Enrolled at Preschool

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1 month later
Sadi's POV:
I get up and wrap my robe around me and put on my slippers. I head down the hall and slip into Rae's room. I bend down beside her.
"Rae, sweetie wake up for mama," I shake her shoulder gently
"Hmmm?" Rae rolls over and looks at me.
"We're gonna go enrol you in preschool. Up." I gently help sit up.
She stretches and gets out of bed. I take her over to her closet and I get out a little dress and pink tights. I grab out her shoes and put them on her. She jumps and they light up. I smile. I used to wear these exact shoes. Mom and Dad kept them in good condition. I take her to the bathroom and brush her hair. I braid it and add in a bow. She hears cereal being lured downstairs and runs down. I follow and we see Kai poring her some coco pops.
"Coco pops!" Rae squeals before running to Kai, "Morning Daddy."
"Morning princess." Kai smiles and pours some milk into the bowl, "go sit on the stool."
Rae runs around and tries to climb on the stool.
"Need some help there?" I ask
"No, I be independent." She exclaims and I look at her.
"That's a big word, what does it mean?" I ask
"It means." She tells me and she pulls herself onto the stool, "that I do things on my own!"
"Good job on getting up baby girl, and that's correct, where'd you learn the big word?" I ask
"iPad." She exclaims and eats her breakfast.
I smile and get myself some toast. I quickly make a sandwich and pack some snacks in a bag for Raelynn.
"Rae, go upstairs with daddy and do your teeth please!" I call to the little girl in the lounge room.
"Okay." She runs upstairs with Kai.
I grab my coat and put it on before grabbing Rae's as she runs downstairs and I put it on her. We head out to the car. I buckle Rae in and put her bag on the floor.
"Tablet is in your bag, same with snackies and one friendsie if you need it." I exclaimed as I back out of the driveway.
"Ok mommy, are we there yet?" Rae asks
"Rae, honey, we just left." Kai exclaims, "patience."
"Sorry daddy." She apologises.
"It's ok Rae." Kai replies.
We pull up at the preschool and we get out. Kai carries in Rae, who is wearing her bag.
"Hi, is there anyway we can get my daughter, Raelynn, enrolled in this school?" I ask, "she's in preschool."
"Sure, do we have her birth certificate? Medical forms?" The clerk asks
"Yeah," I hand the forms to the clerk with a sticky note on the front of the birth certificate saying that Raelynn was the product of non consensual sex. In other words, Rape. I also hand her medical forms and the certificate that we changed Rae's last name to Carson. She nods. She gets up.
"I've got her in the system, is she okay to start today?" The clerk asks.
"Yes." Kai smiles and puts her down, "come on sweetie."
Raelynn holds his hand and we are led to a classroom. The clerk knocks on the door. A teacher comes over and opens it.
"Yes Linda?" The teacher asks
"This is a new student, her name is Raelynn Carson." Linda smiles
"Hi, Raelynn, I'm miss J, come in, mommy and Daddy and come too." She smiles
"Ok." Rae grips both of our hands.
We go in.
"Class, this is our new student. Her name is Raelynn." Miss J smiles, "say hi."
"Hi Raelynn." They all smile.
Raelynn clings to me leg, "mommy I scared."
"I know, you want friendsie?" I ask her
She nods and I unzip her bag, get out her friendsie and zip it back up. I give her the friendsie. She gently lets go.
"Hi, I'm Raelynn, everyone calls me Rae." Raelynn exclaims quietly.
"Rae, do you want to sit next to me?" A little girl calls.
"Okay." Rad heads over.
"Who's that?" I ask the teacher
"That's Michelle Regan." The teacher replies.
"Regan? Is her mother Delilah?" I ask
"Uh yes why?" Miss J asks
"I was best friends with her in school, till I went missing but I haven't seen her in forever!" I exclaim.
"You can probably see her later today. Come get Raelynn at 230." Miss J smiles
"Alright." We slip out of the room.
We head to the car and I drive to Med.
"I'll see you tonight at 10?" Kai asks
"Yeah, I'll come get you, Janey already said she'll pop in at ours to keep an eye on Rae for the 15 minutes." I smile
"Ok." He leans over and kisses me, "love you."
"Love you too." I kiss him back.
He gets out and heads in to Med for his shift. I drive home. I clean the house and chill till two before getting in the car and driving to the school. I get out and start to walk towards the preschool area. I get there just as I see the little girl, Michelle, run to a woman.
