Home sweet home

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Five years later, Sadi 20 Layla 15, Raelynn 5.
Kidd's POV:
{siren blares} truck 81, squad 3, ambo 61, engine 51, building fire 123 Halsted road.
"Let's load up 81!" I yell and run out to 81.
We get in the truck and drive down to the address. I get out. I look at the two storey building, engulfed in flames.
"81 take bottom floor, squad take top!" Boden yells.
"Carva, Gallo, go in through the back, mouch with me at the front." I order.
I open the door and search the front with Mouch.
"Clear," I call,
I meet up with the rest of truck and we start to head out. I go at the back. I see something on the ground. A picture. I pick it up. In the photo, me, Kelly, Layla and Sadi. This is where she was staying. I hold the picture and run out. I run into Kelly.
"Woah, Stella you ok?" He asks
"This... this is where Sadi has been staying." I cry
"Ok, we didn't find any bodies so she must of gotten out. Let's go search the border." He tells me.
I take my mask off and we walk around. I hear a woman calling a name.
"Raelynn! Raelynn!" A woman is calling, she turns to another person, "have you seen Rae? Raelynn Severide?"
I look at Kelly as the woman turns and sees us. She doesn't seem to recognise us. But I recognise Sadi.
"Excuse me, have you seen a 5 year old girl, Raelynn Severide?" She asks.
"No, I'm sorry I haven't, come over here." I lift up the borderline.
She comes under. She stands up and actually seems to remember us.
"Mom? Dad?" She asks
"Hi!" I hug her tightly, "oh I've missed you."
"I've missed you too Mama!" She is crying.
Kelly hugs us aswell.
"Mommmyyyyyy!" I hear cries, "mommmmmmmyyyyyyyyy!"
Sadi let's herself out of the hug and turns seeing a little girl running over, "Rae!"
The little girl runs into Sadi's arms, "mommy! Your ok!"
I am confused, did that little girl call her mommy? Sadi stands up and has the girl on her hip.
"Mom, Dad, this is my daughter, Raelynn Layla Jye Severide !" Sadi exclaims.
"You mean, our grandbaby?" Kelly asks her
She nods, "yeah! Rae, baby, say hi gamma, hi grampa!"
"Gamma? Grampa?" Rae looks at said
"Yeah baby." Sadi smiles.
Rae reaches at me, "Gamma!"
"Hello!" I lift the little girl onto me, "it's nice to meet you Rae."
The girl doesn't respond just hugs me. We all pack up and I give Sadi back Rae. They get in the back of 81.

