jake,sweet boy, come on." She calls to the boy.
"This your boy?" I ask her
"Yes it is." She replies, "Jake, he's five."
"He kicked my daughter in the back, forcing her to tumble down the slide." I exclaim
"Really?" She looks at me
"Yes," I lift up LJ's shirt and shoes the red mark, now bruising.
"Oh my." She turns back to the playground, looking for her son, "Jacob Mark Zimmer, come here right now."
The boy trudges over, "yes mama?"
"Did you kick this little girl?" She asks
The boy nods, "she was Taking forever to go down the slide."
"That's not nice. Apologise." She disciplines, "and no iPad this week."
"Aww man. Sorry little girl." He apologises
"It's ok. Me no like you." Layla turns her head away.
The woman grabs her sons arm, "let's go Jake."
She takes him to a car. I try to put LJ down but she won't go down. I sigh.
"Me want go home." She cries
"Ok." I sigh, walking over to the big equipment, "Sadi rose, come on baby girl, let's go."
Sadi comes running, "ok momma."
I take them back to the car and put Layla in her seat. She starts to cry.
"I know baby, I can't drive with you though." I kiss her head softly.
I close her door and then hop in the front and drive us home. I get out and get Layla, who is still crying, out and unlock the front door. We head in and see Kelly on the couch.
"Dad!" Sadi jumps up on the couch.
"Hey sades." He smiles.
I walk in with Layla on my hip.
"What's wrong with LJ?" He asks
"She got kicked in the back and tumbled down the slide at the playground. They boys mother dealt with him." I sigh sitting down, moving Layla onto my front.
She slowly stops crying and falls asleep. I lift her up and take her to her room. I lay her in her bed, for her midday nap. I exit and go chill on the couch with the others.

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