"Mommy." Michelle smiles
"Hey Chelle." The woman smiles
Miss J walks over and hands the woman a bag before seeing me and points to me, speaking. The woman turns. I walk over.
"Sadi?" She asks
"Delilah?" I ask
"Sadi!" She hugs me.
"Del." I smile, "oh it's been forever."
"I know." She let's me go.
"Mommmmmmyyyyyy!" Rae runs to me.
"Hey Rae." I hug her, "how was your first day?"
"It was good. Michelle played with me the whole day." Rae smiles
"That's great." I smile and lift her up as she reaches up.
"Sadi? Who's this?" Del asks
"This is my daughter Raelynn. It was her first day today, I've only been back home for a month. But uh, she started today and apparently, Michelle here, made her feel really welcome and played with her." I smile
"She's cute. And I'm proud of you for helping out Raelynn, Michelle." Delilah looks down at her daughter,
"It's ok. She was new." Michelle smiles
"Mommy? Where's daddy?" Rae asks
"He's working. And mommy starts working next week when you come back to preschool after the weekend." I tell her, "and you get to stay with Gamma and Gampa at 51 or with Auntie Layla."
"Ok." She smiles
"Who's her dad?" Del asks
"Uhhh, Rae, go play with Michelle on the playground for a little bit." I put Rae down
"Ok." The little girls run off.
"She's, she's the product of R, r, r, rape." I exclaim, crying a little.
"Oh Sades." Del hugs me, "then who's daddy?"
"Oh, you'll like this one, Makai Carson!" I exclaim, laughing and showing her my ring, "we've been engaged a month. He apparently has been going to 51 for the whole six years I was missing. Does Chelle have a dad?"
"No way! He's a keeper. He's so dedicated. He was wrecked when you were gone." Del exclaims, "and Chelle doesn't have a dad. I adopted her a year ago."
"Oh, she looks just like you." I smile
"Cause she is mine." Del exclaims, "I went to a party and had sex with a rando but I was only young and had to give her away, but no one wanted her so she was bounced around from house to house but I found her again."
"That's great, well, oh and Kai is a surgeon at med and I start next week as a paediatric doctor." I exclaim, "I'm gonna take this monster home. God, I still gotta figure out how to tell Kai he's gonna have two other kids running around, and Rae she's gonna be a big sister."
"Wait your pregnant?" She asks
"1 month, twins." I smile
"Aww." She hugs me, "I should get Chelle home too!"
"Raelynn. Come on sweetie." I call as we exchange numbers.
Rae runs over with Michelle, "ok. Bye bye Michelle."
"Bye bye Rae." Michelle smiles and I hold Rae's hand as we walk up the hill out of the school. I look down the path and see kids leaving the high school. I see Layla walking hand in hand with a girl. I see them turn and kiss. Layla leaves the girl and starts to walk down towards us, unaware I just saw that.
"Auntie Layla!" Rae runs toward her.
"Raelynn!" Layla hugs her and walks her down towards me, "hey Sis."
"Hey, want me to drop you to 51?" I ask
"Sure, it beats walking and getting on the sweaty stinky bus." Layla smiles.
We get in and Layla buckled in Raelynn. Raelynn watches the iPad. I get Layla's attention.
"Lay, who was that girl?" I ask, "the one with blonde hair?" I ask
"Uhhh, she's just a friend?" Layla exclaims
"Really, you hold hands and kiss your friends. Look, Layla, I have nothing! And I mean nothing against Homosexuality. Same with mom and dad." I exclaim
"How do you know?" She asks, crying a little
"Because I'm Bisexual." I exclaim.
"And mom and dad know?" She asks
"Yeah lay they do. I'll help you tell them today k?" I ask as we pull up at 51.
"We go see Gamma and Gampa? Rae asks
"Yes Rae." I reply, getting out.
I open Layla's door. She gets out and I hug her. I let go of her and wipe her face.
"You got this." I hold her arms and run my hands up and down.
I get Rae out and we head across the road. We head up and everyone is in the common room.
"Gamma!" Rae runs for Mom
"Hey Rae." Mom lifts her up, "how was your first day of preschool?"
It was good. We saw auntie Layla after." Rae points at us.
I have my arm wrapped around Layla who is still a little upset.
"Oh Lay, sweetie, what's up?" Mom comes over.
"I need, need to talk to you and Daddy." Layla exclaims
"Ok, Rae go to uncle Chris." Rae gives Raelynn to Hermann.