Sadi's POV:
I climb into 81 and sit Rae on my lap, everyone else climbs in and soon mom gets in too. We start to drive.
"Stop at Lay's school!" Mom orders.
Mouch pulls up and I get out with mom. Rae sits on my hip. We go in. We get to the door of the classroom and mom takes Rae off me. The door opens. A teacher appears.
"Yes?" She asks
"We are here to collect Layla Severide." I smile as I hand her the slip, "but the thing is, she hasn't seen me in 6 years."
"Sure." She smiles, "Layla, collect your things."
I see a teen stand up and collect her bag. She comes over. She stops as she sees me.
"Sades?" She asks
"Hi LJ!" I reply
"Sadi!" She runs and I lift her up.
I hold her tight, "I missed you little sis!"
"I missed you too big sis!" She smiles and I put her down.
"Mommy!" Rae cries
"Awww, come here princess." I lift her off Mom.
I bounce her gently.
"Sadi, who's this?" Layla asks
"This is your niece, Raelynn Layla Jye Severide." I tell her, "Rae say hi auntie Lay!"
"Auntie Lay!" Rae laughs.
"Hello!" Layla smiles.
We walk out and hop into 81. We drive back to 51 and get out. Mom runs down to the bunks and I head into the main room.
"Hey dad," Layla waves at him
"Hello, how was school." He asks
"Good." She replies.
I walk in, with Rae on my chest, who had fallen asleep.
"Sadi!!!!!!!!!" They all cheer!
Rae starts to cry. Mom runs back in with Matt.
"Oi! Shut it you lot, ya woke the baby!" Mom exclaims.
"It's ok RaeRae." I murmur softly.
She calms down and I smile. The doors open.
"Mrs Severide, I know it's probably a dumb ask still but any sight of Sadi?" I hear a voice I missed.
"Mackai! I told you, you can call me Stella!" Mom turns around, "you've been coming around for 6 years!"
"Sorry," I turn and see Mackai, and he sees me, "Sadi?"
"Kai!" I put Raelynn down and run into his arms.
He is the same age as me but he is taller. He wraps me into his arms and lifts me up.
"Oh sweetheart, your ok." He whispers
"Yeah baby, oh I missed you!" I mumble into his chest.
"Mommmyyyyyy!" Raelynn cries
I let myself down and have two seconds before Raelynn rushes at me. I pick her up.
"Oh, it's ok, it's ok, it's ok." I soothe.
"Sade, who is this little girl?" Kai asks, immediately attached to Rae.
Rae reaches for him, "cuddle?"
"Uhh, sure!" He smiles and lifts her up.
"She has never gone to someone like that before." I smile, "oh, this is Raelynn Layla Jye Severide. My daughter."
"Awwww, she is adorable." Kai responds before placing down the young child and she runs into the main room and plays with toys in there.
Kai pulls me around to face him and I see him bent down.
"Sadi Rose, I brought this ring in hopes that you would one day return. I am ready to settle down and spend my days with you. Will you marry me?" He asks, holding out a ring.
"Yes yes yes I will!!!!" I cry.
He slides the ring on my finger and everyone claps. I kiss him gently and he spins me in a circle. Rae runs back over.
"Are you my daddy?" Rae asks Kai
"I guess I am munchkin." Kai lifts her up.
"Daddy, I tired." She mumbles, "we go home?"
"Uhhh?" Kai looks at me.
I nod, "we go home. If it's ok we go to yours Kai?"
"Yeah, I've got my own place." Kai wraps his arm around me, "tomorrow we can go and get some stuff for this little one and tonight she can stay in the guest room."
"Alright, say bye Rae." I look at her
"Byee!" She smiles
"Bye! See ya later." They all reply.
We head out to his car and I stop.
"What about a car seat?" I ask
"I've got one in there. I've got a six year old niece. It should work for Rae." He opens the door.
I buckle in Rae then hop in the front. We stop past McDonald's and get something quick. We get to his house and I get Raelynn out. She holds my hand and I walk up the front steps behind Kai. He unlocks the door and we head in. I help Rae onto a bench stool and get out her fries and nuggets. I open her juice pop top.
"Here you go Rae, fries and nuggies and some juice." I smile
"Fwies and nuggies!" She squeals
"Quieten down, no squealing inside Raelynn." I tell her.
"Sowwy mommy." She starts to eat.
Soon she finishes up and jumps down. I chase her upstairs. We get into the bathroom and I open a cupboard and find a full pack of toothbrushes. I open it and take on out. I add a little bit of toothpaste and put some water on it. I sit Rae up on the bench and brush her teeth. She spits out the paste and I give her a cup of water to rinse out her mouth. She spits it out and I help her down. She runs down the hall to the room where Kai was standing.
"Daddy! Upsies." She reaches up.
Kai picks her up and I follow them in. Kai is tucking Rae in. He sits beside her and I sit beside him.
"Mommy and Daddy love you lots sweetheart, we'll see you in the morning." Kai smiles.
"Mommy? Do you have Raffie?" Rae asks
"I'm sorry sweetheart, she must have burnt in the fire, sorry baby." I sigh
"Oh." She sighs, "Daddy can we get another plushy like Raffie tomorrow?"
"Sure RaeRae." Kai kisses her forehead.
I kiss her head then get up turning the light off. We go into Kai's room. He kisses me softly.
"I missed you so much baby." He tells me.
"I know, I missed you too." I reply
He lifts me up bridal style.
"Ahhh!" I squeal playfully
He sits me up front ways and I wrap my legs around him. He opens the bed covers and drops me onto the bed. He tucks me in and slips into the other side of the bed. I lie my head in his chest and trace circles on his shirt. We fall asleep pretty quickly.

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