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The next day

Raelynn's POV:
I open my eyes and sit up. I slide out of my bed and hold my blankie in my hand. I open my door and go down the hallway. I see a door open a tiny bit and see Mommy and Daddy asleep. I walk in and go beside daddy. I see a window and it's very bright outside. I boop daddy's shoulder,
"Daddy?" I ask
"Hey Rae." Daddy opens his eyes, "how'd you sleep."
"Good, cwuddles?" I ask
"Ok." He lifts me up and I go under the covers and lie my head on his chest.
I fall back asleep.

Kai's POV:
I look down to see Rae asleep on my chest. Sadi wakes up.
"Morning KaiKai." She smiles
"Hey Sades." I whisper, pointing down at the sleeping kid on my chest, "she came in and wanted to cuddle. I let her lie on my chest and she fell back asleep."
"She's never done that with me at all. And we cuddle like every morning." Said sits up.
"Well maybe she just wanted Daddy Cuddles." I smile
She leans down and kisses me. I shake Rae's shoulder. She sits up.
"Morning," she mumbles.
"Morning Raebear," Sadi replies, "you've got to have a shower, you still have ash on your clothes and in your hair."
"Is there a bath?" She asks
"Yeah, I'll show you." I exclaim as we get up.
I carry Rae down the hall and Sadi runs the bath. I help Rae get her clothes off and Sadi helps her into the bath. I head into the guest room and get some of my nieces spare clothes for Rae. I head back in. Sadi is getting Rae out of the bath. She dries her off and I help get Rae dressed. Sadi does her hair and i go get dressed in my room. I head downstairs and get breakfast ready. Sadi and Rae come downstairs. I serve up Breakfast. We all sit down and eat before getting coats and shoes on.
"We ready to go?" I ask
"Yes Daddy!" Rae smiles.
I take her out to the car and buckle her in as Sadi hops in the front. I get in and drive us to the mall. I get there and look back to see Raelynn asleep.
"I've got a stroller in the boot," I tell Sadi, "let her sleep."
"Ok." She leans over and kisses me.
We get out and I grab the stroller from the boot. I go around to Rae's door and lift her out into the stroller. I push her from the handlebar whilst holding Sadi's hand. We walk last forever 21.
"Please can we go in here?" Said asks
"Okay." I sigh playfully
She runs ahead and I push Raelynn. I find Sadi at a shirts rack. She shows me some shirts. Some are cropped, some are full length, others oversized.
"Try em on." I smile
She runs over to the change rooms. I rock Rae back and forth in the stroller. She starts crying.
"No, no no no!." She cries.
I jump up and bend down beside her. She is tossing and turning in the stroller. I shake her shoulder.
"Raelynn, wake up sweetie." I whisper.
She opens her eyes and reaches for me. I unbuckle her and lift her up. I sway gently. She calms down but clings to me. Sadi comes out in the first shirt.
"Very nice." I smile

~~~~1 hour later~~~~
We have finally finished at forever 21 and we keep moving till we pass a shop that Raelynn wants to go in. We walk around and Rae finds her clothes. We then head to a shop where we can get her new bed, dresser, toys and all of that. We stop for a snack at a small cafe with a play area. I quickly head to the bathroom. I am walking back.
"Makai." I hear someone call
I turn and see my sister and my niece.
"Uncle Kai." Lyla runs for me
"Lyla." I smile and hug the six year old, "Hey little one."
"Kai, whatcha doing here?" Jordyn asks
"Dadddyyyyyyyy!" I see Rae running for me just as Lyla goes back to jordyn.
"Yes Rae?" I ask
"Mommy said that our snackies are here." Rae tells me, "upsies?"
"Ok Rae." I lift her up and sit her on my hip.
"Uhhhh, Makai? Who's this?" Jordyn asks
"Oh, Jordy, this is my daughter, Raelynn." I smile, "my fiancée's kid."
"Fian- Fiancee!? Since when?" Jordyn asks
"Yeah, Sadi's waiting, if you want to come meet her, come on." I exclaim
"Wait, Sadi, as in Sadi Severide?" Jordyn asks
"Uh yeah." I reply.
"Of course I'm gonna come say hi." She smiles
I shrug and we walk over. Sadi looks up.
"Bout time KaiKai." She smiles before seeing Jordyn.
"Jord?" She asks
"Sades." Jordyn smiled and Sadi jumps up and they hug.
"Ummmm, am I missing something?" I ask
"Nothing little bro, Sadi was my best friend did you not know this?" Jordyn smiles
"Nope." I reply, "join us, Lyla, this is your cousin Raelynn. Why don't you go play?"
I bend down to the kids' hieghts.
"Yes." Lyla grabs Raelynn's hand and they run off.
We sit down.
"So Sadi, a little girl." Jordyn smiles
"Yeah, Raelynn Layla Jye Severide." Sadi replies, eating a chip.
We finish eating and call the kids over.
"Lyla, Rae. Come on." I call
They run over.
"Say bye bye." I tell them.
"Bye Lyla." Rae hugs Lyla.
"Bye Raelynn." Lyla hugs Rae.
"Bye Raelynn." Jordyn smiles
"Bye Auntie Jordyn." Rae hugs her.
Rae runs over to me and reaches up. I sigh and lift her up.
"Home," rae mumbles.
"Ok, Sadi, your ready to head home?" I ask
"Yeah." Sadi smiles and pushes the trolley.
I push the stroller and carry Rae on my hip. We get out to the car and I get Rae into her car seat.
"Can I watch Peppa pig?" She asks
"Okay." I set up the iPad in the holder.
I then close her door and help Sadi get the bags and boxes in the boot. We then close the boot and hop in. As I drive i see Sadi on her phone.
"Whatcha looking at honey?" I ask
"Openings for a pediatric doctor." She replies.
"I'll get you a position at Med. It's where I work. Surgeon. Paediatric and general." I reply.
"Oh so your doctor Carson." She smiles and leans over to kiss me.
"That I am." I kiss her back.
I pull up in the driveway. I help Sadi take everything inside as Rae goes down for a nap. We go into the empty guest room and I start by tarping the carpet and bringing in the baby pink paint. I paint the walls with Sadi and she puts paint on my nose.
"Heyyyyyyy!" I exclaim and put paint on her nose.
We finish painting the room and let it dry whilst we start to build the furniture. We move the furniture in and hang up the clothes and put them away and make the bed with the plushies. We start to hang up Sadi's clothes. We stop as we hear a scream.
"Ahhhhhhh!" We hear a scream form down the hall.
We drop everything and run down to where Rae is sleeping. We get into the room and Rae is sitting up crying.
"Rae, what happened honey?" Said rushes to her daughters side.
"Bad dweam. The fire happened but you and daddy didn't make it out." She cries
"Oh sweetie." Sadi lifts her up and paces softly, singing, "shhhh! Shhhh! Shhhh! It's ok, your alright, we're right here. Everything is fine."
Rae calms down. I smile.
"Want to come see your new room?" I ask
"Yay!" She smiles
Sadi takes her down and I follow. I open the door and Rae goes in.
"Woowwwwwwww!" She smiles and runs over to her bed.
She climbs up and looks at all the plushies. She is very happy.
"Want to help us put mommy's clothes away?" I ask
"Yeah!" Rae jumps off her bed and we head down to our room. We get everything put away before heading to the backyard. Me and Sadi set up the trampoline then Rae goes on it and we set up the rest of the equipment. We sit back on the deck as Raelynn plays around. we head to bed later on after a big day.

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