"Hey Munchkin," Hermann takes Rae and then Mom takes us to the bunk room and into Dad's office. Dad looks up and sees Lay upset and immediately puts his pen down and turns around to face the bed. I sit on the bed and let lay sit beside me. Mom sits on the one seater couch and dad sits on his desk chair.
"What's up Layla?" Dad asks
"Layla wants to tell you guys something." I gently exclaim
"Uhhh, yeah, umm, i'mm, I'm, I'm lesbian." Layla starts to cry, "please don't hate me."
"Hey, hey, hey," dad stands and lifts Layla up and sit's on his lap as he sits on the bed, "we could never hate you. We don't care if your lesbian, as long as your happy."
"Ok." Layla cuddles against him, "and I've got a girlfriend, Christine Shay."
"That's ok, we're not gonna get mad at you cause we don't want to lose you like we did Sades, we're sorry we did that Sadi." Mom smiles
"It's ok Mom and Dad." I smile, "let's focus on Lay."
"Did you say Shay?" Dad asks
"Yeah, why?" Layla asks
"Don't think of this as weird but what's her mother name?" Dad asks
"Uhh, I think one is Leslie and the other one is Jaqui. Her parents are lesbian." She replies.
"Shit." Dad let's Layla get up before leaving the room.
"What's that all about?" I ask
"I think I know." Mom quickly leaves.

Stella's POV:
I find Kelly outside, leaning against a wall.
"Kell, what's up?" I ask
"You remember my best friend I talked about. The one who I thought was dead?" He replies
"Yeah shay?" I reply
"Her name was Leslie Shay!" Kelly exclaims.
"Let's talk to Layla, see if we can get Christine's parents over tomorrow night, it's a Friday." I exclaimed
"Ok." Kelly sighs and we head in.
We go back to his quarters and sit down.
"Could we see if Christine might want to come over with her parents for dinner tomorrow night?" I ask
"Can Sadi, Rae and Kai join too?" Layla asks
"Sure, if your not busy?" I look at Sadi
"No we're free." Said replies, "anyway, I'm gonna take Raelynn home."
She checks her phone, "yeah, it's late."
I check the time. 5pm.
"Jeez, see you tomorrow." I smile
"Yeah Bye mom, Bye dad, Bye Lay." She leaves.

Sadi's POV:
I head out and see Raelynn asleep on Hermann. I smile and lift her off him.
"Bye everyone." I murmur
"Bye." They reply quietly.
I carry her out to the car and buckle her into her car seat. I drive us home. I lift her out as she wakes up.
"We home?" She asks
"Yeah honey," I murmur, "we'll get you showered, in your PJ's get you dinner then to bed ok?"
"Okay." She replies as I carry her in.
I put her bag on the hook and put her down to take our coats off. She reaches up and i carry her upstairs to the bathroom. I take off her preschool clothes and run the bath. I take out her hair and brush it. I help her in the bath and she cleans herself. I lift her out and pull the plug. It drains and I dry her off. I braid her wet hair, so it dries wavy. I take her to her room and get her in her pj's. I take her downstairs.
"Toastie?" I ask
"Cheese." She replies and lays her head on the bench.
I cook it and give it to her. I eat mine as she finishes hers. I put the plates in the sink and take her upstairs and brush her teeth. I tuck her into bed.
"Sweet dreams baby. I'll see you when you wake up." I kiss her head.
She rolls over and I head out. I wash up and sit down on the couch and watch tv. At 945, I get ready to go get Kai when I hear a scream. I run upstairs. I go to Rae's room. I see Raelynn tossing and turning in her sleep, screaming.
"Rae, Raelynn, wake up sweetie." I shake her shoulder
She burst awake in tears and I lift her into my arms. She cuddles me. The doorbell rings
"I've got to go get daddy, do you want to come or stay here with Janey?" I ask
"You." She murmurs.
I walk downstairs and open the door. Janey is standing there.
"Sorry, but she's had a bad dream, she's gonna come with me to get Makai." I exclaim
"It's ok, I'll head home, hope she's ok." Janey turns around and leaves.
I head down to the car and buckle in Raelynn. I hop in and drive to Med. I see Kai walking over. He hops in. He sees Raelynn awake in her car seat.
"Why.." he starts.
"Bad dream." I exclaim.
He nods and I drive us home. I lift Raelynn out and take her up to her room.
"Nooo!" She cries
"Ok," I sigh, "you can stay with mommy and daddy."
I take her down to our room and lay her in the bed. Me and Kai change in the other room and get into bed with Rae. We fall asleep.

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